Marco Polo inspired Christopher Columbus to go on his voyages to explore the world. Marco Polo states that in the Mongolian culture men can marry their mother, tell women what to do, and they live off milk and meat (The Travels of Marco Polo). Polo portrays the Mongols as intelligent, yet dismissing the fact that they are slightly original ideals. On the other hand, Christopher Columbus discovered the Caribbean Islands and what he thought was Asia but was America. According to the Voyage of Christopher Columbus, upon arrival, both sexes were naked and afraid as they stood in front of them. When Columbus arrived, he claimed all land for Spain and set up permanent settlements. He made sure the Indians converted to Christianity and forced slaves back to Europe to work in mines and on houses. Columbus enforced God, Glory, and Gold onto the native Americans because that is what he believed would be right for the …show more content…
Europeans needed slaves, so they took advantage of the Indians and forced them to be their slaves. When they found Indians, they could use to build and sell things, they captured and solved them as slaves. Also, new trade routes were discovered when the connection between Europe and the Americas happened. The Europeans introduced trade goods to Indians which interested them into using them in their everyday lives. Another important aspect to the Europeans, was the spread of religion because the Indians would be the first people they could introduce it to. As soon as they discovered the Indians, they made a significant push towards Christianity and what it had to offer. “The Indians might become Christians and inclined to love our king, queen, princes, and all the people of Spain, and they may be eager to search for, gather, and give to us what they abound in and that we greatly need (Christopher