(1) Conquest and trade are vehicles for shifting the powers between civilizations, exploration of new lands and the transfer of ideas, cultures, technologies, and disease. The results of continual conquest and expanding trade from 1300 to 1750 CE in Afro-Eurasia facilitated an increase in interconnection within its own borders as well as becoming a global market once sustained contact with the Americas was achieved.
Mongol’s massive conquest over much of Afro-Eurasia, in the late 1200s to early 1300s, would lead the way to politically unifying a majority of overland and sea trade routes within Afro-Eurasia. The Mongols were able to fortify existing trade routes, push Chinese technology that helped all around with sea …show more content…
Not unlike in other time periods, trade helped expand on growing technologies such as the magnetic compass from China and shipbuilding in China, the Atlantic, and Arabia during the tenth century CE. Thus, resulted in an increase in sea trade. The increase in the preference of sea trade over land trade would lead to the eventual creation of a global market by making it more efficient to put goods on ships, not only in and around Afro-Eurasia but also once contact was made with the Americas. Sea trade also made it easier for the transfer of religions and ideas that allowed for religious missionaries to reach more people over longer distances such as, Christianity for the Europeans around Afro-Eurasia and eventually the Americas and Islam for the Ottomans around AfroEurasia. These two major religions cause a clash between Ottomans and Christian Europeans and would force the Europeans to find alternate trade routes that increased trade with Africa, India, and China. Subsequently, in order to do business with Africa, India, and China, it required lots of silver. After exhausting silver resources located in Japan and Africa, the Europeans looked to the New World for more silver. These increasingly connected trade routes had a negative externality, as I stated previously. The ever expanding trade routes were the perfect vehicles for spreading …show more content…
During the thirteenth through eighteenth centuries, this would increase the preference for maritime travel as a more efficient way for civilizations to disperse their goods, people, and cultures over longer distances.
Over the course of four hundred and fifty years, the amount of intercontinental affiliation in the world at this time increased to levels that had not been reached before. There were goods crossing the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. The Columbian Exchange was developed from the demand for goods from the Americas which resulted in the addition of new dietary options for both Afro-Eurasia and the Americas, transfers of deadly pathogens to the Americas, and the transfer of precious metals from the Americas to Afro-Eurasia. Eventually, the Dutch East India Company and Virginia Company would also take advantage of the new good available in the Americas. The increase in the demand for Amerindian or African slave labor, for work in Caribbeans and Americas, resulted in the Atlantic System of trade. Unfortunately, the slave trade had a negative effect on the working population of Africa. The working population in Africa would be depleted and Africa would become economically stressed as a