1000 CE the vikings made the risky journey to Greenland and North America from Scandinavia and only until they made technological advance did they feel comfortable dominating the land.
Muslims traders made early connections with Southern and Eastern Asia and Marco Polo’s experience even preceded theirs’.
The spice lands were known for their international contributions and China, India and Africa were known for giving Europe most of their luxury items.
The old sea route to the east was lost and the Europeans were forced to find a new more direct passage.
Overseas Empires and Their Effects
Portuguese Pioneers
Prince Henry the Navigator initiated journeys that lead down the coast of Africa in search of gold …show more content…
Ferdinand Magellan and his ships, under the Spanish empire, were the very first to circumnavigate the world.
The Spanish were motivated by their desire to convert non Christians, their lust for wealth and power, and their desire to have societal status. The Portuguese focused on quick profits and the Spanish, although they were interested in profits, stayed at their foreign posts.
Middle and South America were colonized by many Spanish immigrants who hoped to find the city of gold and silver.
The African Slave Trade Opens
In the fifteenth century the Portuguese had the idea of selling Africans to Europeans as house slaves to turn a profit.
Once the slaves were sent across the Atlantic, the slave trade picked up and became more extensive.
Mestizos were the children of Amerindians and whites, while mulattos were the children of whites and Africans.
Dutch and English Merchant-Adventures
The Netherlands gained independence in the sixteenth century and became competitors in the race for trade.
The Dutch wanted a monopoly and their goal was to Aguirre large amounts of wealth through …show more content…
The royal government constantly intervened to ensure that the process would work and that ensure their advantages.
Colonial policy stated that the only legal goods that could be imported where those from the home country.
The Columbian Exchange
The Colombian exchange was a result of the Europeans coming into contact with the new world.
The European and American inhabitants both had a significant effect on each other and their environment.
Through American literature the Europeans learned that the Christian moral code was one of many and that numerous forms of education and viewpoints regarding tradition.
Crops, like sugarcane, that were familiar to the Europeans but did not pro paper well seemed to thrive better on American soil.
Contact with the Mexican allowed the European to put more coins into circulation because they came into contact with more silver and ores.
Foreign suppliers received Spanish gold and silver, rather than domestic investments or businesses.
European Impacts and Vice Versa
Portuguese and other dominating powers had little impact on lives of those residing on the interior of the African