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97 Cards in this Set

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The Republic Act 1425, also known as the Rizal Law, was passed in to law on [...].

June 12, 1956

It is an act "to include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo."

RA 1425 (Rizal Law)

The Rizal Bill was filed by [...].

Senate Committee on Education

Main proponent of RA 1425

Sen. Claro M. Recto

Sponsor/co-author of RA 1425

Sen. Jose P. Laurel, Sr.

The Philippine president who signed the Rizal Law.

Pres. Ramon Magsaysay

The first governor-general of the Philippines under the Bourbon reign.

Jose V. Basco

A trade route established in 1565 between Manila in the Philippines and Acapulco in Mexico, during the Spanish colonization period.

Galleon Trade/Manila-Acapulco Trade

The Suez Canal opened on [...].

November 17, 1869

The construction of the Suez Canal was initiated by an agreement known as the [...].

Concession of Said

The Concession of Said was signed on [...].

November 30, 1854

The key figures who initiated the agreement for the construction of the Suez Canal?

Said Pasha, and Ferdinand de Lesseps

Pure-blooded Spaniard born in Spain


Pure-blooded Spaniard born in the Philippines


One parent is Spanish, the other is native

Spanish Mestizo

One parent is Chinese, the other is native

Chinese Mestizo

Wealthy, pure-blooded native professedly kadatoan descendant


Pure-blooded native of the Philippines


Non-Catholic, pure-blooded Chinese


Leaseholders of friar-owned agricultural lands in the Philippines who hired natives to cultivate the land in their stead for shares.


An agreement of land sale that guaranteed the farmer to buy the land back at a value equivalent to when it was sold.

Pacto de retroventa

The governor general who mandated people to take on surnames.

Narciso Claveria

One’s love for their country.


One’s love for their country to the point that they are willing to offer their life for it.


Argued that Rizal's novels contain passages that are clear violation of separation of Church and State.

Catholic Bishops Conference in the Philippines

Aims to re-dedicate the ideals freedom and nationalism.

Claro M. Recto

Rule of the friars.


- replaced the tributo in 1884.

- a certificate identifying the taxpayer.


A tax consisting of 1/10 of one’s land.

Diezmos Prediales/Tithes

Worker of Polo y Servicio were called...


A ticket worth ₱250.00.


- established by the government in 1781.

- farmers had to produce a certain amount of tobacco (quota).

Tobacco Monopoly

The Tobacco Monopoly was removed by [...] in 1881

King Alfonso XII

Spanish colonizers were granted the right to demand tribute and labor from the indigenous people living in the areas they controlled.

Encomienda System

An encomienda owned by the King of Spain.

Royal Encomienda

An encomienda owned by private individuals.

Private Encomienda

A charitable foundation which later became a banking institution run by friars.

Obras Pias

First government bank in the Philippines established in 1851.

Banco Español-Filipino de Isabel III

Banco Español-Filipino de Isabel III is now called...

BPI - Bank of the Philippine Islands

Mandates the use of Spanish surnames among Filipinos to facilitate census, taxation, and administration

Claveria Decree of 1849

Claveria Decree of 1849 was issued on...

November 21, 1849

Dr. Jose Rizal's full name.

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

Rizal mastered the alphabet at the age of...


Rizal was by baptized by...

Fr. Rufino Collantes

Came from the Spanish word "racial" which means the "green young growth".


First foreign book read by Rizal.

The Count of Monte Cristo

Rizal was baptized on...

June 22, 1861

Rizal was born on...

June 19, 1861

Rizal's birthplace

Calamba, Laguna

Rizal could read and write at the age of...


A poem written by Rizal when he was 8 years old.

Sa Aking mga Kababata

Animal pets of Rizal

Usman (big, black dog), and Alipato (a pony)

Rizal founded La Liga Filipina on...

July 3, 1892

Rizal's Sibling (in order)

Saturnina, Paciano, Narcisa, Olympia, Lucia, Maria, Concepcion, Josefa, Trinidad, Soledad

Written to express Rizal’s love and appreciation for the place of Calamba.

Un Recuerdo A MiPueblo (In Memory of MyTown)

Tutored Rizal in Spanish and Latin; former classmate of Don Francisco.

Leon Monroy

Rizal's second private tutor.

Maestro Lucas Padua

Rizal's first private tutor.

Maestro Celestino

The place where Rizal had his primary education.


Advised Jose’s parents that he be sent to Manila to pursue higher education.

Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz

- An excellent school for boys.

- Jose’s admission was initially denied.

Ateneo de Municipal

Rizal was admitted in Ateneo because of the intervention of...

Manuel Xeres Burgos

Jose’s admission was initially denied because...

- late for registration

- short, frail, and sickly

The method of instruction of Ateneo.

Ratio Studiorum

Refers to the boarding students of Ateneo.

Roman Empire

Refers to the non-boarding students of Ateneo.

Carthaginian Empire

Each empire in Ateneo has 5 dignitaries...






- best professor; Rizal’s favorite.

- model of decency, solitude and love for the student.

Francisco Paula de Sanchez

- a man with mood swings.

- a bit lunatic with a sporadic sense of humor.

Jose Bech

In 1879, Rizal joined in [...] and submitted his poem A La Juventud Filipina.


Rizal's poem that won first place.

A La Juventud Filipina

Rizal's allegorical drama that won first place.

El Consejo de los Dioses (The Council of the Gods)

On November 3, 1882, he enrolled in courses Medicine, and Philosophy and Letters in...

Universidad Central de Madrid

Rizal was awarded with the Degree of Licentiate in Medicine on...

June 1884

Jose Rizal came up with this beautiful poem vis-á-vis his tranquil life in Dapitan upon the request of Doña Teodora.

Mi Retiro (My Retreat)

This untitled poem is considered as the most celebrated poem by Rizal.

Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last Farewell)

In this essay, Rizal extended his call for the love of country to his fellow compatriots in Spain.

El Amor Patrio (The Love of Country)

A poem in tribute to Ateneo’s rector.

Al M.R.P.Pablo Ramon

- Rizal's first love

- referred to as “Miss L”

Segunda Katigbak

- known as “Orang”

- Rizal wrote love letters in invisible ink

- Rizal’s girl bestfriend

Leonor Valenzuela

- referred to as “Taimis” byRizal

- longest love relation of Rizal

- inspiration for “Maria Clara”

- Rizal’s cousin from Camiling, Tarlac

Leonor Rivera

Antonio Rivera’s “Casa Tomasina”

Leonor Rivera

- daughter of a Gobernadorcillo of Manila.

- Rizal was still engaged with Leonor Rivera during their affair.

Consuelo Ortiga

- “O-Sei-San”

- daughter of a samurai

- improved Nihonggo of Rizal

- his 45 days in Japan was one of the happiest period of his life.

Seiko Usui

- “Gettie"

- daughter of a landlord in London

Gertrude Beckett

- “Nellie”

- an emotional rebound of Rizal

- love triangle with Antonio Luna

Nellie Boustead

Reasons for Rizal's failed marriage proposal for Nellie.

- Nellie demanded that he give up his Catholic faith and convert to Protestantism.

- Nelly’s mother did not approve of Rizal.

- “Dulce Estrangera”

- adoptive daughter of George Taufer from Hongkong

- Rizal's common law wife

Josephine Bracken

Rizal invented a wooden cigarette lighter called...


Rizal was imprisoned on [...] at Fort Santiago.

November 3, 1896

Rizal’s lawyer

Lt. Luis Traviel de Andrade

He signed the decision of the court martial to execute Rizal on December 30, 1896, 7:00 AM in Bagumbayan.

Gov. Gen. Camilo de Polavieja

His trial took place on [...] in a military court and was charged of rebellion.

December 26, 1896

Rizal said to [...] that he has already forgiven his enemies including those who have wanted him dead.

Captain Dominguez

Rizal gave the [...] as a gift to his wife, Josephine.

Imitacion de Cristo

Rizal was buried in...

Paco Cemetery

The last two words of Rizal.

“Consummatum Est!” which means “It is finished!”