According to Guerrero, the Filipinos had a Jose Rizal as we know of him today, because he was brought up in privileged circumstances and a nurturing family. These privileges shaped our hero into becoming ‘the very embodiment of the intelligentsia and the petite bourgeoisie.’ Guerrero also adds that even if Rizal was born in different circumstances such as in poverty, he still would have made a name and probably would have been the next Bonifacio of his time. But, nurtured in a much fortunate conditions, Rizal grew up to be a bourgeois idealist, putting his faith in reason and belief in the inevitability of progress. And like any proper Victorian, Rizal would preferred assimilation over separatism, or simply reform over …show more content…
In spite of this, Guerrero observed Rizal to be a politician without ambition. This was given light with Guerrero’s compilation of M.H del Pilar’s letters brother-in-law and the exchange of letters between M.H del Pilar and Rizal. For Guerrero, the clash of misunderstanding between M.H del Pilar and Rizal seems almost childish for two intellectual people. However if Guerrero is to choose who would be the greater leader between the two, he will choose M.H del Pilar because Guerrero saw that Rizal was too sensitive to trivial things done to him or to his family, yet insensitive to the feelings of others such as his compatriots in La Solidaridad; Rizal was ambitious as he low-key assumed that people would elect him as the leader because of his merits and his readiness to serve however, his ambition was not enough for Guerrero because the slight hint of opposition and humiliation was enough to anger and agitate Rizal. But of course, these views were formed while Rizal was writing for the Soli, Rizal’s political views remained even after he stopped writing for the Soli. In addtition, Guerrero had an outlook on what might have transpired if the policy of the ilustrados had succeeded. It was revealed that Rizal sought to be representative for the Philippines in the Spanish parliament. As reported by Governor Carnicero while Rizal was in