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30 Cards in this Set

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the purpose of close order drill
move his unit from one place to another in a standard orderly manner,

provide simple formations from which combat combat can easily be assumed

teach discipline

increase the confidence of junior officers

give marines an opportunity to handle weapons
an individual squad, section, platoon, company, or other unit which is part of a larger unit
an arrangement of elements on line, in column, or any other perscribed manner
a formation in which the elements are abreast, except that a section or platoon is in line when its squads are in line and one behind the other
a line of marines or vehicles placed side by side
a formation in which elements are placed one behind the other, except that a section or platoon is in colmumn when its squads are in column and abreast of each other
a single column of marines one behind the other
the right or left extremity of a unit either on line or in column. the element on the extreme right or left of the line. a direction at a right angle to the direction an element of a formation is facing
the lateral space between elements on the same line. measured from shoulder to shoulder
normal interval
one arm's length
close interval
the horizontal distance between the shoulder and elbow when hand is placed on the left hip
the dressing of several elements on a straight line
the indivual (base) upon whom a formation, or other elements, thereof regulates its march
the middle element of a formation with an odd number of elements, or the left center element of a formation with an even number of elements.
the length of a full step at quick time, which is 30 inches and is measured from the back of one heel to the back of the other heel
the distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching man.
half step
15 inches
back step
15 inches
right and left
12 inches
quick step
30 inches
double time
36 inches
cadence( slow time, quick time, and double time)
a rythmic rate of march at a uniform step
voice control
controlled by opening the throat, using the mouth to shape the words and diaphragm to control volume
preparatory command
indicates movement to be executed
command of execution
indicates when a movement is to be executed
marine corps color guard
left rifleman
marine corps color bearer
national color bearer
right rifleman
navy-marine corps color guard
left rifleman (navy)
navy color
marine corps color
national color (marine)
right rifleman (marine
joint armed forces color guard
left rifleman (marine)
coast guard color
air force color
navy color
marine corps color
army color
national color (army)
right rifleman (army)
wet down
party thrown by a newly promoted staff NCO or officer to celebrate his new rank
hail and farewell
serves the purpose of introducing new SNCO and their spouses who have arrived since the last hail and farewell