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70 Cards in this Set

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IMHA breed cocker spaniel

IMHA typically has a normocytic normochromic regenerative anemia and the classic findings seen are autoagglutination and spherocytes.

Emergency drug used in IMTP to increase the function of functional platelets


Anemia in IMTP

Normocytic normochromic

Rx of severe stenosis which can't be treated by baloon valvuloplasty

Surgical valvulotomy

Patch grafting

Giardia anatomy that I know belongs to

It's trophozoite. Cyst is the infective stage tho

Giardia vs tritrichomonas

Trichomonas has an undulating membrane and 3-5 anterior flagella

Lifespan of neutrophils rbc

5-9 hours

Eosinophils 30 min

Rbc 110 days dog, 80 cats, 150 horses

Green color lochia in dogs


Stages of partition in dogs

Stage 1 : subclinical uterine contraction and cervix dilates 6-13 hrs can be upto 36

Stage 2- 6-12 hrs , upto 36

Puppies delivered at 30-1 hr intervals with foetal membranes passing in between

Stage 3 : foetal membranes


Ascending aorta

Remember the co2 sensing cells in aorta

4mp dose

4-MP is given to dogs IV over a 36-hour period. The initial dose is 20 mg/kg (slow IV over 15-30 minutes), then 15mg/kg (slow IV) at 12 and 24 hours, and then 5mg/kg is given at 36 hours. 4-MP is not effective in cats.

In DLE are joints affected


X ray fetal skeleton can be seen in

45 days in dogs

35 in cats

Hernia in dogs due to

Failure of rectus abdominis closure

Menace reflex

Cn 2, brain, face

Dazzle cn2 brain

Fire co inhalation rx

100 percent 02

Decreases carboxyhemoglobin half life

Pustules in mange

Mostly only in derma

Rx for feline plasma cell pododermatitis

10 weeks of doxy

In fungal pyothorax caused by actinomyces nocardia, what kind of cells will be seen

Non degenerate neutrophils.

Degenerate neutrophils in bacterial.

Lavage done by isotonic RL

Side effects of enroflox, metoclopromide and metro in cats


Head bobbing

Neurologic symptoms

Trench fever caused by

Bartonella quintana

Bartonella endocarditis in dogs

B vinsonii

Pyrantel used to treat

Hook and round worms

Cryptococcus latex antigen test titre

Serum 1:10000

Csf 1:100

Large capsules in crypto - remember

Eosinophilic granuloma complex ddx

Collagenolytic granuloma - the picture I know. Mouth sometimes thighs

Eosinophilic plaque - abdomen and medial thigh - resembles military dermatitis - cobblestone appearance - pruritic

Eosinophilic ulcer - upper lip - central yellow/pink and circumference raised

Cholangiohepatitis vs hepatic lipidosis

Ggt and alp increase cholangio

Only alp in hepatic lipido

Rx for gnathostoma?


Most common tapeworm in cat

Taenia taeniformis and THEN dipillodium

F florouracil toxicity in cats

Neuro toxic

Some blah about cat tpli test

Epi occurs if 90% function gone

<8 ug/L trypsinogen level is diagnostic in serum

Blood parasites

Analplasma - morula in cytoplasm of neutrophils

Babesia - prioplasms in erythrocytes

Cytauxzooan felis - rbc - atavaqone/Azithromycin

Mycoplasma hemofelis - periphery of rbc - cocci, rod or rings

Howel jelly vs mycoplasma - howel on top of rbc

Rx of cytauxzoan

Atovaqone + azithromycin

Cat microsporum canis rx

Oral plus topical antifungal

Brodifacoum vs bromethaline rx

Vit k 30 days

Mannitol/ promote venous return

Feline hyperthyroidism signs

Increased bp leads to increased renal excretion so can mask azotemia levels.

Liver values are typically increased but do suspect the underlying hepatic reason is more than 500

Eosinophilic granuloma

Liner granuloma on thigh, not pruritic

Can regress in 3-5 months. Due to hypersensitivity

Arginine deficiency in cats cause

Arginine - ornithine - binds to ammonia

Hepatic encephalopathy

Lesion on the nose of cat differential

Cryptococcus - proliferative (Roman nose) + uveitis? Eye involvement

Scc - white cat and ulceration

Cats oestrous

Heat - then ovulation if induced.

Without male, will get into heat again in around 3 weeks

If ovulation induced, all hormonal process happens like pseudopregnancy, without pseudopregnancy, for 50 days

Pyrethrin seizures and tremors rx

If tremors methacarbomol to relax

If active seizures valium, Phenobarbital etc

Cat deworming begin at

2 weeks to 8 weeks

Oesophageal/aorta worm in dogs into neoplasia

Spiroverca lupi

Lymphocytic portal hepatitis vs chronic cholangio hepatitis

On biopsy

Portal hepatitis - lymphocytes and plasma cells near portal

Cholangio - neutrophils also

Cat acetaminphen toxicity symptoms

Bloody dark

Facial oedema


Rx of dirofilaria in cats


Cats can eliminate worms by themselves

Bulla osteotomy seen in

Otitis media and interna

Xylazine clonidine detomidine

Yohimbine atipamizole tolazolin

Tularemia due to


Cats pathologic fracture

Fracture due to cancer?

Unlike dogs, cats bone cancer don't metastasize much.

Borrelia burgdorferi


Lyme disease


Renal syndrome in dogs

Rodents reservoir

Bulla eye rash in human

Elisa c6 peptide

Long course of abs - tetra, b lactam. Doxy amox gabapentin

Anitraz opp

Atipamizole (don't give in toy breeds)

Synovial cell sarcoma toc

Limb resection

Florescent green

Antifreeze poisoning

Big kidney little kidney


Calcium gluconate percentage


Acetaminophen toxicity dose in dogs


Cat prolonged obstipatio.


Serotonin syndrome

Cryptoheptadine, benzo, propanol

Survival time cats with mammary tumors

>3 cm, 6 m

<2 cm, 3 yrs

Sedative in cat

Boot tho kodithe padukuntav


Pulseless electrical activity rx


Manual chest compression

Poor prognostic indicator of xylitol poisoning



Properly protects liver kidney and heart.

Only causes apnea if given too fast and cyanosis

Mechanical ventilation until spontaneous breathing resumes

Leptospira dx

Microscopic agglutination test to detect antibodies against rbc.

Rx - doxy for leptospiremic + carrier phase

Pencillin - leptospiremic phase

Brown discoloration of nail


Toxoplasma to differentiate recent from past infection


Cat primary hyper aldostero eis.

Increased na decreased k



Amlodipine, spironolactone (aldosterone blocker), oral K, surgical excision of adrenal tumor

Closed jaw vs open jaw

Masticatory myositis and trigeminal neuritis

Degenerative myelopathy due to mutation of

Sod1 genes

Peripheral nerve sheath tumor also seen jn

Trigeminal nerve