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9 Cards in this Set

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Secondary Sexual Characteristics of pelvis
1) subpubic angle - angle between ischiopubic rami - 60 degrees in males; 90 degrees in females
2) size of inferior pelvic outlet:
a) female - larger and more cylindrical
b) male - narrower and more heart-shaped
c) greater sciatic notch is narrower in male, broad in female

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1) located in pelvic cavity superior/anterior to vagina
a) forms angle of approximately 100 degrees with vagina
b) uterus also flexed anteriorly on itself (between cervix and body of uterus)
c) had thick muscular walls
2) parts:
a) fundus - dome-shaped, superior end of uterus - loacted between entry of uterine tubes
b) body - main, central portion; lumen is uterine cavity
c) cervix - narrowed base of uterus that projects into vagina
d) cervical canal - narrow lumen through cervix; continuous with uterine cavity
e) external os - inferior (vaginal) opening of cervical canal

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3) outer surface of uterus is covered by visceral peritoneum layer
a) peritoneum folds downward on anterior & posterior sides of uterus; forms:
1) vesicouterine pouch - peritoneal depression between bladder & uterus
2) rectouterine pouch - depression between rectum & uterus; lowest point of female peritoneal cavity
b) peritoneum continues laterally over uterine tubes & ovaries as broad ligament of uterus
1) extends from lateral sides of uterus to attach to lateral walls of pelvis
2) serves as supporting mesenteric structure for uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries
Uterine Tubes (Fallopian Tubes; Oviducts)
1) extend laterally from sides of superior uterus; covered by broad ligament of uterus
2) parts of uterine tube:
a) isthmus - narrow tube near junction with uterus
b) ampulla - wider central section; usual site of fertilization
c) infundibulum - expanded terminal end of tube, with openingg into lumen of uterine tube
d) fimbriae - finger-like projections that surround opening to infundibulum; surround or closely associated with ovary; guide (egg) into uterine tube
1) produce ovum - released into uterine tube & caried to uterus
2) ovaries also produce 2 hormones: estrogen & progesterone
a) these hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, prepare the mammary glands for lactation, and aid in the maintenance of pregnancy
3) ovaries contained within & supported by broad ligament of uterus:
a) suspensory ligament of the ovary - small fold of broad ligament that conducts ovarian artery & vein to to ovary - ovarian artery is branch of abdominal aorta
b) ovarian ligament & round ligament of uterus - fibrous cord (embryonic remnant) that connects ovary to uterus (ovarian ligament), and from there, uterus (via inguinal canal) to labia majora (round ligament of uterus)
1) remnants of embryonic structure that pulled ovary from abdominal region to pelvis
2) homolog of male structure that pulled embryonic testis from abdominal cavity down through inguinal canal and into scrotum
1) muscular tube inferior to uterus - passes through urogenital hiatus in anterior wall of pelvic diaphragm
2) cervix projects partially into superior end of vagina
a) fornix - extensions of vaginal lumen that surround sides of intravaginal cervix
External Genitalia of Female
1) Clitoris - formed by erectile tissue:
a) vestibular bulbs on either side of vaginal opening & glans clitoris at tip of clitoris - female homologue of male corpus spongiosum tissue
b) corpus cavernosum - paired structures attached laterally to ischiopubic rami that unite at midline to form body of clitoris
* Note similarity in basic structure to penis of male. In male, corpus spongiosum fuses across midline to contain urethra. Opening of vagina prevents midline fusion in female
2) labia majora - bilateral folds of skin with subcutaneous fat
a) seperated by vaginal orifice
b) homologus to scrotum of male - evaginated outward & fuse across midline in male
3) Labia minora - small folds of skin on either side of vaginal and urethral openings
Blood vessels of Pelvis

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1) abdominal aorta bifurcates at L4 vertebral level into right & left common iliac arteries
2) common iliac artery - divides in pelvic region into external & internal iliac arteries
3) external iliac artery:
a) follows pelvic brim, then passes under inguinal ligament into thigh as femoral artery
b) just prior to exiting pelvis, gives off inferior epigastric artery - runs up anterior body wall deep to (supplies) rectus abdominus muscle
Blood vessels of Pelvis

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4) internal iliac artery - supplies pelvic viscera/muscles of gluteal region; branches:
a) superior gluteal artery - leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen to emerge at superior border of piriformis muscle; supplies gluteal muscles of posterior hip
b) inferior gluteal artery - exits through greater sciatic foramen to emerge at inferior border of piriformis muscle; supplies gluteal muscles of posterior hip region
c) obturator artery - exits pelvis through obturator foramen; supplies muscles of superior medial thigh region
d) internal iliac also gives off several branches to pelvic viscera - named for destinations - vesical artery (to bladder), uterine artery, vaginal artery, rectal artery
5) similarly named veins drain into internal iliac veins
a) internal iliac & external iliac veins (continuation of femoral vein from thigh) join to form common iliac vein
b) right & left common iliac veins join at L5 vertebral level to form inferior vena cava