Skeletal system - Bones make up the structure of our body, they are what gives it form. They are hard, and dense and interconnect via joints and are held in place by muscles and tendons. Bones are made of 25% water and 75% solids. the skeletal system protects and shields soft delicate organs so we are more resilient.
Nervous system - The nervous system is basically the computer system of the body, by which every function of the human body is controlled. The brain also stores information which we learn over our lifetime much …show more content…
Some of these glands produce up to 2 secretions (Hormones) but mostly each gland will have the task of producing one. These glands are ductless, which is why they secrete directly into the blood. This is a list of the glands which are a part of this system; Pineal, Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and parts of the pancreas, ovaries and testes.
Digestive system - The digestion system has two parts to it, the alimentary canal and the accessory organs. The canal is basically starting at the mouth and ending at the anus which totals approximately 9 metres in length. The pancreas, liver and gallbladder are all a part of the accessory organs as these aid in the breakdown, storage and distribution of the energy.
Lymphatic system - Tissue fluid encapsulates capillaries, and this fluid passes into the lymphatic vessels which then reconnects back into the general system via interconnecting channels. They will first pass through lymph nodes which act as a filtration system to remove bacteria, tumour cells and damaged cells. Lymph nodes are located throughout the body, and each locates a specific area closest in …show more content…
The male's reproduction equipment is located in the scrotum, alongside the penis and are external. The testes are located in the scrotum and collectively the organ has 2 epididymides, 2 deferent ducts, 2 spermatic ducts, 2 seminal vesicles and 2 ejaculatory ducts. The prostate gland is also located here. The females sexual organ is both internal (includes the organs of menstruation (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries) and external (vulva). These organs are usually referred to as genitalia, or the male as penis and female as