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64 Cards in this Set

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Inner membrane: transporters for phosphate and sucrose precursors.

Stroma: enzymes that catalyze CO2 fixation and starch synthesis

Thylakoid membrane: absorption of light by chlorophyll, synthesis of ATP4-, NADPH, and electron transport

Intermembrane space

Outer membrane: permeable to small molecules

Photosynthesis Stage 1

Light absorption generation of high-energy electron, O2 formation.

Light is absorbed by chlorophylls attached to proteins in the thylakoid membrane. Chlorophylls consist of a porphyrin ring attached to a long hydrocarbon side chain. Mg2+ ion (instead of Fe2+) and transfer electron to quinone (Q).

H2O acts as an electron donor in PSII.

H2O ----> O2 + 4 H+ + 4e-

Photosynthesis Stage 2

Electron transport formation of proton-motive force.

e- move from Q through electron carriers until they reach NADP+. NADP+ is reduced to NADP in PSI.

2 H2O + 2 NADP+ ---> 2 H+ + 2 NADPH + O2

Photosynthesis Stage 3

Synthesis of ATP.

Protons move down their concentration gradient from the thylakoid lumen to the stroma through the F0F1 complex (ATP synthase), which couples proton movement to the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi.

Photosynthesis Stage 4

Carbon Fixation

NADPH and ATP generated by the second and third stages provide the energy and electrons to drive the synthesis of six-carbon sugars from CO2 and H2O.

6 CO2 + 18 ATP + 12 NADPH + 12 H2O ---> C6H12O6 + 18 ADP + 18 Pi + 12 NADP + 6 H+.

Only stage that can occur in the dark.

Prokaryotes ATP Synthase

Hi [H+] in extracellular

ATP synthase in Plasma membrane

ADP + Pi ---> ATP in Cytoplasm

Mitochondria ATP Synthase

Hi [H+] in intermembrane space

ATP synthase in inner membrane

ADP + Pi ---> ATP in Matrix


Hi [H+] in Thylakoid Lumen

ATP synthase in Thylakoid membrane

ADP + Pi ---> ATP in Stroma

In photosynthetic electron transport, H2O is the overall electron donor and NADP+ is the overall electron acceptor.

Super excited electrons in photosystem 1 reaction center have so much potential energy they move down electron transport to make NADPH.

Light absorption causes transient elevations in potential energy of reaction center electrons. This drives electron transport from H2O to NADP+.

Electron deficient (+charge) reaction center in PS2 is such a strong electron acceptor that it draws electrons from the splitting of water.

Absorption of Light Energy

Light radiates as photons moving in waves.

Photons have specific amount of energy.

Photons with shorter wavelengths have more energy that photons moving with longer wavelengths.

Pigment molecules absorb the energy in photons at specific wavelengths.

There are several different pigment molecules within each photosystem to absorb different wavelengths of energy.

When light is absorbed, electrons become excited

When a photon strikes a pigment, its energy is transferred to an electron in the pigment molecule

Chlorophylls a and b have a ring structure in "head" to absorb light and the tail anchors chlorophyll in thylakoid membrane.

An excited electron will rise to a higher energy shell with greater potential energy. It will release this potential energy when it moves back to it's original state as heat or fluorescence at a longer wavelength. This obeys the 1st law of thermodynamics.

Resonance Energy transfer focuses energy at the reaction center

Resonating pigment molecules transfer energy to adjacent pigments closer to the reaction center. Pigments closer to the reaction center also absorb longer wavelength light energy.

Focused energy from multiple pigment molecules is absorbed by electrons in the reaction center chlorophyll (Abs max is 680 or 710 nm), which transfer these excited electrons to an electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.

Sequence of linear electron transport

First step

Light harvesting complex funnels energy to reaction center chlorophyll in PS1.

Excited electrons leave reaction center and travel through REDOX couples through ferridoxin and NADP reductase to make NADPH

Reaction center chlorophyll is left with a positive charge.

Sequence of linear electron transport

Second step

Light harvesting complex funnels energy to electrons in Photosystem II reaction center chlorophyll

Excited electrons leave chlorophyll and are picked up by plastiquinone

Plastiquinone picks up protons from stroma and moves within the bilayer to cytochrome b6/f complex.

Electrons transfered to cytochrome b6/f complex and protons go into the lumen

Electrons picked up by plastocyanin shuttle (peripheral in lumen) which travels to photosystem I, donating electrons to (+) charged chlorophyll

Sequence of linear electron transport

Third step

Within photosystem 2 reaction center (+) charged chlorophyll has redox value of +1200 mV

Water/oxygen redox couple is +816 mV, so water splits to generate electrons that fill electron deficinecy in chlorophyll

Protons and oxygen generated in thylakoid lumen.

Sequence of linear electron transport

Fourth step

The proton gradient generated in the thylakoid lumen is used to drive ATP synthesis in the stroma.

ATP and NADPH are then consumed to make carbohydrate

Calvin-Benson Cycle makes Carbohydrate

Carboxylation: 3 CO2 + 3 Ribulose 1,5 Bisphosphate ---> 6 phosphoglycerate

Reduction: Energy in ATP and NADPH converts 6 phosphoglycerates to 6 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphates. One G3P is exported to cytoplasm to generate sucrose.

Rgeneration: Energy in ATP converts five G3P's into three ribulose 1,5 bisphosphates.

Carbohydrate Synthesis

Two glyceraldehyde 3-phosphates from chloroplast are combined in the cytoplasm to make 6 carbon sugars (fructose and glucose)

Fructose and Glucose are linked to make Sucrose in cytoplasm.

Within the stroma, two glyceraldehyde 3-phosphates can also be converted to glucoses which are then linked together to make starch.

Signal transduction and G protein coupled receptors

External cues perceived at plasma membrane cause changes in cellular metabolism.

G-Protein linked pathways

Protein Kinase A Pathway (activation of adenylyl cyclase

Protein Kinase C patway (activation of phospholipase C)

Signal Transduction via Cyclic

External signals activate the trimeric G protein. This causes cyclic AMP production which activates protein kinase A. PKA phosphorylates targe proteins, changing the cell.

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 1)

1) Binding of hormone induces a conformational change in receptor.

Hormone binds receptor at extracellular domain. This changes receptor conformation at the cytoplasmic domain containing the trimeric G-protein binding site

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 2)

2) Activated receptor binds to G-alpha subunit

Receptor now binds inactive trimeric G protein, and acts as a nucleotide exchange factor.

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 3)

3) Activated receptor causes conformational change in G-alpha triggering dissociation of GDP

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 4)

4) Binding of GTP to G-alpha triggers dissociation of G-alpha both from the receptor and from G-beta and G-gamma.

Trimeric G protein exchanges GDP for GTP on the alpha subunit with GTP separates from the beta/gamma subunits.

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 5)

5) Hormone dissociates from receptor; G-alpha binds to effector, activating it.

Active alpha subunit of G complex moves laterally in plasma membranse to bind to and activate effector.

Trimeric G-proteins are regulated by their GTP binding state Step 6)

6) Hydrolysis of GTP to GDP causes G-alpha to dissociate from effector and ressociate with G-beta and G-gamma

The extracellular hormone dissociates from the receptor, freeing the membrane bound beta-gamma subunit, and resetting the receptor conformation. For this pathway the effector is adenylyl cyclase, which catalyzes ATP --> cyclic AMP and PPi.

G protein are molecular switches regulated by their G state.

Activated by nucleotide exchange: regulated by a nucleotide exchange factor; becomes G-protein-GTP

Inactivated by GTP Hydrolysis: regulated by a GTPase accelerating factor; becomes G-protein-GDP

Activation of Protein Kinase A

Cyclic AMP diffuses within the cytoplasm to bind regulatory subunits of protein kinase A and release the catalytic subunits of protein kinase A.

Target Protein Phosphorylation

The catalytic subunits of Protein Kinase A then move in cytoplasm or nucleus to phosphorylate many different target proteins.

Protein Kinase A catalytic subunit catalyzes

Target protein + ATP --> Target Protein-P +ADP

Ex: Phoaphorylated CREB factors elevate transcription of genes controlling gluconeogenesis.

Inactivating the PKA Pathway

GTP quickly hydrolyzes to GDP on the alpha subunit of G protein. The GTPase promoting factor is part of the alpha subunit.

Alpha sub-unit-GDP dissociates from the adenylyl cyclase and reassociates with the beta-gamma subunit.

Dissociation of the alpha subunit inactivates adenylyl cyclase.

Phosphodiesterase degrades cAMP

Lower cAMP concentration causes release of cAMP from PKA regulatory subunits

Regulatory subunits reattach to catalytic subunits to inhibit PKA activity.

Protein Kinase C pathway

GTP-alpha subunit of trimeric G protein activates phospholipase C instead of adenylyl cyclase.

Phospholipase C activity

Splits a phospholipid in the plasma membrane into two secondary messangers

Phosphoinositide bisphosphate --> 1,2 diacylglyccerol + inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate

Protein Kinase C activation

Inositol triphosphate (IP3) diffuses into cytoplasam to ER membrane where it binds to and activates calcium channels.

Calcium flows from ER lumen to cytoplasm and from extracellular o cytoplasm, binding to protein kinase C.

PKC-calcium migrates to plasma membrane.

Diacylglycerol (DAG) in plasma membrane binds to and activates PKC-Calcium

Activate PKC-Calcium at the plasma membrane phosphorylates many target proteins.

Ex: phosphorylates and inhibits glycogen synthase in liver cells.

Inactivating Phospholipase C

Rapid GTP hydrolysis on alpha subunit makes it detach from phospholipase C

Phospholipase C now inactive

Resetting calcium concentrations in cytoplasm and ER

Inositol triphosphate rapidly hydrolyzed to Inositol biphosphate, which closes the calcium channel on ER.

Excess Calcium in cytoplasm pumped back into the ER by calcium ATPase and out of the cell by plasma membrane calcium ATPase.

Nucleic acids, base pair rule, and polymers of DNA and RNA

Nucleotides have common structure of phosphate-sugar-base (DNA, RNA, ATP, GTP)

2(A-T/U) or 3 (C-G) Hydrogen bonds connect base pairs between strands

Purine (2 rings A & G) & Pyrimidine (1 ring C & T) pairing causes uniform spacing between strands

In DNA, strands run in opposite directions 5' - 3'

Transcription: Initiation

RNA polymerase binds DNA, unwinds double helix by breaking base pairs (hydrogen bonds), first rNTP's base pair to DNA template, polymerase catalyzes first phosphodiester bond formation.

Transcription: Elongation

RNA polymerase advances along DNA, continued base pairing of rNTP's to DNA and formation of phosphodiester

Transcription: Termination

RNA polymerase reaches stop site and releases new RNA.

Eurkaryotic mRNA has a 5' Cap and a poly A tail

Both added in nucleus during RNA processing

The 5' m7G-p-p-p cap is part of the recognition signal for the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

The poly (A) tail extends the life of mRNA by protecting it from degredation by ribonucleases in the cytoplasm

Translation from mRNA to protein within ribosomes

messenger RNA- sequence for translation by tRNA

ribosome- machinery for translation

tRNA- translates nucleic acid language in mRNA sequence to amino acid language of proteins by delivering amino acids for peptide bond formation

Many associated protein cofactors make the process work

Ribosomal complex is the translation machine

small and large subunits made of ribosomal RNA and proteins

3 tRNA binding sites:

E- empty or ejection

P- peptidyl

A- acceptor or aminoacyl

Remember triplet genetic code

Start codon: AUG produces Methionine

Stop codon: UAA

Transfer RNA has 3 important binding sites

Amino acid attachment at 3' end acceptor stem mediated by aminacyl tRNA synthetase in cytoplasm

Regulatory cofactors eIF2-GTP or eEF1alpha-GTP attach near the acceptor stem (5' and 3' ends)

Messenger RNA will bind at the anticodon loop by hydrogen bond base pairing


preinitiation complex formation

mRNA attachment

mRNA scans along the ribosome until the start codon is in the P site

Large ribosome subunit attaches to complete initiation complex

Elongation during Translation

Termination of Translation

Translation Cofactors Step 1)

eIF2-GDP must undergo nucleotide exchange to eIF2-GTP to be active. Cells block this nucleotide exchange to inhibit protein synthesis. eIF2-GTP binds to tRNA-methionine.

Translation Cofactors Step 2)

eIF1, eIF3, eIF1A are bound to small ribosome subunit. eIF1 and eIF3 bind at E site, eIF1A binds and blocks A site to prevent premature tRNA binding. eIF5 now binds at E site and transfer RNA with methionine and eIF2-GTP binds at P site to complete preinitiation complex.

Translation Cofactors Step 3)

eIF4 subunits bind to 5' cap (eIF4E) and poly A tail (eIF4G) of mRNA forming a circular mRNA complex. eIF4B binds and activates eIF4A helicase activity (ATP hydrolysis), which unwinds mRNA secondary structure at 5' end.

Translation Cofactors Step 4)

mRNA then attached to the preintiation complex. eIF3 mediates this attachment.

Translation Cofactors Step 5)

eIF4A dependent ATP hydrolysis slides the mRNA along the small ribosome until the start codon on mRNA is in the P site.

Translation Cofactors Step 6)

Recognition of the start codon by the tRNA causes GTP hydrolysis on eIF2 (activated by the GTPase activating protein eIF5). This irreversible step prevents further scanning and keeps the start codon at the P site.

eIF4E and eIF4G/4A/4B stay conneced while ATP hydrolysis on eIF4A moves the small subunit along the mRNA. This forms an expanding loop of mRNA between eIF4E and eIF4G

Translation Cofactors Step 7)

eIF5B-GTP mediates the attachment of the large ribosome subunit and the displacement of eIF1, eIF2-GDP, eIF3, 3IF5, complex of eIF4A, B, G, E from ribosome.

Large ribosome subunit attaches to complete the initiation complex.

Translation Cofactors Step 8)

GTP hydrolysis on eIF5B completes ribosome assembly(irreversible step). eIF5B-GDP and eIF1A then dissociates.

tRNA enters A site

a pool of tRNA's with attached amino acid, elongation factor (eEF1a-GTP) have access to the A site

Correct base pair match (hydrogen bond formation) between mRNA codon and tRNA anticodon promotes GTP hydrolysis. (important proofreading step)

Ribosome tightly binds tRNA

GTP hydrolysis to GDP and Pi changes ribosome conformation. (the twist step of the twist/return sequence)

Releases eEF1a-GDP and positons 3' ends of tRNAs in P and A sites to catalyze peptide bond formation.

Peptide bond formation

amino acid in P site breaks from 3' end of tRNA

peptide bond forms between carboxyl on P site amino acid and amine on A site amino acid

polypeptide now on tRNA in A site

Ribosome shifts over mRNA and tRNA

eEF2-GTP binds next to the A site

Ribosome translocates 3 bases down mRNA

tRNA that was in P site Now in E site

tRNA that was in A site NOW in P site

No tRNA in the A site

eEF2-GTP hydrolysis to eEF2-GDP prevents the ribosome from going backwards along the mRNA. This is irreversible and is the Return step of the twist/return sequence

eEF2-GDP then released

Cycle repeats

New tRNA binds in A site and base pairing promotes GTP hydrolysis on eEF1a

The twist step of the twist/return cycle promotes peptide formation but also ejects the tRNA in the E site

Termination of Translation step 1)

Stop codon on mRNA enters the A site

eRF1 binds directly to stop codon

eRF3-GTP binds to eRF1

Termination of Translation step 2)

GTP hydrolysis release the new protein

GTP on eRF3 hydrolyzes to GDP and Pi within the A site. This cleaves peptide from P site-tRNA and releases the new PROTEIN.

Termination of Translation step 3)

Small ribosome subunit recycled for more translation

ABCE1 uses ATP hydroysis to dissociate the large and small ribosome subunits, eRF1 and eRF3-GDP

initiation factors (eIF1, eIF1a, eIF3) bind to small ribosome subunit in preparation for new translation

Polysomes and mRNA circularization

Multiple ribosomes scan the mRNA to increase efficiency of translation

Eventually the 3' polyA tail is degraded. This breaks the circle and the initiation cofactors no longer attach a new small ribosome subunit.