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87 Cards in this Set

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Binds two actin subunits to create nucleation site.

Rocks back and forth to enhance binding of each additional actin subunit

Remains at the growing plus end


Monomers are quickly added to both ends of nucleated actin

ATP on actin monomers slowly hydrolyzes to ADP after addition of microfilament.

ADP-actin more stable

Critical concentration

Monomer (actin) concentration is slowly decreasing until monomeric actin and filamentous actin are at equilibrium.

[Actin-ATP]>CC growth


CC at (+) 120nM, CC at (-) 600nM.

Growth occus at (+) at lower concentrations of soluble G actin in the cytoplasm.


CapZ (+)

Tropomodulin (-)


Binds G actin and promotes nucleotide exchange of ADP to ATP.

Increases the concentration of G-Actin-ATP

Thymosin Beta4

Transiently binds to G actin-ATP, temporarily lowering the concentration of available competent monomers.

Regulates the relationship between competent monomer concentration [G-Actin-ATP] and CC and controls elongation


Binds to G-actin-ADP within the microfilament, destabilizing the minus end.

Promotes the releasse of G-Actin-ADP and becomes available for profilin.

Fimbre and alpha-actinin

Parallel arrays bundled together control microfilament organization


Loose mesh network to control microfilament organization

ERM or Spectrin

Attach to plasma membrane or nuclear envelope to control microfilament organization

Myosin Head

Microfilament and ATP binding site

Myosin Neck

Myosin light chain binding site, conformation changes for motility

Light chains- Calcium binding protein that regulate myosin ATP binding activity and motility

Myosin Tail

organelle, membrane, or other myosin binding tail. Divergent region of heavy chain.

Heavy chain- a dimer or 2 heavy chains

Myosin uses ATP to move along microfilaments

1) ATP binding causes lift

2) ATP hydrolysis causes Pivot

3) Pi release causes pull

Other leg counters

3)--> 2) --> 1)

Myosin V

Moves organelles within cells

In budding yeast, myosin V brings organelles into new bud.

Myosin II

Muscle cell contraction

Cytokinesis in animal and fungal cells

Amoeboid cell movement

Muscle Cell Contraction

Within the muscle cell cytoplasm, myofibrils contain repeating sarcomeres. Each sarcomere contains overlapping myosin II thick filaments and actin microfilaments.

Muscle cells: Sarcomere contraction requires Calcium and ATP

Nerve signal reaches the muscle cell

Calcium is released from ER into the cytoplasm

Elevation of cytoplasmic Calcium

Troponin and Tropomyosin

In skeletal muscle they lie along actin filaments and block myosin binding sites. Calcium binds troponin, changing conformation of tropomyosin filaments, freeing myosin binding sites on actin.

Myosin II contraction

Uses ATP hydrolysis to contract opposing microfilament bundles. Sarcomere (+) are pulled toward center. Myosin II tails bind tails of Myosin II facing the opposite direction. Myosin II doesn't move only the opposing microfilaments!

Returning muscle cells to relaxed state after contraction

Calcium is pumped back into ER to end contraction.

Troponin/tropomyosin block myosin binding sites on actin. Now myosin heads cannot bind microfilaments.

Passive tension on compressed titin now expands sarcomere.

Calcium dependent regulation of smooth cells

No troponin and tropomyosin

Increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates the phosphorylation of myosin light chain.

Myosin heas then unfolds and binds the microfilament.

Contraction occurs.

Ca2+ pumped back into the ER, myosin light chains are dephosphoylated so myosin heads no longer bind microfilaments.

Passive tension on compressed titin now expands sarcomere.

Myosin II Contractile movement causes cytokinesis in animal and yeast cells

Nuclear envelope reassembles and assembly of contractile ring forms in telophase

Cytokinesis reformation of interphase microtubule array and contractile ring cleavage furrow.

Myosin II Amoeboid movement driven by actin polymerization and myosin contractions

Extension- microfilament polymerization by ARP2/3 complexes and profilin pushes cell forward.

Adhesion-Cell grabs external substrate at front

Translocation- Myosin II bundles pull the back of the cell towards the front by contracting microfilament bundles, making the cell move forward.

ARP2/3 forms branched network of many microfilaments


Binds nucleation promoting factor (NPF) with an Actin-ATP subunit

Complex then binds along a microfilament to create a nucleation point for a new microfilament

As more Actin-ATP subunits are added, the new microfilament (+) elongates away from ARP2/3 at 70 degree angle from the existing filament.

Intermediate Filament

Organize cell structure in cytoplasm and nucleoplasm.

Stabilize the plasma membrane and the nuclear envelope in animal cells.

No direct role in motility.

Ex) Keratin and lamins

Intermediate Filament Assembly

When subunit concentration is high enough, subunits assemble into polymers

Does not require ATP or GTP

Intermediate Filament Disassembly

Requires ATP or GTP

Subunits are phosphoylated to promote disassembly.

Phosphate binding unravels the filament structure.


Hollow tubes w/ walls made of tubulin protein dimers

Organize cytoplasm, position organelles.

Motors generate organelle motility during interphase

Divide chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis

Usually single tubes, but doublet and triplet too

Microtubules assembly

Alpha/beta tubulin dimers and GTP

Nucletion of dimers is a rate limiting step

When [dimer] exceeds CC, assembly occurs.

(-) are at the Microtubule organizing centers (MTOC) and contains Gamma tubulin Ring Complex, which creates a template from which the (+) elongates.

Microtubule disassembly

(+) is preferential site of BOTH assembly and dissassembly

After tubulin dimer addition, GTP on BETA-tubulin hydrolyzes. GTP + Beta --> GDP + Beta

GDP tubulin dimers curve, making them less stable and more likely to fall off.

Microtubule dynamics governed by 2 factors

1) Variable concentration of GTP-dimers at (+)

2) Constant rate of hydrolysis of GTP to GDP on beta tubulin after binding to microtubule

Cause rapid assembly when [dimer] is high so GTP hydrolysis does not reach the (+). Rapid disassembly when [dimer] is low and GTP hydrolysis reaches the (+).

Kinesin 13

Binds to individual dimers at protofilament (+) end and promotes curvature so dimers are released from end (+)

A molecular motor but ATPase activity just makes it release the dimer.


Binds two tubulin dimers at protofilament (+) end and promotes curvature

Dimers are released from end (+)


Binds and stabilizes actively growing (+) so the (+) continues to elongate

A reduced protein that stabilizes the (+)

Evidence that other proteins and some organelles (ER tubules) bind to EB1 and move through cell by riding the (+)


Stabilize (+) to promote elongation


Stabilize microtubules by binding along sides


Sever microtubules to promote instability


connect to plasma membrane at (+)


Connect to intermediate filaments

MAP2 and Tau

Cross link parallel microtbules into bundles

Microtubule motors

Dyneins and Kinesins

Dynein Head (middle)

Site of ATP hydrolysis

Dynein Stalk (Bottom)

Binds microtubules

Dynein Stem (top)

Binds Dynactin, Intermediate chains, and light chains.

Dynactin binds cargo and connects to dynein

Dynein (dynactin) walks to the microtuble (-)

Head rotates during ATP hydrolysis

Rotation ratchets the stalk towards the microtubule (-)

Dynactin holds cargo and also binds to microtubule ahead of dynein. Dynein pushes dynactin along towards (-)

Kinesin Head

Binds microtubule and ATP

Kinesin Linker

pivots to swing head during ATP binding linker has a secondary docking site within the head

Kinesin Stalk

Connects head and linker to tail

Kinesin Tail

Binds light chains at cargo binding site

Light chains regulate cargo binding.

Model for Kinesin motility Initiation

Starts with leading head with no nucleotide tightly bound to microtubule, trailing head with ADP weakly bound to microtubule

Model for Kinesin motility step 1)

1) Leading head binds ATP

Model for Kinesin motility step 2)

2) ATP binding changes the conformation of the leading head linker. Leading linker swings forward and docks within leading head. This docking swings the trailing head with ADP forward to become the new leading head and moves the rest of the kinesin and any cargo forward.

Model for Kinesin motility step 3)

New leading head with ADP now loosely binds to microtubule. New trailing head continues to bind ATP along with the docked linker.

Model for Kinesin motility Step 4)

new leading head releases ADP and tightly binds to microtubule. This promotes ATP hydrolysis on the trailing head and the release of Pi. Trailing head with ADP now weakly bound to microtubule. The trailing linker domain on the trailing head undocks from the trailing head.

Kinesin 1

Moves organelles (+) directed, conventional

Kinesin 2

Moves organelles (+) end directed but has two different heavy chains and an organelle binding subunit. (heterotrimeric)

Kinesin 5

4 Heavy chains and 4 Heads. Slides opposing microtubules

Kinesin 13

Removes tubulin dimers from microtubule ends






Anaphase A

Anaphase B




Cytoskeleton and motors transport organelles and organize cell

S phase- Centrosome duplication

Chromosomes replicate into sister chromatides held together by cohesin proteins

Cell Cycle Control

Checkpoints in the cell cycle are controlled by cyclin dependent protein kinases

Activated kinases phosphorylate target proteins to regulate the cell

Mitotic CDKs (Cyclin dependent protein Kinases that control mitosis)

Mitotic Cyclins- Accumulate through translation during S and G2. They bind to cyclin dependent protein kinases (CDK).

Mitotic-CDK is kept inactive during G2 by phosphorylation by Wee 1 kinase.

Mitotic CDK is Activated when CDC25 phosphatase removes the phosphates

Active Mitotic-CDK now phosphorylates several different target proteins to start mitosis.

Myosin II

Inactivated to prevent premature cytokinesis

Is a target protein phosphorylated by Cyclin B dependent protein kinase in the cytoplasm


Normally inhibits Kinesin 3 during interphase. Inactivated by CDK so elevated kinesin 13 activity makes microtubules unstable and more dynamic

Is a target protein phosphorylated by Cyclin B dependent protein kinase in the cytoplasm


Activated, binding DNA to promote chromosome coiling

Is a target protein phosphorylated by Cyclin B dependent protein kinase in the cytoplasm


Activated, causing the nuclear pore complexes to break into subunits

Is a target protein phosphorylated by Cyclin B dependent protein kinase in the cytoplasm


-Chromosome condensation

-Disruption of interphase microtubules

-Spindle formation

-Most cohesin proteins between sister chromatids are degraded by kinases

-Kinetochore cohesins remain, leaving sister chromatids attached at kinetochore

-Existing interphase microtubules are disrupted (Kinesin-13)

-Overlapping microtubules are aligned (Kinesin 14)


-Nuclear envelope breaks apart

-Chromosome captured by kinetochore microtubules

Microtubules grow and shrink from the spindle poles. If growing (+) hits the kinetochore, phosphorylated ndc80 will lossely hold onto microtubule. Microtubules from the other spindle pole must also capture the chromosome to complete alignment.

-Motor activity and microtubule dynamics complete alignment at the midzone


Chromosomes held at midzone

Anaphase promoting complex activated through securin and separase

Anaphase A

Chromosome separation

Starts after chromosome capture and alignment

Anaphase promoting complex adds ubiquitin to specific proteins, targeting them for destruction by proteasomes

Sister chromatids separate and move to spindle poles

Anaphase B

Spindle pole separation (similar to the mechanism for spindle pole separation in prophase)

Anaphase promoting complex activity

(cyclin B and cdc4)

Telophase and Cytokinesis

Nuclear reformation and cell division

Motor proteins and microtubule dynamics power mitosis

Kinesin 13 (Prophase)

Kinesin 14 (Prophase)

Kinesin 5 (Prophase)

Cytoplasmic dynein/dynactin (prophase)

Kinesin 7 (Prometaphase)

Kinesin 4 (Prometaphase)

Kinetochore dynein/dynactin (Prometaphase)

Myosin II (on microfilaments)

Kinesin 13

Rapidly disrupts interphase microtubules, creating a pool of tubulin dimers for rapid polymerization

Disassembles the dimers on (+)

The smaller the diameter of the microtubule the less stable

Kinesin 14

Non-motile tail is attached to microtubule from one centrosome as cargo

Motor head walks toward (-) of opposing microtubule from second centrosome. Makes opposing microtubules parallel and overlapping. These will be the polar microtubules in the spindle.

Motility also pulls spindle poles closer and increases overlap zone.

Three functional classes for microtubules

Defined by what the plus ends are doing

All minus ends are in the spindle pole

Specific motors walk on specific microtubule classes

Polar: Grows towards midzone and overlap

Astral: grow towards the cell cortex

Kinetochore: grow towards midzone but bind to chromosomes

Kinesin 5

A Bipolar kinesin with 4 heavy chains in the overlap zone.

Four motile heads, (+) directed, that bind two microtubules coming from opposite poles.

Remains stationary and pushes polar microtubules and the two centrosomes apart.

Overlapping polar microtubules

Cytoplasmic Dynein/Dynactin

Anchored near plasma membrane, it pulls on astral microtubules and centrosomes.

Kinesin 4

Attached to the ends of the chromosome arms. Walk chromosomes towards the (+) of polar microtubules


Kinesin 7

Anchored in the kinetochore. Walks the chromosome away from the spindle pole towards the microtubule (+)


Kinetochore Dynein/dynactin

Anchored to the kinetochore. Walks chromosome towards the microtubule (-) in the spindle pole

Kinesin 13

Anchored in the kinetochore. Removes dimers from the microtubule (+)

Securin and Separase in Anaphase A

Securin normally prevents Separase from attacking the Cohesin protein complex which is holding the sister chromatids togetherWhen the anaphase promoting complex targets Securin, it is destroyed and separase is now active. Separase then breaks the cohesin complex. Now there is nothing holding the sister chromatids together and they are pulled towards the spindle poles in Anaphase A

Kinesin 13

In Anaphase A it is active at both ends of the kinetochore microtubules, causing catastrophic shortening

In Kinetochore removes dimers from the microtubule (+)

In the spindle poles removes dimers from the microtubule (-)

Kinesin 5

Anaphase B:

Pushes polar microtubule and the two centrosomes apart.

Overlapping polar microtubules must elongate as it pushes them apart

Cytoplasmic Dynein/Dynactin

Pulls on astral microtubules and centrosomes