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27 Cards in this Set

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Ambivalence (noun)
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about someone
Hellenic (adj.)
Of or relating to ancient Greek thought, custom, or styles
Catharsis (noun)
To cleanse, a purgation of emotions, to release emotions
Indifferent (adj.)
Marked by impartiality, unbiased
Foreboding (Noun or Adj.)
The act of one who forbodes (inward conviction of coming misfortune), The feeling that something bad is going to happen
Audacity (noun)
Intrepid boldness, bold or arrogant, disregard of normal restraints
Vitriolic (Adj.)
Extremely bitter, biting, or caustic
Portent (Noun)
Something that foreshadows a coming event; Something with prophetic indication of significance
Ethereal (Adj.)
Of or relating to regions beyond Earth, Heavenly or celestial
Suffuse (verb)
To pour beneath, to spread over or through in the manner of a fluid or light
Presumptuous (Adj.)
Overstepping due bounds, taking liberties
Infer (Verb)
To derive a conclusion from facts or premises
Vociferate (Verb)
To cry out loudly, to shout
Engulfed (verb)
To flow over and or close, to overwhelm
Gingerly (Adv.)
Cautiously or Carefully
Perturbation (Noun)
The disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium
Analytical (Adj.)
Of or relating to analysis, separating, something into its component parts or elements
Obsequious (Adj.)
Marked by exhibiting excessive attentiveness
Insubordinate (Adj., Noun)
Disobedient to authority
Anarchy (Noun)
Absence of Government
Vehement (Adj.)
Marked by forceful energy, emotional, full of passion
Unctuous (Adj.)
Fatty or oily in appearance. Greasy or smooth in appearance.
Ablutions (Adj.)
The washing of one's body, the act or action of bathing, daily washings
Excessive pride or self confidence
To be able to feel things like emotions
Excessive pride or self confidence
To be able to feel things like emotions