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10 Cards in this Set

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Catheter associated UTI (CAUTI)

UTI caused by indwelling catheter. Duration of catheterization matters the most as a biofilm develops on the device. ______ is the source for about 20% of episodes of health care acquired bacteremia in acute care facilities, and over 50% in LTC facilities. Limit use of catheter, and DC as soon as clinically feasible.


The intro of a catheter into a body cavity or organ to inject or remove a fluid.

Clostridium difficile (C. Diff)

A pathogenic species of anaerobic bacteria found in the feces of newborns. Strain is a cause of colitis and diarrhea, particularly after the patient has received antibiotic therapy, and is frequent cause of nosocomial diarrhea.


The examination of of the mucosal lining of the colon using a colonoscope, an elongated endoscope with a fiber optic camera, computer, and monitor to record images for evaluation.

Colorectal cancer

A malignant neoplastic disease of the large intestine, characterized by a change in bowel habits and the passing of blood which may be occult initially. Can prevent development of cancer


Surgical creation of an artificial stoma on the abdominal wall by incising the colon and drawing it out of the surface, performed for cancer of the colon, benign obstructive tumors, and severe abdominal wounds.

CT scan

A radiographic technique that produces a film that represents a detailed cross section of tissue structure.


Difficulty in passing stools or incomplete or infrequent passage of hard stools.


Purposeful control of urinary or fecal elimination.

Continent ileostomy

An ileostomy that drains into a surgically created pounce or reservoir in the abdomen. Involuntary discharge of intestinal contents is prevented by a nipple valve created from the ileum.