Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Case Study

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Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is another healthcare-associated infection that we need to be worried about because it is becoming very common for people that need catheters when in a healthcare setting. Catheters are used more than people may think in the healthcare setting. Catheters are used on trauma patients that are brought into the emergency room in need of surgery. Women that are have a C-section for the birth of their baby. Catheters are used when people are on a ventilator either during surgery or people can have them long-term when they are in a coma. The complication of catheter use can be another infection called sepsis. This infection can spread throughout the body and can cause fever, altered consciousness levels, muscle aches and pains and …show more content…
Research on healthcare-associated infections is an ongoing process and is something that microbiologists are diligently working on to find out how to stop these resistant bacteria. By finding out how these bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to outside sources we will find out how to better stop them. Through research, we have already found that it is very important for healthcare workers to wash their hands in between patients and that we carry bacteria in and on our bodies at all times. Resistant bacteria have now become a public health safety issue and any research that is being done to stop this is for the better of man-kind. It is my hope that the next major break-through in health-care associated infections is for microbiologists to find out how to kill these “superbugs” and make them less resilient in the havoc that they have been releasing on humanity. This may be in a new, stronger antibiotic that is able to disarm and kill these

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