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11 Cards in this Set

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Continent urinary reservoir

A pounce made from the intestines used to hold urine in the abdomen.

Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI)

Irrigating solution is continuously infused and drained from the bladder. This is done to remove clots from the bladder and ensure drainage of urine. Most often used following urological surgical procedures such as trans urethral resection of the prostate.

Creatinine clearance

A test that uses 24 hour urine and serum creatinine levels to determine the glomerular filtration rate; a sensitive indicator of renal function.


An inflammatory condition of the urinary bladder and ureters, characterized by pain, urgency and frequency of urination, and hematuria. May be caused by bacterial infection, calculus, or tumor.


Direct visualization of the Urinary tract by means of cystoscope Inserted into the urethra.


The elimination of feces from the digestive tract through the rectum.

Defecation reflex

The normal response to the presence of an accumulation of feces in the rectum.

Detrusor muscle

The smooth muscle layers of the bladder wall, the ____ ___ allows the bladder to expand as it fills with urine and contract as it releases urine during voiding.


A process by which fluids and molecules pass through a semipermeable membrane from an area of higher solute concentration to one of lower solute concentration according to the rules of osmosis.


Frequent passage of loose, watery stools. May contain mucus, pus, blood, or excessive amounts of fat.

Digital/manual disimpaction

May be performed by lubricating the anus and using one gloves finger with a scoop like motion to break up the fecal mass.