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13 Cards in this Set

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No urination. 24 hr urine output <100 mL. May be cause by kidney failure or dysfunction, a decline in BP below that required to maintain filtration pressure in the kidney, or an obstruction in the urinary passages.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria

The presence of bacteria in the urine without causing symptoms.


A life threatening bloodstream infection. The presence of bacteria in the blood. Is diagnosed by blood culture. Antibiotic treatment, if given, is specific for the organism found and appropriate to the locus of infection


The presence of bacteria in the urine. Presence of more than 100,000 pathogenic bacteria per milliliter of urine is usually considered significant and diagnostic of UTI.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia

Non-malignant, non-inflammatory enlargement of the prostate gland caused by an increase in the number of epithelial cells and stromal tissue.

Bladder retraining

A system of therapy for incontinence in which a patient in a hospital or LTC setting practices withholding urine for intervals that begin with 1hour and increase over a period of 10 days while maintaining a normal intake of fluid. Pt. Learns to recognize and react to the urge to void.

Bladder scan

The non invasive determination of postvoid residual urine volume using an ultrasound device, which automatically calculates and displays urine volume remaining in the bladder after the patient has urinated.


Hyperactive, high-pitches, tinkling, rushing, or growling bowel sounds heard in diarrhea or the onset of bowel obstruction.

Bowel elimination

The passage of stool through the intestinal tract and dispelling the stool by means of smooth muscle contraction.

Bowel incontinence

The inability to voluntarily control the passage of fecal contents and intestinal gas through the anal sphincter.

Bowel training

A method of establishing regular evacuation by reflex conditioning used in the treatment of fecal incontinence, impaction, chronic diarrhea, and autonomic hyperreflexia.


An abnormal stone formed in body tissues by an accumulation of mineral salts. Calculus are usually found in biliary and urinary tracts.


Pertaining to a substance that causes evacuation of the bowel; an agent that promotes bowel evacuation by stimulating peristalsis, increasing the fluidity or bulk of intestinal contents, softening the feces, or lubricating the intestinal wall.