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20 Cards in this Set

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area (Although most of the Japanese exchange students come from Osaka, in the south, Akiko comes from Sapporo, in the northern region of Japan.)

Although most of the Japanese exchange students come from Osaka, in the south, Akiko comes from Sapporo, in the northern region of Japan.


easily seen (The results of the election were so obvious that the loser admitted defeat before voting was finished.)

The results of the election were so obvious that the loser admitted defeat before voting was finished.


able to be used (The advisor was not available to meet all day Monday, so the student had to comeback on Tuesday.)

The advisor was not available to meet all day Monday, so the student had to comeback on Tuesday.


amount of time (Computer technology changed a lot in the period between 1980 and 2000.)

Computer technology changed a lot in the period between 1980 and 2000.


unimportant, small (The old actress was sad she had only a minor role in the new movie.)

The old actress was sad she had only a minor role in the new movie.


before (Soojin thought her science class was really hard after studying only literature in the previous year.)

Soojin thought her science class was really hard after studying only literature in the previous year.


of the body (Cleaning up the campus garden was tiring, physical work.)

Cleaning up the campus garden was tiring, physical work.


seperate and single (Joan was surprised that the then books she ordered from the internet came together, but in individual boxes.)

Joan was surprised that the then books she ordered from the internet came together, but in individual boxes.


having many parts (The science behind the atomic bomb used in World War ll was highly complex at the time, but it is simple compared to today's nuclear science.)

The science behind the atomic bomb used in World War ll was highly complex at the time, but it is simple compared to today's nuclear science.


saved materials to use (Many of the richest countries have surprisingly few natural resources and must buy oil from other countries.)

Many of the richest countries have surprisingly few natural resources and must buy oil from other countries.


where something comes from (Do not trust books that give information without listed sources. The facts could be false.)

Do not trust books that give information without listed sources. The facts could be false.


one piece of whole (Every ant's body have three sections: a head, a thorax (where the legs are), and an abdomen (the back).)

Every ant's body have three sections: a head, a thorax (where the legs are), and an abdomen (the back).


connected to a topic (I think professor McGarry can give you some relevant books to help you write that essay. )

I think professor McGarry can give you some relevant books to help you write that essay.


most important (The primary cause of unhappiness is not about money-it is bad health.)

The primary cause of unhappiness is not about money-it is bad health.


of the mind (Many mental problems are still not well understood. We often don't know what causes them nor how to stop them from happening. )

Many mental problems are still not well understood. We often don't know what causes them nor how to stop them from happening.


clearly true (Dogs' feeling are usually evident in their actions.)

Dogs' feeling are usually evident in their actions.


very important, large (The exam score is a major part of the final class grade.)

The exam score is a major part of the final class grade.


plan to win (The debate team spent the evening discussing their strategy for defeating the other team.)

The debate team spent the evening discussing their strategy for defeating the other team.


way a group of people acts (When living in another country, it can be very difficult to become comfortable in the new culture.)

When living in another country, it can be very difficult to become comfortable in the new culture.


situation (My professor only gives extra time to finish essays under special circumstances. Normally it's not allowed.)

My professor only gives extra time to finish essays under special circumstances. Normally it's not allowed.