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25 Cards in this Set

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What is Psychoanalysis

Based on Freud's theory of personality, psychoanalysis sees weak superego as a cause of criminality

Effectiveness of psychoanalysis

Not very effective only 44 of psychoanalysis patients treated for neurosis showed improvement compared to 72% of patients treated by hospitals.

What is the operant Learning Theory for influencing policy

Operant Learning Theory claims criminal behaviour is learned through reinforcement and punishment it has been applied to polices for offenders via token economies

What is token economy

A program of selective reinforcement that rewards desirable behaviours

Effectiveness of token economy

Makes prisoners more manageable in prison,once reinforcement stops desired behaviour disappears

What is eyesecks personality therory and aversion therapy

Aversion therapy applies Eysencks personally theory to the treatment of sex offenders. Offenders are told to think about unacceptable sexual fantasies they will administrated a strong aversive stimulus which they would want to avoid.

Effectiveness of Eysencks personality theory and aversion therapy

Doesn't work-limited success,only short term,it used it to "cure gay",people have been criticized as humans= abuse of rights

What are cognitive theories and CBT

Cognitive theories claim that our cognition shapes our behaviour including offending behaviour

CBT aim to change offenders distorted thinking and attitudes.

What are the 3 CBT programs?

Think first

Aggression Replacement Training

What works

What is the think first program

Involves group and one to one sessions with repeat offenders to control their thoughts feelings and behaviour

What is Aggression Replacement Training

Program for violent aggressive offenders which involves: interpersonal skills training

Anger control techniques

Moral reasoning training

What is what works

Aims to reduce offending. It has a clear plan,it targets risk factors

Think first effectiveness

30% less likely to be reconvicted the none completion rate is high

Effectiveness of aggression Replacement Training

Evaluations show lower reconviction rates

What are values

General principles beliefs and guidelines about how we should live out life's,tell us what's right or wrong

What are norms

Rules or socially accepted standards of how we are supposed to behave

What are Mores

Essential norms that society sees as essential to maintain civilised behaviour.

Examples of changes in law over time

Drink driving

Immigration and racism

Cultural changes and LGBTQ rights

Drink driving details

1925 first law passed making driving while drink an offence. No clear definition of "drunk". No legal limit on how much alcohol could have in their blood.1952 only 15% of households owned a car and this increased to 55% by 1971= more deaths.5000 in 1950 to 8000 by 1960s

Changing perceptions of drink driving

Road safety was becoming more of a public concern.1966 all new cars had to be fitted with seatbelts. 1967 introduced alcohol limit of 80mg per 100ml of blood.


1958 they were introduced for roadside use. Government did a major advertising campaign it helped to reduce road deaths by over 11,000. Accidents went from 25% to 15%

Tougher laws regarding drink driving

1983 high risk offender scheme was introduced for convicted drivers with an alcohol problem.

1991 new offence of causing death by drink driving or under influence of drugs was introduced with a compulsory prison sentence up to 4 years

Campaigns in regards to drink driving

Fall in death rates

1979 half of all male drivers admitted drink driving least least once a week

2014 survey by THINK showed there has been a massive change in people's attitudes 91% of people thought drink driving was unacceptable

Immigration and racism

1945 fewer than 20,000 non white residents in the UK

1950s-1960s non white immigrants came from former British colonies in the Caribbean,Indian subcontinent and Africa.

What is the Windrush generation

Early arrivals faced hostility and negative racial stereotyping in housing employment and services. 1956 survey showed only 1.5% of whites would be willing to let a room to a black tenant.