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6 Cards in this Set

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Information processing theory states the mind is like a...


Children need their memory to learn

What is the memory process?

Information - Sensory memory - Attention - Short term memory - Encoding - Long term memory - Retrieval

If children do not pay attention or understand to what they see and hear, what happens in their brain?

They forget the information

How can we apply IP theory to learning literacy skills?

Use an active visual component

- puppets and props

- ensure they can see the book

- read with the children, link words and pictures

- sequence events and stories

How can IP theory be applied to learning numeracy skills?

Children process information better if there is an active or visual component

- share out objects

- matching number of objects to the written numeral

How can we apply IP theory to practice?

Use photos to stimulate memories

Use visual timetables

Give children time to respond - children have different processing speeds

Keep instructions short - show rather than tell

Use play and sensory activities to support learning