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12 Cards in this Set

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Piaget believed children are what type of learners?

Active learners

What is a schema?

Repeated thought, idea or action

What are the 4 stages of Piaget’s schema theory?





What is Assimilation and give an example?

The child has a schema (thought or idea)

- sand is always dry and rubs through a windmill

- all dogs are black

What is Equilibrium and give an example?

Child’s experiences support their schema

- only played with dry sand and it’s always run through the windmill

- only met black dogs

What is Disequilibrium and give an example?

A new experience upsets the schema

- child plays with wet sand and it won’t run through the windmill

- child meets a brown dog

What is Accommodation and give an example?

Child’s schema changes

- sand can have different texture and this affects how you can play with it

- dogs can be different colours

Name Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development and the relevant age ranges

0-2 years Sensori-motor stage

2-7 years Preoperational stage

7-11 years Concrete operations stage

11-15 years Formal Operations stage

What are the key features of the Sensorimotor stage?

Learn through the body and senses

Object permanence - child understands that objects still exist even when out of sight (approx 9 months)

Learn symbols in language - words match objects

What are the key features of the Preoperational stage?

Symbols in play - pretending a stick is a spoon or wand

Egocentric - only think of themselves

Centration- only able to classify by one category, e.g. shape or colour

Animism - believe objects have feelings, e.g. drawing faces on the sun, telling off a table when they bump into it

Not able to conserve

What are the key features of the Concrete operations stage?

Able to conserve (conservation) - the idea that when an object changes shape it doesn’t change its size, e.g. playdough ball changing to sausage shape

Can solve mental problems with concrete objects, e.g. counters

How can we apply Piaget’s theory in practice?

Provide resources to practice concepts, e.g. playdough, sand, water

Activities must be age/stage appropriate

Provide role play to help children to act our their experiences and develop own rules

Provide plenty of resources for reading and writing