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112 Cards in this Set

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The program development cycle begins with creating specifications for a program.
After creating a flowchart, the next step in designing a program is to write the program code.
Pseudocode is a design tool only, and is never processed by the computer.
In UNIX/Linux, all shells support the same commands and programming statements.
A .bash_logout file in each Bash user's home directory executes commands when the user logs out.
The second step in the program development cycle is _____________.

a. creating program specifications
b. coding the program
c. debugging
d. the design process
d. the design process
A ____________ is a logical diagram that uses a set of standard symbols to visually explain the sequence of events from the start of a process to its end point.

a. pseudocode
b. flowchart
c. block chart
d. map
b. flowchart
Each step in the program is represented by a(n) __________ in the flowchart.

a. arrow
b. symbol
c. block
d. label
b. symbol
In a flowchart, a(n) ________ is used to represent a process.

a. rectangle
b. diamond
c. circle
d. arrow
a. rectangle
In a flowchart, a(n) ___________ is used to indicate process flow.

a. diamond
b. arrow
c. circle
d. rectangle
b. arrow
In a flowchart, a(n) ________ is an on-page connector to continue process flow.

a. diamond
b. arrow
c. rectangle
d. circle
d. circle
In a flowchart, a(n) ______________ is used to represent a decision.

a. circle
b. arrow
c. rectangle
d. diamond
d. diamond
When you create a script, you should include the command that sets the particular shell to use on __________.

a. your login script
b. the configuration line
c. the last line of the script
d. the first line of the script
d. the first line of the script
The line in the script for setting the Bash sell is: _________.

a. !#/bin/bash
b. !/bin/bash
c. #/bin/bash
d. #!/bin/bash
d. #!/bin/bash
For your own account, the shell that is set up by default is established by the system administrator in the _______ file.

a. /etc/shadow
b. /etc/default
c. /etc/passwd
d. /etc/shell
c. /etc/passwd
Each record in the /etc/passwd file is simply a record with variable-length fields separated by ________.

a. dahses (-)
b. commas (,)
c. semicolons (;)
d. colons (:)
d. colons (:)
__________ is a multifunction tool that enables you to manage openSUSE from one location.

a. User Manager
b. MC
c. YaST
d. Control Panel
c. YaST
The .bashrc file is a hidden file contained in _________ directory.

a. the /home
b. your home
c. the /usr
d. the root
b. your home
To view a list of the files in a directory, including the hidden files, you should enter ________.

a. ls -l
b. ls -r
c. la -a
d. ls -h
c. ls -a
The _______ file is run each time you log in or give command to set Bash as your current shell, but not when you run a subshell.

a. .bash_login
b. .bash_profile
c. .bash
d. .bashrc
b. .bash_profile
The ________ file typically contains settings, such as environment variable settings, aliases, and other settings that you always want in effect when you are in the Bash shell.

a. .bash_profile
b. .bash
c. .bashrc
d. .bash_login
a. .bash_profile
The __________ file runs when you log in using the Bash shell as the default, and each time you start a Bash shell within a Bash shell.

a. .bash
b. .bash_profile
c. .bashrc
d. .bash_login
c. .bashrc
The __________ operator of the test command, combines two expressions and tests a logical OR relationship between them.

a. -O
b. ||
c. -o
d. |
c. -o
To format record output you can use the translate utility, ________.

a. tr
b. trns
c. trans
d. translate
a. tr
A simple way to delete a record using _____ is with the -d (delete) option.

a. tr
b. test
c. sed
d. awk
c. sed
A function name differs from a variable name because a function name is followed by a set of ________.

a. parentheses
b. curly brackets
c. square brackets
d. angle brackets
a. parentheses
Most computers store text in EBCDIC codes.
One of the most effective utilities for auditing system performance is the top command.
The top utility continues to produce output until you press x to terminate the execution of the program.
Unlike top, the free utility runs and then automatically exits.
When you use restore, by default it copies back to your current working directory.
An IP address uses a dotted decimal notation that consists of 16-bit binary numbers (octets) seperated by periods used to identify a computer or network device and the network it is on.
The ______ utility manages a firewall and packet filtering.

a. netstat
b. passwd
c. iptables
d. wall
c. iptables
The _____ utility maintains program source code.

a. configure
b. gcc
c. make
d. patch
c. make
The ____ utility manages concurrent access to files in a hierarchy.

a. tree
b. rcs
c. cvs
d. rlog
c. cvs
The ______ utility shcedules a command to run at a preset time.

a. call
b. at
c. crontab
d. batch
c. crontab
Possessing a rich set of options that allow it to handle copies when other methods are inappropriate, the ____ command can handle conversions to and from legacy EBCDIC to ASCII.

a. convert
b. dd
c. tee
d. df
b. dd
The df utility reports the number of ____-byte blocks that are allocated, used, and available; the percentage used; and the mount point - for mounted file systems.

a. 4096
b. 2048
c. 1024
d. 512
c. 1024
When you use the du utility, file usage is expressed in the number of ____-byte blocks (default) or by the number of bytes (the -b option).

a. 4096
b. 1024
c. 2048
d. 512
d. 512
_____ is the default file name for the output of program compilation procedures.

a. a.out
b. out.a
c. a.obj
d. obj.a
a. a.out
The ____ command displays a listing of the most CPU-intensive tasks, such as the processor state, in real time (the display is updated every five seconds by default).

a. netstat
b. ds
c. top
d. stat
c. top
The ____ command displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.

a. mem
b. memstat
c. stat
d. free
d. free
To run a program in the background, append the ____ character to the end of the command used to start the program.

a. @
b. &
c. $
d. *
b. &
The ___ option of the ispell utility is used to ignore concatenated words.

a. -c
b. -C
c. -I
d. -i
b. -C
You can use the ____ utility to compare the contents of two files, and if there is a difference, the command reports the location at which the files first start to differ.

a. diff
b. cmp
c. difference
d. compare
b. cmp
Dump level ___ is used to back up all files.

a. 9
b. 1
c. 10
d. 0
d. 0
The ___ utility offers a simple way to test connections.

a. ipconfig
b. ping
c. netstat
d. test
b. ping
The ____ option of the ping command displays only a summary of the results.

a. -s
b. -q
c. -c
d. -r
b. -q
One use of ____ is to get a general idea of how efficiently your network is designed.

a. traceroute
b. ipconfig
c. netstat
d. ping
a. traceroute
The ____ utility gathers statistics and information about IP communications on a computer.

a. netstat
b. ipconfig
c. traceroute
d. ping
a. netstat
A(n) _____ enables services and software on one computer to use services and software on a different computer.

a. Smaba
b. RPC
c. NFS
d. SMB
b. RPC
To start a service, you can use the ___ command from the root account.

a. service
b. start
c. exec
d. stat
a. service
UNIX/Linux computers can access shared Windows system drives through the use of ____.

a. NFS
b. Samba
c. RPC
d. IP
b. Samba
Samba is a utility that uses the ____ protocol, which is also used by Windows systems for sharing folders and printers.

a. IP
b. SMB
c. RPC
d. NFS
b. SMB
The .pe extension is typically used to indicate that the file is a Perl script.
The value of a variable can change while a program runs.
In Perl, double-quoted strings are not subject to interpolation.
The Awk program does not require the programmer to explicitly set up looping structures as does Perl.
Awk is popular as a CGI tool for Web-based applications.
Perl is a(n) ____ language, which means that statements are read and immediately executed.

a. compiled
b. fourth generation
c. interpreted
d. object-oriented
c. interpreted
All complete statements in Perl end with a(n) _____.

a. commac
b. colon
c. semicolon
d. asterick
c. semicolon
A(n) ____ is a simple variable that holds a number or a string.

a. constant
b. label
c. identifier
d. scalar
d. scalar
Scalar variable names begin with a(n) _____.

a. dollar sign ($)
b. asterick (*)
c. pound sign (#)
d. exclamtation sign (!)
a. dollar sign ($)
______ are sequences of any types of characters (including numbers that are treated as characters rather than digits).

a. Constants
b. Variables
c. Scalars
d. Strings
d. strings
The character sequence ____ forces the next character to uppercase.

a. \Q
b. \u
c. \U
d. \"
b. \u
The character sequence ____ quotes all following nonalphanumeric characters until \E is encountered.

a. \U
b. \*
c. \Q
d. \u
c. \Q
______ are variables that store an ordered list of scalar values that are accessed with numberic sunscripts, starting at zero.

a. Lists
b. Strings
c. Hashes
d. Arrays
d. Arrays
When processing the individual elements of an array, use the ____ character.

a. $
b. *
c. #
d. @
a. $
A(n) _____ is a variable that represents a set of key/value pairs.

a. hash
b. string
c. array
d. tuple
a. hash
To refer to a single element of a hash, you use the $ character before the variable name, followed by the key associated with the value in ______.

a. parentheses
b. angle brackets
c. square brackets
d. curly brackets
c. curly brackets
The following example shows a(n) ______ variable:
%animals = ('Tigers', 10, 'Lions', 20, 'Bears', 30);

a. array
b. string
c. scalar
d. hash
d. hash
If the ____ option is not included, the Awk program uses the first command-line argument as its program.

a. -i
b. -I
c. -F
d. -f
d. -f
The convention is to use all uppercase letters for _____.

a. variables
b. strings
c. filehandles
d. constants
c. filehandles
In Perl, print; is equivalent to _____.

a. print "$_";
b. print "_";
c. print "_$";
d. print "$";
a. print "$_";
In Perl, the logical OR operator is _____.

a. <>
b. <=>
c. ||
d. |
c. ||
After you create a web page, you can publish the page on a web _____.

a. client
b. database
c. program
d. server
d. server
The ____ feature allows your UNIX or Linux system to access its own internal netowrk configuration instead of an external netowrk.

a. ipconfig
b. loopback
c. spaceship
d. netstat
b. loopback
The IP address _____ is the standard designation for loopback communication.

The name of the computer at the loopback address is _______.

a. root
b. default
c. host
d. localhost
d. localhost
In HTML, all special codes contained inside angled brackets <> are _____.

a. tags
b. constants
c. variables
d. commands
a. tags
The C language was partly developed to resolve the more lengthy requirements of assembly language.
Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernigham rewrote most of UNIX using C++ in the early 1960s.
C can be described as a language that uses relatively short, isolated functions to break down large, complex tasks into small and easily resolved subtasks.
A variable's data type determines the upper and lower limits of its range of values.
The word "null" is used to indicate that a function returns no data.
fgetch() reads a single character from the file and points to it.
Unlike many other library input functions, readf() can be used to input values of a variety of data types.
C++ uses // to denote a comment line.
________ is the language in which UNIX was developed and refined.

a. Perl
b. Awk
c. C++
d. C
d. C
The original UNIX was written in _________.

a. Assembly language
b. C
b. C++
d. Awk
a. Assembly language
_________ is a low-level language that provides maximum access to all the computer's devices, both internal and external.

a. Assembly language
b. C
c. C++
d. Awk
a. Assembly language
The source code of a C program file is stored in a file with the _______ extension.

a. .gc
b. .src
c. .c
d. .C
c. .c
A compiler is a program that translates the source code into _______ code, which consists of binary instructions.

a. compiled
b. binary
c. object
d. binary
c. object
The output of a linker is a(n) ________ file.

a. binary
b. executable
c. object
d. source code
b. executable
________ have special meanings, so you cannot use them as names for variables or functions.

a. Keywords
b. Labels
c. Constants
d. Tags
a. Keywords
The ______ data type occupies a single byte.

a. int
b. char
c. double
d. float
b. char
You can use three modifiers with int data types: short, long, and __________.

a. scalar
b. double
c. array
d. unsigned
d. unsigned
When you represent character data in a program as a character constant, you enclose the character in _______.

a. double quotation marks
b. curly braces
c. angle braces
d. single quotation marks
d. single quotation marks
A(n) ________ is a group of characters, such as a name.

a. scalar
b. array
c. string
d. hash
c. string
When you use string constants in your C program, they must be enclosed in _________.

a. curly braces
b. angle braces
c. double quotation marks
d. single quotation marks
c. double quotation marks
__________ is an example of how you can declare a string in C.

a. sting name;
b. char name[20];
c. String name;
d. string name[20];
b. char name[20];
The ______ of a variable is the part of the program in which the variable is defined and, therefore, accessible.

a. scope
b. reach
c. aim
d. length
a. scope
Variables that are declared inside a function are called ________ variables.

a. global
b. automatic
c. scalar
d. independent
b. automatic
Automatic variables are _______ to the function in which they are declared.

a. unique
b. global
c. assigned
d. local
d. local
C's increment operator is:

a. ++
b. +=
c. =+
d. +
a. ++
The decrement operator is a(n) _______ operator.

a. unary
b. binary
c. arbitrary
d. primary
a. unary
The _______ format specifier is used to denote a signed decimal integer.

a. %c
b. %f
c. %d
d. %s
c. %d
The _______ format specifier is used to denote a floating point number in decimal notation.

a. %c
b. %f
c. %d
d. %s
b. %f
C provides three looping mechanisms: the for loop, the while loop, and the ________ loop.

a. while-do
b. repeat-until
c. do-while
d. switch
c. do-while
_________ are continuous streams of data.

a. Files
b. Strings
c. Arrays
d. Pointers
a. Files
The ________ utility tracks what needs to be recompiled by using the time stamp field for each source file.

a. configure
b. gcc
c. compile
d. make
d. make
The _______ scanf() format specifier is used to indicate that scanf() should interpret the input value as a pointer.

a. %p
b. %r
c. %R
d. %P
d. %P