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15 Cards in this Set

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reshaping of local conditions by powerful global forces on an ever-intensifying scale

cultural imperialism

the idea that some cultures dominate other cultures and that cultural domination by one culture leads inevitably to the destruction of subordinated cultures and their replacement by the culture of those in power

cultural hybridity

cultural mixing


migrant populations with a shared identity who live in a variety of different locales around the world; a form of trans-border identity that does not focus on nation building

long-distance nationalists

members of a diaspora organized in support of nationalist struggles in their homeland or to agitate for a state of their own

trans-border state

a form of state in which it is claimed that those people who left the country and their descendants remain part of their ancestral state, even if they are citizens of another state

trans-border citizenry

a group made up of citizens of a country who continue to live in the homeland plus the people who have emigrated from the country and their descendants

legal citizenship

the right and obligations of citizenship accorded by the law of a state

substantive citizenship

the actions people take, regardless of their legal citizenship status, to assert their membership in a state and to bring about political changes that will improve their lives

transnational nation-state

a nation-state in which the relationships between citizens and their states extend to wherever citizens reside

flexible citizenship

the strategies and effects employed by mangers, technocrats, and professionals who move regularly across state boundaries who seek both to circumvent and benefit from different nation-state regimes

postnational ethos

an attitude toward the world in which people submit to the governmentally of the capitalist market while trying to evade the governmentally of nation-states

human rights

a set of rights that should be accorded to all human beings everywhere in the world


being at ease in more than one cultural setting


the awkward, unequal, unstable aspects of interconnection across difference