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9 Cards in this Set

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What are proteins?

They are the 2nd most common constituent of a cell after water. They are made up of amino acids which have a amine group, a carboxyl acid, hydrogen and a R Group which distinguishes 1 amino acid from another.

Why are proteins referred to as polypeptides and what is the result of this?

When amino acid links together in a chain they form a protein. C of 1 carboxyl group links to N of 1 amine group of neighbouring amino acids by a covalent peptide bond.

In this reaction the C releases O and the Nitrogen releases 2 H to from water.

How is the primary level structure created in protein?

Dehydration synthesis between amino acids.

How many structures does a functional protein have?

3 or 3 level structure

What is the secondary structure of a protein?

Beta pleated sheets and alpha helix.

Why is the shape of the protein important?

Function of protein changes with shape.

What is the function of nucleic acids?

Serves as information storage, transfer molecule and energy transfer.

What can nucleic acids be build from?

2 types of monomers ribose and deoxyribose.

What is the primary function of DNA?

DNA primary used for information storage.