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93 Cards in this Set

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increase in the number of cells
binary fission
cells elongate & divide into 2 new cells
partition that separates the cell into daughter cells
division septum -> new cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall material
generation time
time required to for one cell to divide in two
balanced growth
all cellular constituents increase proportionally
Fts proteins
present in all prokaryotes: essential for cell division -> filamentous temperature sensitive
FtsZ is related to what eukaryotic protein?
cell division apparatus formed by Fts proteins
ZipA: function
divisome protein, amchor that connects FtsZ ring to cytoplasmic membrane & stabilizes it
FtsI: function
peptidoglycan synthesis: contained in divisome; penicillin-binding protein (activity blocked by penicillin)
cell division: when does DNA replicate?
before the FtsZ ring forms between trhe duplicated nucleoids
Min proteins & their functions
facilitate location of the cell midpoint -> Min C & Min D inhibit cell division by preventing FtsZ ring from forming; D is spiral that oscillates from pole to pole also localizes in C to membrane; Min E oscillates form pole to pole moving C & D aside - C & D dwell longer at poles than elsewhere so lowest concentration is in middle; this is where FtsZ assembles the ring
What Fts protein assists in pulling apart the copies of the chromosome?
What happens as the dividing cell constricts?
FtsZ depolymerizes, and triggers grwoth of septim; enzymatic activity of FtsZ hydrolyzes GTP for energy required tp polymerize & depolymerize FtsZ ring
autolysins (function)
enzymes that create small openings in the wall beginning at the FtsZ ring -> hydrolyze beta1-4 glycosidic bonds connecting NAG and NAM in peptidoglycan backbone: new cell wall material added to holes
wall band
junction between new and old peptidoglycan -> ridge on cell surface of gram-positive bacteria
spontaneous cell lysis : possible result if new cell wall precursors are not propoerly spliced into existing peptidoglycan
lipid carrier molecule; hydrophobic alcohol that binds Nag/NAM/pentapeptide precursor to peptidoglycan; makes them sufficiently hydrophobic to pass thru cytoplasmic membrane then interacts with glycolases
insert cell wall precursors into growing point of cell wall, catalyze glycosidic bond formation
process of forming peptide cross-links between muraic acid residues in adjacent glycan chains
what cross-links form in gram-negative bactera during trnspeptidation?
between diaminopimelic acid on one peptide & D-alanine on adjacent peptide
what energy drives transpeptidation
initially there are 2 D-alanine residues at end of peptidoglycan precursor: one is removed during transpeptidation -> exergonic reaction -> there's not ATP to supply energy outside of the cell
where does transpeptidation occur?
outside the cytoplasm
in gram-positive bacteria, what crosslinks form during transpeptidation
links across the glycine interbridge, typically from L-lysine of one peptide to D-alanine of another
what reaction is inhibited by penicillin
transpeptidation -> without new wall synthesis, continued autolysin activity leads to osmotic bursting
2 reasons penicillin has been a successful drug
1) humans are eukarya and lack peptidoglycan so is nontoxic even in high doses; 2) virtually all pathogenic bacteria contain peptidoglycan & are potential targets of the drug
iin general, bacteria have __ generation times than microbial eukaryotes
exponential growth
pattern of population increase where the number of cells double during a constant time interval
what do you see when you graph cell numbner on arithmetic coordinates as a function of time?
curve with continuously increasing slope
what do you see when you gr[aph cell number on a logarithmic scale & time is plotted arithmetically (semilog graph)
points fall on a straight line -> use to estimat generation time
why does exponential growth lead to large cell populations in so short a period of time?
iuncrease in cell numbre increases at an ever faster rate -> later stages in growth have very large numbers of cells
what's the relationship between the number of cells present in a culture initially and the number present after a period of exponential growth?
N=No 2^n where n is number of generations
What is the relationship between the generation time g to the number of generations during period of exponential growth?
g = t/n
How can you fetermine the generation time of an exponentially growing culture graphically?
the slope of the semilog plot: the slope=#n/t; g = #/slope
specific growth rate
abbreviated as k, what you get as slope from semilog plot (#/g)
division rate
reciprocal of the generation time -> v; v=1/g units h^-1
contrast g and v
g -> measure of time for population to double, v is measure of number of generations per unit time
IF in 8 h an exponentially growing cell population increases from 5x10^6 cells/ml to 5x10^8 cells'm .calculate g ,n, v, k
Number of generations: N2 = N1 * 2^n

5 x 10^8 = 5 x 10^6 * 2^n
log(5 x 10^8)= log(5 x 10^6) * nlog(2)
n = log(5 x 10^8)-log(5 x 10^6))/log(2)
= 2.89

Generation time: g = t/n

g = 8/2.89
= 2.77

Division rate: v=1/g

v = 1/2.77
= 0.36

Growth rate: K = Ln2/g

k = ln2/2.77
= 0.25
batch culture
culture growing in an enclosed vessel like tube or flask - >exponential growth can't continue indefinitely -> will see lag phase, exp phase, stationary phase and death phase
lag phase
interval between inoculation and beginning of growth
why might there be a lage phase even if inoculum is take from an old culture & transferred to the same medium?
cell s are depleted of essentials & time is required for biosynthesis
why might there be a lag when inoculum has cells that have been treated with heat adiation or toxic chemicals
time required for cells to repair damage
the mechanism for generalized transduction
lytic cycle: virus DNA integrates into genome, so when DNA from virus is transcribed parts of host DNA are replicated – some phages contain host DNA
How does specialized transduction work?
host cell's DNA from near where phage inserts itself is integrated with transducing particle – host + more DNA
transfer of plasmids from cell to cell mediated by
products of tra genes – some interact with oriT region to initiate transfer of ssDNA, others form pili
R plasmid
plasmid that encodes antibiotic resistance
a method of passing genetic material from cell to cell
important features of F plasmid
Tra – genes in conjugative transfer; Ori-T origin of transfer for conjugation; Is inertion sequences and Ts – tranposons
examples of functions plasmids can confer
N2 fixation, antibiotic resistance, nitrogen fixation, conjugation
regulation of plasmid replication
copy number – number of copies allowed in a cell, incompatibility, controlled by enzymes encoded by the plasmid
extrachromosomal genetic element – not essential, often helpful, no extracellular form
Bacteriophage produced by 1 host cell injects DNA from that cell into another – specific or generalized
competence-specific single-stranded DNA binding protein
binds SSDNA in transformation, then recA takes over
transformation mechanism
transforming DNA binds to DNA-binding protein on cell surface, nuclease may cut it, enters and binds cs SSDNABP, then recombination
Pre-requisites for transformation
cell is competent (naturally able to take up DNA from envrinoment or have competence proteins) OR electroporation
Frederick Griffith's experiment with pneumococcus
lethal S form had polysaccharide cover that mouse immune system couldn't kill. Mice + live R cells + heat killed S cells still lethal
How can we tell whether recombination has occurred?
-if recipient is mutant that can't make an AA you know it shouldn't grow unless got new DNA - use selectable markers
3 ways donor DNA gets into cell
transformation, transduction, conjugation
homologous recombination mechanism
strands similar so base-pairs can form – endonuclease cuts strand frmo donor DNA, ssBPs bind hanging strand and RecA forms cross-strand exchange, nucleases cut link & ligase sews it up
What is the Ames test for?
to see if chemical causes mutation
how does the Ames test work
take an auxotroph e.g. Histidine of Salmonella or trp of E coli – put in plate lacking nutrient – if it grows it mutated
What's the SOS response
when there's DNA damage – SOS can fix but is error prone
umuD and uvrA code for
SOS response – enzymes that repair DNA – umuD is error-prone and uvrA is accurate
LexA function
represses transcription of umuD/uvrA genes – inactivated by recA for SOS response
2 categories of DNA-repair systems
error free, error prone – error prone involves guesses! Only for a lot of damage
2 kinds of radiation
ionizing forms free radicals, non-ionizing causes pyridine dimers
UV light can cause what
formation of pyrimidine dimers between adjacent bases – disrupt replication
in what ways can chemicals eff with DNA
change base-pairing properties, crosslink different DNA strands so replication fails, insert between 2 base pairs and mess up polymerase
base analogs
similar to bases that bind to wrong partner – causes substitutions e.g. 5-bromouracil and 2-aminopurine
can base pair with G causing AT to GC substitution
can base pair with C causing AT to GC substitutions
suppressor mutation
restores wild-type phenotype – may not be in same place as original mutation
strain that has regained wild-type phenotype from mutant : same-site or second-site (suppressor) mutation
frameshift mutations
insertions, deletions cause reading frame shift – correct one can be restored by another insertion or deletion mutation
missense mutation
new codon encodes a different amino acid than the original codon
nonsense mutation
new codon is stop codon
silent mutation
new codon encodes same amino acid as original
penicillin selection
penicillin only kills growing cells in a culture so all normal cells will die and mutants will remain
replica plating
Auxotroph screening technique – make imprint of plate with all colonies growing, then transfer the velveteen imprint to 1 plate with incomplete medium & 1 with comple & compare
identification of organisms by phenotype or genotype without inhibiting or enhancing the growth of any particular type – used when looking for unselectable phenotypes
selectable phenotype
results from mutation that won't allow growth in particular conditions that don't allow wildtype growth
change or lesion in gene that disrupts function to make another allele
mutant unable to make a particular nutrient
2 key findings in microbial genetics
DNA holds genetic code, not proteins & transduction (sexual corssing)
Tar transducer of E. coli: aspartate
MCP that senses aspartate, malate (attractants); Co, Nickel (repellants)
repellents increase what
autophosphorylation of Che A causing more tumbles
What allows MCPs to adapt?
CheR methylates MCPs – when fully methylated there's no activity: CheB-P demethylates MCP faster but CheR is always kicking – when completely insensitive eventually CheA is phosphorylated and causes a tumble
MCPs interact with what cytoplasmic protein?
HeA-P transfers a phosphoryl group to
either CheY (direction of rotation) for tumble OR CheB which goes to demethylate MCPs
Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins
what kind of regulatory system is involved in quorum sensing
2-component regulatory system
2-component regulatory system
sensor kinase + response regulator – transmembrane protein sensor-P b/c of a signal, transfers P to response regulator that either binds or stops binding to activator binding site to allow transcription, phosphatase resets system