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87 Cards in this Set

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What is energy?

the capacity to perform work.

what is a measure of disorder?


what compound directly provides energy for cellular work?


Diffusion is and example of

Passive transport

Osmosis can be defined as

The diffusion of water

Photosynthetic organisms are


Facilitated diffusion is?

Diffusion through a cell membrane with little help from the membranes embedded proteins.

The formations of ATP from a single phosphate ion and an ADP molecule is known as?


The lipid bilayer of cell membranes are made up of what?

Hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules.

Energy is transferred from ATP to other molecules by transferring a

Phosphate group

Enzymes are


Active transport can...

move solutes against their concentration gradient

In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?


What is the function of the stoma?

to let CO2 into the plant and to allow Oxygen out

What are grana?

Stacks of membranous sacs.

What is the name given to membranous sacs found within a chloroplast?


The calvin cycle requires ____ and _____ from the light-dependent reactions in order to operate.


The products of the light reactions of photosynthesis are ___


What is responsible for the yellow-orange coloration of leaves in the fall?


The shorter the wavelength of visible light, the ___

Greater the energy

Where are photosystems located ?

Thylakoid membrane

What is the source of the oxgen gas released by a photosystem?


What is found in both cellular respiration and an the light reactions of photosynthesis?

Electron transport chain.

Phloem tissues are responsible form moving

Food (sugar) downward

Cellular respiration...

Produces ATP

Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?

Along the outside of the outer mitochondrial membrane.

sequence of stages in cellular respiration

Glycolysis, Transition, citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), electron transport chain

A product of glycolysis is ___

Pyruvic acid

What must pyruvic acid be converted to before it can enter the citric acid cycle?

Acetyl CoA

Which part of cellular respiration produces the most NADH?

Krebs cylce ( citric acid cycle)

Aerobic cellular respiration generates about ___ ATP from one glucose.

36 net

In cellular respiration, most ATP is produced directly as a result of ____

The electron transport chain.

What metabolic pathway is common to both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells as they catabolize glucose?


More glucose can be processed in cell respiration if the mitochondria have more


when chromosomes are thin and drawn out they are called ___


DNA is found in structures called ____


A duplicated chromosome consists of two ____

Sister chromatids

Chromatin consists of

DNA and protiens.

If you unwound a chromosome, you would find spherical structure and long thin strand around the spheres. The spheres are ___ and the thin strand is ___.

proteins known as histones ... DNA

Sister chromatids are joined at the ___


What of the following occurs during interphase?

Chromosome duplication.

Sequences of mitosis

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.

During metaphase I

Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

One difference between mitosis and meiosis is ___

mitosis produces cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell, but meiosis does not

DNA and RNA are polymers composed of ___ monomers.


The backbone of DNA consists of ____

A repeating sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate pattern.

in adenine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA double helix, what percent of the bases are guanine?


What type of chemical bonds join the bases of complementary DNA strands?


During replication ___ are the enzymes responsible for joining and breaking the nucleotides of a DNA strand.

DNA polymerases

What name is given to the collection of traits exhibited by an organism?


How many amino acids are common to all types of living systems?


How many nucleotides make up a codon?


What is transcription?

Manufacture of a strand of RNA complementary to a strand of DNA.

Which of the following enzymes is responsible for RNA synthesis?

RNA polymerase.

Translation converts the information stored in ___ to ___.

RNA ... a polypeptide.

Where is translation accomplished


Peptide bonds form between ___.

Amino acids.

one gene-one___


The RNA that is translated into a polypeptide is ____ RNA



carry two copies of the same allele.

What name is given to the specific location of a gene on a chromosome?



contain two different alleles.

Chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes are called___.


What name is given to the functional compartments of a cell?


An organisms ability to monitor, adapt and change within limits to it's surrounding is known as:


An atom with a positive charge has

More protons than electrons

Adjacent water molecules are connected by the ___

electrical attraction between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule

Sugar dissolves when stirred into water. The sugar is the ___, the water is the ___, and the sweetened water is the ___.

Solute,... solvent,... solution.

The hydrogen and oxygen of a water molecule are held together by ___ bonds


An atom's nuetrons and protons are found

in its nucleus

An atom with an electrical charge is an


Covalent bonds are...

Bonds that involve the sharing of electrons

Ionic bonds are...

Bonds between oppositely charged ions

The lower the pH of a solution, the___

more acidic the solution.

The subatomic particle that is negatively charged, weighs almost nothing, and can be found circling around the orbitals of an atom is known as an...


Where within the chemistry of atoms and molecules, is the majority of energy used for cell activity found?

Bonds that hold molecules together.

Carbohydrates typically include ___

C,H, and O

What are the 4 types of molecules basic for life?

Carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.

Enzymes are ___


Proteins are polymers constructed from ___ monomers

amino acids.

Cells that have both a nucleus and a cell wall are

plant cells

where does protein synthesis take place?

on ribosomes.

What is the function of the golgi apparatus?

Protein modification.

What is the shipping center of a cell?

The golgi apparatus

Functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum include...

lipid synthesis, steroid synthesis, and drug detoxification.

Lysosomes are responsible for ___.

Digestion of organic matter inside the cell.

Ribosomes do what?

Store information necessary to produce proteins.