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598 Cards in this Set

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Furazolidone resistant


Pyridoxal medium


Common error in pcr

Nucleic acid contamination

Mchc formula

Hgb x 100 / hct %

Gram positive bacilli with spores

Bacillus spp

Hyposegmented neutrophils


Necessary for vitamin b12 absorption

Intrinsic factor

Highest incidence of heteditary hemochromatosis


Ulex europeaus

To confirm bombay

hh genotype

Bombay phenotype


Thiamin deficiency


Permant deferral

Front type AB...back type O

Cold autoantibody

Best assay for phenochromocythamine


Testicular cancer

Beta hcg

Parents A and B

Kids possible.. A B O AB

IAT indirect antibody test

Detects antibodies in the plasma

Virulence factor for n. Gonorrhea

Pill, endotoxins, capsule

Resistent to penicillin and aminoglcosides


Gentamicin resistant


Reactive mono seen in

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Test to differentiate between Providencia and Morganella


Hepa A virus

Stool ag, IgM ab, IgG ab

Modified Hodge test, carbapenemase pos

Impenem resistant

Favors growth of anaerobic gram negative bacilli

Vitamin k and hemin

Has immunoglobulin surface marker

B lymphocytes

Amylase maybe normal if trigs are decreased


Moth ball ingestion

Heinz bodies

A zygomycetis without rhizoids


Hba1c decreased in..

Iron deficiency anemia

Urease method for Bun


Cystic fibrosis patients culture for…


LAP = 0

Chronic myleogenous leukemia

Blood gas exposed to air

Co2 decreased

PO2 increased

Creatinine clearance is reported in


Clue cells are

Squamas epis

False high result during sweat collection


Breach of the blood brain barrier

Csf/albumin index

Decreased serum phos seen in..

Patients on carbohydrate hyperlumenation

Elevated anion gap do..

Bun, Creat, urinalysis, Sal, and Methanol

Blood gas exposed to air for 30 mins..

Increased p02

Decreased hc03

Iron decreased

TIBC increased

Iron deficiencey anemia

90% of copper is bound to


Tropin complex

Trop c, Trop I, Trop T

Hemoglobin H disease results from ..

Abscence of 3 to 4 alpha genes

Conjugated bili is a major serum component of

Biliary obstruction

In flow cytometry analysis of right angle provides info of cell..


Modified acid fast stain

Nocardia species

Tropin is longests cardiac enzyme elevated for…

10 days

Myoglobin is first enzyme to elevate in MI for..


CK is elevated in MI for..

3 to 4 days

Cortisol increased in

Cushing syndrome

Quality test for autoclave

Spore test weekly with B. Stearothermo

Vi antigen

Salmonella typhi


Infectious Mono


Disease of immunocompromised hosts


Weil Felix reaction

Cryptococcus Neoformans

India ink


Complete virus particle

Specific test for E. Coli

Indole test

Auer rods seen in


Hypersegmented neutrophils

Megaloblastic anemia

Most common leukemia in children..


Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Osmotic fragility increased in..

Hereditary sphereocytosis

PT detects defects in…

Extrinsic and common pathways

Anti-Thrombin III

Heparin cofactor. Deficiencies associated with Thrombosis

Increased LAP

Polycythemia Vera and leukemoid reactions

Decreased LAP


Antigens destroyed with the use of enzymes..

M, N, Ss, Duffy

Antigens enhanced with enzymes…

RH, Kidd, Lewis, P

Leukocyte redued rbcs given to ..

Patients with a history of febrile reaction

Cold agglutination syndrome

I, P1




Biliary cirrhosis

Indirect flourescent ab

T. Palidium

Heterophile abs

Test for mono


Recovery and immunity

Butchers cut

E. Rhusiopathine

Reyes syndrome

Test for ammonia

Transudates are usually..


In delayed hemolytic anemia and transfusion reactions, hemoglobinuria occurs when..

Haptoglobin is depleted

Reacts with pheno… at ph 9.6

Pagets disease


Defect in PNH

CD 59

% iron sat formula

(Serum iron / TIBC) *100

Fbs 120

2hr 140

Impaired glucose




Primary biliary cirrhosis

Cat scrath

Bartonella Henselae

Metabolite of cocaine


Gram pos bacilli

Non motile

Non hemolytic

Cat positive

Spore forming

Bacillus Anthracis

Anti IgG is neg

C3d is pos

Do prewarm

Streptokinase therapy


Sensitivity formula

[Tp/(Tp + Fn) ]* 100

Ca 19.9

Pancreatic Mass

Lysine Decarboxylate

Salmonell pos

Citrobactor neg

Fat cell, waxy cast, rbc cast

Nephrotic syndrom

Renal tubular and epi cell casts

Acute tubular necrosis

Majority of CLL

B lymphocytes

Eye conjunctivitis

Chlamydia Tachonmics?

Biliary obstruction


Giant platelets

Bernard Soulier Syndrom

Hair baiting test

Differentiate between T. Rubrum and T. Mentagrophytes

EPO below normal

Polycythemia Vera

PTH normal

Ionized Ca increased

Metastatic Carcinoma

Favic Chandelier

T. Schoenleinii

False positive protein in strip

Radiographic dye

Neisseria Lactamica

Lactose pos

TIBC measures

Iron bound transferrin


Specific IgE


Total IgE

Her 2/neu measured by


Surfactant fetal lung maturity


Anti-Smooth Muscle ab

Chronic Active hepatitis

Hepatitis marker present in acute infection..

IgM anti-Hbc


Myelofibrosis Metaplasia

Howel jolly bodies

Wright stain

Treatment for patient with Warfarin toxicity

Vitamin K

18% rectics observed on wright stain..

Do a Heinz body stain

Show dosage for


Ssu antibodies appear in the presence of


Latex agglutination for staph aureus detects

Protein A and clumping factor

Lupus anticoagulant causes


Cause of a false negative ABO

Red cells positive for DAT

Irreversable phase of platelet aggregation

Release of ADP

Rheumatoid factor

IgM that binds to the Fc portion of abnormal IgG


Measures reduction in light by particles in suspension


Light is measured similar to Turbidimetry but at an angle


Chemical reactions produce a colored substance of a particular wavelength. Amount of light absorbed is directly proportional to concentration of the analyte


Atoms absorb light of specific wavelength and emit light of longer wavelenght… lower energy

Atomic absoprtion spectrophotometry

Measures light absorbed by ground state atoms

Diabetes diagnosis

Fbs greater than 126

2 hour glucose greater than 200

Impaired fasting glucose

100 to 124 fasting

140 to 199 2 hour

Transferrin saturation formula

(100 x serum iron) / tibc


Indicator of malnutrition.

Binds thyroid hormones and retinol binding protein


Major contributor to oncotic pressure.

Binds bilirubin, steroids, and fatty acids

Acute inflammation

Alpha 1 and alpha 2 increased


Ig that reversibly precipitate at cold temperatures.

Anion gap calculations

Na - ( cl + hco3)… 7 to 16 range

(Na + k) - ( cl+hco3)… 10 to 20 range

Metabolic acidosis

Hco3 decreased

Pco2 normal

Ph decreased

Metabolic alakalosis

Hco3 increased

Pco2 normal

Ph increased

Respiratory acidosis

Hco3 normal

Pco2 increased

Ph decreased

Respiratory alkalosis

Hco3 normal

Pco2 decreased

Ph increased

Ph electrode

H ion sensitive glass elwctrode containing Ag/AgCl wire in electrolyte of known ph

pCO2 electrode

Ph electrode covered with a membrane permeable to CO2

pO2 electrode

Platinum cathode and Ag/AgCl anode covered with semipermeable membrane.


First test for screening. If normal, no further testing

Free T4

Second step in thyroid function if TSH is abnormal

Free T3

Tested when TSH is decreased and FT4 is not incresed

Primary hypothyroidism

FT3 decresed

FT4 decreased

TSH increased

Secondary hypothyroidism

FT3 decreased

FT4 decreased

TSH decreased


FT3 increased

FT4 increased

TSH decreased

T3 thyrotoxicosis

FT3 increased

FT4 normal

TSH decreased

Pseudocholinesterase deficiency

Increased sensitity to muscle relaxants called choline esters.

Specificity formula

100 x ( TN/TN+FP)

The smaller the CV

The greater the precision


Gram positive

Glucose oxidizer

Resistant to lysostaphin

Resistant to furazolidone


Gram positive

Glucose fermenter

Sensitive to lysostaphin

Sensitive to furazolidone

Virulence factor of n. Meningitidis

Polysaccharide capsule



Virulence factor of n gonorrhoeae



IgA protease


Ldc pos

Onpg neg

Kcn neg


Ldc neg

Onpg pos

Kcn pos

Differentiate between y. Pestis and y enterocolitica


Septic shock

Endotoxins on the lps portion of the cell wall of gram negative bacteria

MUG test

E coli

Modified hodge test

Test to identity carbapenemase production in enterobacteriaceae

ESBL Extended spectrum b lactamase producing enterobacteriaceae

Resistant to all cephalosporins, penicillins, and axtreanam.


Isolated from blood cultures positive the firstb2 weeks of febrile illness. Plates held for 3 weeks.

B fragilis group

Rapid growth stimulated by bile in media

Tap water bacillus

M. Gordonae


Cells are branching and diphtheroid in appearance


Growth in fletchers artificial media

Walking pneumonia

M. Pneumoniae treated with erthromycin, doxycycline, or fluoroquinotones. Penicillin doesnt work since it has no cell wall.

Gold standard test for rickettsioses

IFA (indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay)

Coccidioides spp and h capsulatum

Greatest hazard for laboratory personnel

Microsporum audouinii

Swelling terminally on hyphae

Microsprum gypseum

Fusiform conidia

Microsporum canis

Spindle shaped macroconidia

Epidermophyton floccosum

Beavers tail

Trichophyton rubrum

Peg shaped microconidia

Neg hair baiting tets

Trichophyton mentagrophytes

Grape like microcondia

Cigar shaped macroconidia

Pos hair baiting test

Blastomyces dermatitidis

Large broad based budding yeast.

Coccidioides immitis

Sperules containing endospores

Sporothrix schanckii

Small cigar shaped yeast

Rosette pattern

Viral specimens

4 degrees C storage for 5 days

6 days or longer store at -20c or -70c

Viral samples

Should be placed on ice and sent immediately to lab


Involves autoinfection

Acanthamoeba kertitis

Homemade saline and contact lens

Mature trophozoites and schizonts are not seen in peripheral blood

Plasmodium falciparum


Modified acid fast method stains the oocysts bright pink to red


Stores human genetic information and dictates the amino acid sequences of peptides and proteins. The purine bases are adenine and guanine, the pyrimidine bases are cytosine and thymine. Adenine pairs with thymine with 2 hydrogen bonds and cytosine pairs with guanine with 3 hyrodgen bonds.

Pcr template

DNA region to be amplified.

Pcr 2 oligonucleotide primers

Short segments of ssDNA designed to hybridize to template strands.

Pcr thermostable DNA polymerase

Tag polymerase. Extends primers on each template strand by adding dNTPs

Pcr deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs)

Building block from which DNA polymerase synthesizes a new strand of DNA, dATP, dGTP, dTTP, dCTP

Optochin resistant

Strep viridans

Lysine deaminase negative


E. Coi trophozoite motility



Found in immunocompromised diabetic patient sinuses

Bacitracin test doubtful..


Serratia marcescens

Dnase test pos

Mucoid colony

Lactose fermenter

Indole pos

Kleb oxytoca

Gram neg diplococci

Lactose, maltose, dextrose, and sucrose pos

N. Lactamica

Scotch tape method

E. Vermicularis

No sugar fermented

Gram neg diplococci

Oxidase pos

Moraxella catarrhalis

RPR test for Treponemes


Resistant to Optochin

Viridans strep

Gliding motlity

Capnocytophaga sp

Yellow smooth colony on EYA, AFB

M. Gordonae

Rapid grower AFB

Arylsulfatase pos

Virulence factor for B. Anthracis



Not flouresce

Non motile

B. Mallei

P. Aeruginosa like organism in cystic fibrosis

B. Cepacia

H. Pylori

Gastris, rapid urease

Cryptospridium stain

Kinyoun AFB

E. Cloacae

Indole neg

Citrate pos

Lysine neg

Ornithine pos

Xanthine pos

High risk to lab personnel

C. Immitis

Motility of Listeria is seen at

Room temp

Fusiform macroconidia

M. Canis

Vancomycin suseptible

Penicillin resistant


Bile esculin positive spp

Group D strep

Moraxelle catarrhalis

Dnase neg

Tributyrin HOH pos

Reduced nitrate pos

Oxidase pos

Favic chandelier

T. Schoenleini

In familial hypercholesterolemia tha hallmark finding is an elevation of


Serum overnight refrigerated has a creamy layer over turbid serum

Chylomicrons and VLDL

Blood gas with bubble exposed to air

Po2 increased

Pco2 decreased

Unless blood gas measurements are made immediately after sampling in VITRO glycolsis of blood causes

Fall in the PH and a rise PCO2

Dipstick glucose

Double sequential enzyne

Dipstick bilirubin


Dipstick ketones

Sodium nitroprusside reaction

Dipstick S.G.

PKA change of polyelectrolyte

Dipstick P.H.

Double indicator system

Dipstick protein

Protein error of indicators

Dipstick blood

Pseudo perixoidase activity of hgb

Dipstick urobilinogen

Ehrlich's reaction

Dipstick nitrate

Greiss reaction

Dipstick leuko

Esterase reaction

T. Test

Accuracy and mean

F. Test

Precision and s.d.

Bilirubin scan for HDN


Alpha feto protein < 2.0Mom

Neural tube disorders

Amniostat Fetal Lung Maturity



Drug induced hemoltic anemia

5- nucleotidase

Hepatic disorder


Skeletal muscle disorder

Acid phosphatase (acp)

Prostatic carcinoma

Angiotensin converting (ace)

Blood pressure regulation

Ck elevation in ami

4 - 8 hrs onset

12-24 hrs peak

3-4days duration

Plt estimation

Count 10 feilds and add together

Divide by 10

Multiply result bu 20,000

Pic of stomatocytes

Liver disease

Pic of orange spikey rbcs

Faulty drying

Pic of blood smear with agglutination

Cold agglutins

Same pic of agglutinated rbcs

Organism is mycoplasma pneumoniae

Mom is AB- baby is O +

Get a new sample

Patient with lesions on arms

Sporothrix schenkili

Sample taken from indwelling cath. Patient not on anti coagulant. Pt and ptt elevated.

Heparin contamination

Second irreversable step in platelet aggregation

Release of ADP

Mannitol positive

Staph arueus

Potassium permanganate in rhodamin stain

Quenching agent

Storage for CSF for next day culture

Incubate at 35°c

Patient with pheumatic disease developes AGN. Renal biopsy recovers..

S. Pyogenes

Group D strep

BE positive

Nacl neg

S. Bovis

Blood group that deteriorates upon storage


Urine P.H. less than 4.5

Renal tubular acidosis

Distick glucose pos

Clinitest neg


Fecal fat tests are affected by

Weight and extraction

Post pandial turbidity


Comparison of 2 means

T. Test

Urine bili neg

Urobil increased

Unconjugated bili increased

Hemolytic anemia

Lifetime marker of mbv infection

Anti- HBc

Anti A neg

Anti B mf

Acells neg

Bcells neg

Bx subgroup

Mother type O- with anti d, anti c, anti I, anti lea

Child A+ with pos dat

Give baby O- without C, I, and Lea antigens

Only 390ml collected from donor

Only packed rbcs

HBsAg immunization

6 month deferred

Le (a+b-)


Pt prolonged

Ptt prolonged

Tt prolonged

Fib 150

Acute DIC

Normal wbc

Normal plts

.1% retics

Pure red cell aplasia

Tsi acid slant

Acid butt

Oxidase pos


To differentiate P. Aeruginosa from other Pseudomonas

Growth at 42°c

Csf formula

Cells counted x dilution


Squares counted x .1

Adrenal cushing

Cortisol increased

Acth decreased

Lupis anticoagulant

Increases thrombosis


Test for metanephrines

Sodium is decreased

Osmo and other electrolytes normal

Perform sodium using ISE

Cushing syndrom


Co factor in over 300 enzymes?

Magnesium.. (and zinc)


Aseptate hyphae with sporangiospores

Pic of teardrop rbcs

Dna deficiency

Anti A 4+

Anti B 0

Acells 1+

Bcells 3+

Test patient serum with sungroup A1

Anti A 4+

Anti B 0

Acells 0

Bcells 0


Tox screen for 6yr old has increased acetaminophen

Do alt and ast

ANA shows speckled pattern

Anti sm neg

Anti rnp neg

Anti ssdna neg

Anti ssa pos

Anti ssb pos

Sjogren’s syndrom

Ahg 3+ 3+

Auto absorption is 2+

Do ab id with enzymes


Decreased CD4

Mother and baby budding


Kidney shaped

Gram neg cocci

N. Gonorrhea

Dipstick neg

Ssa pos

Protein other than Albumin


Biliary onbsruction

EPO below normal

Polycythemia Vera

Most potent activator enzyme

Mag or zinc

Eos on Lap score

Not counted

Longer wavelenght emission


Surfactant fetal lung maturity


Anti smooth muscle ab

Chronic active hepatitis

Patient with acute hepatitis infection

IgM anti-HBc

Pic of bilirubin crystals

Liver disease

Anti microsomal


Pic of rbcs with target cells, echinocytes, and dacryocytes.

Strongly oxidative drugs

Pic of ana staining pattern centromere

Scleroderma with crest

TIBC indirectly represents

Transferrin level

Viral sample for sendouts

Place in loefflers serum slant and refrigerate

Sugar fermented by n gonorrhea


Positive control for anti-c and negative for anti-fya

Heterozygous Cc for anti-c

Result of unfilled EDTA

Decreased microhematocrit

Pt normal

Ptt 50

Mixing studies 47.9

Gall bladder surgery

Factor XII assay

Pic of burr cells


Multichannel analyzer

Enzymatic qc low

Non enzymatic qc in range

Instrument temp too low

Lewis antibody

Is absorbed by plasma

Pink colonies in mac

Indole neg

Citrate pos

E. Cloacae

Monocytosis is seen in


Obstructive jaundice with pancreatic mass


Ptt abnormal

Pt norm

Fib norm

Do factor XII assay


Colorless product of bilirubin metabolism

Speckled pattern

Anti sbb

Anti rnp

Anti sm

Several weeks of pharyngitis

What is found in kidney biopsy?

S. Pyogens

Carbon dioxide ion electrode measures


Ph measurements need

Ph with known buffer at constant temp

Heparin manganeae is used to

Precipitate non hdl

Advantage of MALDI LOF MS

rapid sensitivity

Wbc count differs between 2 instruments

Lyse resistant rbcs

Adrenal. Cushing syndrom

Tsh decreased

Cortisol increased

Sezary syndrom

T cell lymphoproliferation

Donor on aspirin

Deffered for 36hrs if for plateletpherisis

Rcvd Rh immunoglobulin

6 month deferred

Test for aids?

Cd4 count

Rbcs surrounding a wbc


Permant deferral

Positive for Aids

Positive for hepatitis

Being imprisoned

Traveled to UK or westetn Europe

Currently infected with flu

Rule out using homozygous cells

In antibody id panels

Target cells present in

Patients with hgb E and beta thalassemia trait

Burr cells ( echinocytes)

Uremia and liver disease

Rh null phenotypes have osmotically fragile cells which take the form of


Phenotype A

Possible Genotypes

AA or AO

Phenotype B

Possible Genotypes

BB or BO

Phenotype AB

Possible Genotype


Phenotype O

Possible genotype



MCV=HCT%/rbc x 10


MCH=HGB/rbc x10


HGB/HCT x 100

Biliary obstruction

ALP elevated

GGTP elevated

Conjugated bilirubin elevated

Pt and INR maybe prolonged

Hgb C harlem

Can sickle like Hgb S


Detect antibodies in the plasma

Blood gas exposed to air

Pco2 decreased

Ph increased


AHG reagent used to detect pre existing antibodies on rbcs

Reverse transcriptinase

RNA dependent DNA polymerase

Hct 37%

Deffered donor

Specimen for blood analysis

Heparinized syringe with a rubber stopper


Act on cell wall

Borrelia burdorferi

Causes lyme disease

Acute leukemia

Many blast cells

Extrinsic pathway

Factor VII

Factor II

Activated by external trauma

Quicker acting than other pathways

Intrinsic pathway

Activated by internal trauma

Factor XII

Factor XI

Factor IX

Factor VIII

Creatinine clearance

urine creat x urine vol


CrCl= ----------------------------- Serum creat x time

Serum creat x time

Low incident Ag usually not present on Ab screen or panel cells


Cells produce immunoglobulins in response to antigenic stimulation

Plasma cells

Pic of tropical spruce in peripheral blood

Megaloblastic anemia

A leukemoid reaction is an increase in peripheral blood cells associated with

An extreme infectious response

In storage pool disease plts are deficient in


Mom is A+ dad is O- baby has HDN from


Acid hemoglobin electropheresis false positive solubility test caused by


False negative HgB S solubility caused by

Inadequate number of rbcs or low hct


Improper calibration

6 or more pts either side of mean


Determination of reagents

The smaller the CV

The greater the precision

Lewis blood group antigens

Are not synthesized by rbcs

Phosphorous is inversely related to


Hyponatremia with a high osmo is associated with


TSI acid slant

Acid butt

Oxidase pos


Indole neg

ADH pos

E. Cloacae

TB testing for PPD

T cell mediated type 4 hypersensitivity

Carbon dioxide ISE measures

CO2 content

Cushing syndrome


Lysine decarboxylase

Salmonell from citrobacter

Meat cutters or butchers disease

E. Rhusiopathiae

Anti microsomal


Excess urine on test strip can cause a false acid urine due to run off of

Citrate buffer

Overnight fasting glucose of 45mg/ml


Hba1c measures

Glucose over 6 to 8 weeks or 1.5 to 2 months

Blood sample taken after exercise

Elevated lactic acid and pyruvate

Blood ph 7.40 ration to bicarb is


Blood gases on ice with aur bubble for 30mins

Increased PO2

Decreased HCO3

Normal ck levels found in


Testicular cancer


If blood gases are not measured immediately after collection, in vitros glycolysis causes

Decreased Ph

Increased PCO2

Automated blood gases analyzers directly measure




The LD assay reaction depends upon


The Bessy Lowry-Brock method for ALKP

Paranitrophenyl phosphate substrate

After the removal of rbcs, Hgb is broke down into

Iron, protophorphyrin, and globin

Dat is performed in

Acquired hemolytic anemia

Patient has

Rbc. 6.5

Hgb 13

Hct 39

Mcv 65

Mch 21.5

Mchc 37

Thalassemia minor

Ringed sideroblasts

Nuclear budding

Howell jolly bodies


Hgb H decreases is a result of

The absence of 3 and 4 alpha genes

Thailand native has :

Normal hgb

Hgb electropheresis shows

70% HgBA2

30% hgb with motility of HgB A2



Varying degrees of leukocytosis with a shift to the left with occasional nrbcs

Associated with Pseodo pelger huet anamoly

Myelogenous leukemia

Philadelphia chromosome neg

Leukoerythroblastosis in myelofibrosis

Hemorrhage in Polycythemia Vera is the result of

Abnormal plt function

Hairy cell leukemia

Leukemia of the lymphocytic origin

Associated with Alder-Reily inclusions


MCHC of 36 is found in

Hereditary sphereocytosis, lipemic samples, and active colg agglutins disease

Characteristics of a platelets disorder

Mucose membrane hemorrhage

40 yr old woman with bleeding disorder

Pt norm

Ptt prolonged

Factor VIII decreased

Factor VIII ag marked decreased

Plt count normal

Von Willibrands Disease

In an estimate from a laser cell counter, clumped plts may interfere with

Wbc count

To isolate Campy jejuni and E. Coli fecal specimen should be cultured using

Selective media

Reduced O2

Added Co2 at 42°c

Patient with pneumoccol meningitidis is not responding to therapy

Do oxacillin disk diffusion

Testing for prenatal group B strep use a

Vaginal/rectal swab not a vaginal swab

Gram stain of blood cultures shows dark blue spheres in clusters, pale yellow colonies do:

Catalase and coagulase test

Respiratory disease patient sample cultured on blood agar, beta-hemolytic gram pos cocci found. Next step..

Test with bacitracin

3 gram neg lactose fermenters

E. Coli



S. Aureus in stool

Normal flora stool

Cd4 inducer


Major difference of Kinyoun and Zn?



Steam under pressure 121°c for 15mins


Macrocondia and microconidia

Lysostaphin resistant


CAMP is doubtful do..


Treponema seen in

Urethal discharge of male and female

Optochin resistant

S. Viridans

Bloody diarrhea


H. Influenzae

Satelitism and V factor

Lysine deaminate neg


Differentiate Sal. Enteri from Sal. Paratyphi


If bacitracin test doubtful do


Serratia Marcescens

Dnase test pos

Mucoid colony

Indole pos

Lactose fermenter

Kleb. Oxytoca

Pic of curved organism


No sugar fermented

Gram neg diplococci

Oxidase pos

Moraxella catarrhalis

Gliding motility

Capnocytophaga sp

Rapid growth AFB

Arylsulfatase pos

Virulence factor for B. Anthracis


S. Maltophilia difference from other NF gram neg rods?

Oxidase neg

Dnase pos


Not flouresce

Non motile

B. Mallei

P. Aeruginosa like organism in cystic fibrosis

B. Cepacia

H. Pylori


Rapid Urease

Cryptospridium stain

Kinyoun AFB

Fusiform macroconidia

M. Canis

Neonatal aids

If western blot and HIV viral load is indeterminate do..


Western blot is repeated after..

6 weeks

3 months

6 months

Standardization of MH agar?

Adjust PH to 7.2

Presumptive gram test for Neisseria will be accepted if..

Growth of colony on chocolate agar

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Growth 3 weeks Lowenstein

Blood cultures no growth 24hrs?

Incubate 21 days incase of brucella

Best screening for rotovirus?

Electron microscope and EIA

PCR sequence




Lifetime marker of HBV infection?

Anti - HBC

Pic of trophozoite with ingested rbc

Entamoeba Histolytica

Mec A

The gene responsible for oxacillin resistance in staph


Are intrinsically resistant to aminoglcosides


Selective for gram pos bacteria


Selective for gram pos cocci and anaerobic gram neg rods

Chromogenic media

Media suitable for the differentiation of organisms with color production

Microsporum Audouinil

Swelling terminally on hyphae

Microsporum gypseum


Filamentous tail

Microsporum canis

Spindle shapwd macroconidia

Epidermophyton floccosum

Beavers tail

trichophyton rubrum

Peg shaped microconidia

Coccidiodes immitis

Hyaline arthoconidia

Sporothrix schanckii

Rosetta pattern

T cells

Cell mediated immunity

Produce sensitized lymphs that secrete cytokines

B cells

Differentiate into memory cells and plasma cells.

Are responsible for humoral immunity and antibody formation

Helper/ Inducer T cells

Cd 4 +

= 2/3 of peripheral T cells

Normal CD4 = 1000 ul/l

In aids = <200

Cytotoxic/Suppressor T cells


= 1/3 of peripheral T cells

Normal cd4/cd8 ratio is 2:1

In aids = .5:1

The basic structure of a immunoglobulin is..

A tetrapeptide consisting of two H and two L chains linked by disulfide bonds


Ovarian cancer


Thyroid cancer


Tumors of gastrointestinal track


Breast cancer

Bence jones protein

Multiple Myeloma

Beta 2 microglobin


Ana homogenous staining pattern

Rheumatoid disorders

SLE at high titers

SLE, RA, Sjdrogens at low titers

Ana peripheral staining pattern



Ana speckled pattern




Is used to detect in vivo sensitization of rbcs

Dat method

Wash rbcs


If agglutination occurs then cells are coated with either IgG or complement.

If IgG antibodies are detected then do Elution

HBs ag

Active hepatitis B infection

IgM anti-HBc

Acute hepatitis B

Anti- HBs

Immunity to hepatitis B

HBV dna

Viral load used to monitor effectiveness of therapy


Recovery from hepatitis B

Total anti-HBc

Current or past hepatitis B

HBe ag

Active hepatitis B infection with high degree of infectivity

Glucose ranges

Fbs up to 100 norm

100 to 125 impaired

Fbs greater than 126 is diagnostic of DM

2hr glucose value 200 or above

Diagnostic of DM




Room temp

HBs ag

Active hepatitis B infection

HBe ag

Active hepatitis B infection with a high degree if infectivity

Total anti-HBc

Current or past hepatitis infection

Anti - HBe

Recovery from hepatitis B


Immunity to hepatitis B

HBV dna

Viral load to monitor hepatitis therapy


Best known mediator of allergic inflammation

Nested PCR

Uses 2 pair of primers and 2 rounds of amplification

Real time PCR

Simultaneous amplifcation and dectection in sealed tube.

Quantitative commonly used for detection of microorganisms

Quantitative PCR

ID and quantity of targets

Multiplex PCR

More than one set of primers so multiple targets can be amplified

Reverse transcript PCR

Amplifies mRNA. RNA is first converted to cDNA by reverse transcriptase.

Measures viral loads of HIV and HCV

E. floccosum

Beavers tail

T. Rubrum

Peg shaped

T. Mentagrophytes

Cigar shaped

Blastomyces derma

Dumbell shaped

C. Immitis

Hyaline arthroconidia

Sporothrix schancki

Rosetta pattern

M. Audouinil

Swelling terminally on hyphae

M. Gypseum

Filament tail

M. Canis

Spindle shaped

Coccidloids spp and h. Capsulatum

Greatest hazard to lab personnel

B. Fragilis grp

Rapid growth in bile


Branching diptheroid in appearance


Use carbohydrates and amino acids as energy sources


Grow in artifical media like fletchers


The major intracellular cation. Concentrations 20 times greater in the cell than outside.


The most abundant cation in the ECF, representing 90% of all extracellular cations


Involved in blood coagulation, enzyme activity, skeletal and cardiac muscle and blood pressure


Inversly related to calcium. Essential for the insulin mediated entry of glucose into cells.


Uses a Valinomycin membrane. KCL is the inner electrolyte solution.

AcP Roy reaction

Thymolphthalein monophospate substrate. More specific for prostatic form

If the salicylate anion is ingested

Repiratory alkalosis occurs first, followed by mild metabolic acidosis

Blood gas exposed to air

Po2 increased

Pco2 decreased

Ph increased

Blood gas room temp 30mins

Po2 decreased

Pco2 increased

Ph decreased


Involves autoinfection

Renal blood flow

Blood enters the capillaries of nephron through the afferent arteriole. It the flows through the glomerulus and into the efferent arteriole


Occurs in the absence of hyperglycemia when reabsortion of glucose is compromised. This is renal glycosuria and is seen in end stage renal disease and cystinosis

Dipstick leukocytes

Detects leukocytes that have been lysed that dont appear in the microscopic exam.

Urine eos

Drug induced interstitial nephritis, UTI, and renal transplant rejection

Acute interstitial nephritis

Wbcs and wbc cast without bacteria

Acute tubular necrosis

RTE cells and RTE casts

Nephrotic syndrom

Fatty and waxy cast, oval fat bodies, epi casts, RTE cells and hematuria

Sjogrens syndrome

Dry eyes, dry mouth. Speckled or homo ANA patterns, and rheumatoid factor

Anti smooth muscle antibody

Chronic active hepatitis

Infectious mono

McLeod antibody

Kell null, Kx

Chronic granulomatous disease

Bone marrow pic

Histoplama capsulatum

Mold and yeast are best evaluated at

Petri dish growth

Afb stain pic

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

Advantage of IGRAS for M. Tb?

Persons who have rcvd the BCG vaccine


Does not interfere with the AHG phase of testing because the patients serum is washed away prior to adding the AHG

KB test

Tests for fetal maternal hemorrhage. Principle is that fetal hgb (HbF) is resistant to acid elution, unlike adult hgb.

Kell (K)

Whites 9%

Blacks rare

Cellano (k)

Whites 98.8%

Blacks 100

Echange transfusion

Blood for exchange should be ABO compatible and crossmatched with the morhers blood. It should be neg for any antigens the mother has produced.

Blood collection

Blood allowed to cool to room temp (20 to 24°c) if plts are to be repared or colled to 1° to 10°c if FFP is going to be prepared. FFP must be made within 8 hrs of collection.

Plt apheresis

6 to 10 random pltconcentrates

75% of plateletpheresis products must contain 3x10 to the eleventh power of plts.


12 months frozen shelf life

6hrs after thawing

4 hrs after pooling

Store at room temp after thawing


Presence of hgb in the urine freed from lysed rbcs. Occurs when hgb from disintigrating rbcs or rapid hemolysis of rbcs exceeds the ability of blood proteins to combine with the hgb

Blood donor defferals

Temp greater than 37.5

Hgb less than 12.5

Hct less than 38%

Pregnant within last 6 weeks

Recvd blood or tissue defer 1 yr

12month for most vaccines

Permant defferals





Traveled to england, west europe


Chagan disease

Hepatitis B immune globulin

12 month defferal

12 month deferrals

Mucos membrane exposure to blood

Skin or needle penetration

Sexual contact with hepatitis, hiv, hiv risk

Incarcerated over 3 days

History of syphillis or gonorrhea

Hep B immune globulin vaccination

Aspirin deferral

3 days from taking aspirin if plts are to be prepared

Naturally occuring

ABO, Lewis, P1, MN, Lua

Clinically significant

ABO, Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, SsU

Bind complement

ABO, I, Kidd, Lewis

Cold agglutinins disease and mycoplasma pneumoniae

Anti I

Associated with infectious mono


Delayed transfusion reaction


Hyponatremia with a high osmo is associated with


Iron deficiency anemia

Decreased iron, ferritin, and % saturation.

Increased TIBC and transferrin.

Fusobacterium spp

Gram neg bacillus

Tapered end


Gram pos

Spireforming bacilli

Cat neg

Bacillus sp

Gram pos

Spore forming bacilli

Cat pos

Corynebacterium jelkeium

Resistant to most treatments

Use vancomycin

Nocardia spp

Freshly plowed field odor

Borrelia burgdirferi

Lymes disease

Trichophyton spp

Birds on a fence

Feulgen stain

Demonstrates the presence of DNA

Supravital blue

Heinz bodies


Serological test interpretations

4 fold increase 10 to 14 days is diagnostic

IgM ab is recent infection

IgG ab is sign if immunity

IgG ab in newborn is maternal ab

HBsAg neg

Anti HBc neg

Anti HBs neg


HBsAG neg

Anti HBc pos

Anti HBs pos

Immune because of natural infection

HBsAg neg

Anti HBc neg

Anti HBs pos

Immune because of vaccine

HBsAg pos

Anti HBc pos

IgM anti HBc neg

Anti HBS neg

Chronically infected

IgG anti HBc

Indicates past infection

IgM anti HBc

Acute HBV infection

Current or recent infection

RPR reactive

FTA-ABS reactive

Positive for syphillis

RPR reactive

FTA-ABS nonreactive

Negative for syphillis

RPR nonreactive

FTA-ABS reactive

Late, latent or previous syphilis

Passive agglutination

Particles coated with antigens

Reverse passive agglutination

Carrier particles coated with antibody

Lewis blood group

Not synthesized by the rbcs

Absorbed from the plasma onto the rbcs

Generally IgM

Not significant for transfusion medicine

Frequent in pregnant women

Polyspecific AHG

First test in DAT

Determines IgG or compliment present

Monospecific AHG anti IgG

Positive reaction suggests autoantibody bound in vivo to patients red cells, or transfused red cells, or matetnal ab bound to neonatal red cells

Monospecific AHG anti-C3d

Suggests same thing as anti-IgG, or IgM ab or cold reactive ab

Branched chain DNA

Signal amplification

Organophophate exposure

Acetylocholinesterase inhibition

Serum from group O individuals contain

Anti A, anti B, anti A1 and anti B1

The most common genotype in RH neg individuals , both black and white, is

r/r ( Cde/Cde)


Ptoteins in plants that bind specifically to carbohydrate determinants and agglutinates rbcs

Allogenic donor qualifications

Age 16 plus

Vol 10.5 ml/ kg

8 weeks after whole blood donation

Blood pressure 90 to 180 sys

And 50 to 100 dia

Pulse between 50 and 100

Corrected wbc for nrbcs

(Wbc x 100 ) ÷ (nrbcs + 100)


(Relative % ÷ 100) x wbc