Six Sigma In Health Care

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This literature review aimed is to illustrate on how lean six sigma management methodologies are being adopted and applied in part or total in health care industry to improve patient’s quality of care and eliminates errors (Dedhia, 2005). Six sigma is a management technique that employs statistical tools to identify and eliminates errors and variations in a production or service delivery (Chiarini & Bracci, 2013). In health an aim of six sigma is to achieve 3.4 parts per millions defects percentage accuracy. Meanwhile lean management technique seeks to eliminate wastes and improve on turnaround time of the production (Chiarini & Bracci, 2013). Furthermore, (Dedhia, 2005) has described six sigma as a management methodology that
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An example of this was in the radiological department in the commonwealth Health cooperation (cherry & Seshadri, 2000). This department had battled with a lot of odds such as long patient waiting time, long turnaround times for radiological reports and very high down times for the radiology technicians. This became an opportunity for the management of Haematology, Clinical chemistry Pathology ACT to try implementing the six sigma approach. Staffs underwent intensive training on the basis and principles of six sigma methodology. On implementing the principles, there were considerable changes. For example, there has been a noted of significant reduction of cost related to errors in service delivery and general change of work place …show more content…
For instant, high numbers of unsuitable samples for analysis are always the haemolysed specimens. Haemolysis is the release of haemoglobin and other intracellular components from erythrocytes to the surrounding plasma, following damage or disruption of the cell membrane. Haemolysis is hidden burden that cost the (HCCP) a great deal of both money and patient dissatisfaction. Entirely haemolysed samples are first analysed normally just like another sample and when the haemolysis index is flagged high, either the whole sample is rejected or other tests are not reported (HCCP). Tests mostly affected by, even slight haemolysis are potassium, lactate dehydrogenase and Aspartate Transaminase. Haemolysed samples need the recollection to be ordered for complete analysis (Innsbruck, 2009). Both reagents and time employed in ordering new collection would have been wasted. The patient would not be happy to be drawn again. Although there is in vivo haemolysis due to clinical conditions of the patient, In vitro haemolysis has always been a major concern for clinical laboratories worldwide, since it seriously impacts patient care and a laboratory 's reputation through its effect on test results (Innsbruck, 2009). The cause of in vitro haemolysis can be as a result of inexperienced phlebotomist drawing the patient,

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