Threshold capabilities are also vital to the company but are relatively easier to imitate, as most organizations are able to do it. Customer service, Innovation, employee management, strategic management, and financial knowledge are the basic or threshold capabilities required from the firm to be maintained. The core capabilities of GE lie with their passion for leadership development; the development of the company’s human resources, its people; its expertise in diversification; its continuous thirst for creativity and motivation; its investments and trust in the …show more content…
The business’ activities are grouped into two: the primary activities and the support activities. The primary activities are the activities concerned with the creation and delivery of a product and the support activities are the activities that are indirectly involved in production, but still have a significant impact on efficiency or effectiveness of a company.
Innovative Products and Services. General Electric has continued to be a profitable organization due to the value created by its innovative solutions. Through the years, GE has continually developed campaigns emphasizing the stimulation of more creative, innovative, and out of the box methods and approaches, creating a “leap in value” above and even beyond its competitor’s capabilities. This innovative nature of the company has also given GE Power a decent market share within the industry in the present, as competition in terms of the provision of energy is becoming fiercer with the entrance of Asian …show more content…
The creation of a strong competitive advantage is crucial to the success of GE. In terms of the power sector, this is not exception. In GE, innovation drives the competitive advantages in terms of technology and science. The creation of unique solutions for consumers through significant investments in Research and Development aids in the maintenance of GE’s competitive advantage in the Power and Energy Sector.
Aggressive Acquisition and Expansion Strategy. This acquisition and expansion strategy helped GE become a competitive player in many markets. The company uses its significant power and size to buy out the competition, then integrating and diversifying both the existing and new products and geography. This method has given GE Power an increasingly sustainable competitive edge in the Power industry through resource acquisition and the provision of capabilities.
Six Sigma Quality. Six Sigma Quality has been in the GE framework for many years and is the lifeblood of the organization. This highly disciplined process has helped GE and its business units including GE Power improve its processes in order to develop near-perfect services and products for its consumers.
Critical Evaluation of the Product/ Portfolio mix Within the