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22 Cards in this Set

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Particular strategies researchers use to collect the evidence necessary for building and testing theories (It can be quantitative, qualitative or mixed method).

Research methods

Decisions pertaining to what, where, when, how much, and by what means with regards to a study make up/research design.

Research methods

The research design guides the researcher in:

1. Identifying the research environment

2. Identifying the population of the study

3. Consideration on the research instruments

4. The procedure in gathering and treatment of data.

The individuals who take part in a study, either directly or indirectly via a representative, and who have given their informed consent.


Every element of the population has an equal opportunity to be chosen as a sample.

Probability sampling (random)

Every element of the population has no equal opportunity to be chosen as a sample.

Non-probability sampling (non-random)

A research is conducted. This can include locations such as universities, government research laboratories, and private research institutions.


may also refer to specific locations or areas within these institutions where specific research projects are being conducted.


documents, records, software, information, data and other materials or work product in any tangible form created or developed during the course of the Research Activity.


equipment used in the study.


a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related to your subject.


Research can be tests, surveys, scales, questionnaires, or even checklists.


is the most crucial part of any research.

Data analysis

summarizes collected data. It involves the interpretation of data gathered through the use of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends.

Data analysis

The process of gathering and analyzing accurate data from various sources to find answers to research problems.


A way to gather data by watching people, events, or noting physical characteristics in their natural setting


What methods of data collection

For example, counting the number of vehicles crossing an intersection every hour would be a good example of


the researcher may use an unstructured interview where you are allowed to develop your own set of questions adaptive to the context of the situations.


is a predetermined set of questions given to a number of respondents to complete.


should have a short explanation of what your research is about.


are simply organized lists of data - the list of learners at your school is a kind of


can be computerised, books or paper filing systems. A big advantage of these is that the data is already organised and is easy to access.
