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43 Cards in this Set

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Zimmermann note
a telegram from Germany to Mexico to invade America and promised to get back lost land
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson's proposal to ensure peace after world war 1, calling an end to secret treaties, widespread arms reduction, national self determination, and new league of nations
League of Nations/ Article 10
a world organization of national governments proposed by Woodrow Wilson and est. at treat of Versailles in 1919.
espionage and sedition acts
prohibiting interference with military drafting and other acts of national disloyalty. sedition acts added penalties for abusing the government in writing.
war industries board
ferderal agency coordinated industrial protection during ww1, setting production quotas, allocation raw materials, and pushing companies to be efficient
18th amendment
prohibited manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages
19th amendment
gave women the right to vote
Irreconcilables in Congress
hardcore group of militant isolationists who opposed the Wilsonian dream of international cooperation of the league of nations
Treaty of Versailles
end of WW1, secured peace but imposed hash terms on Germany and created a territorial mandate system to manage former colonies of world powers
Factors which brought the U.S. into WWI
the main factors were the Zimmermann Telegram, sinking of the Lusitania, Allied Propaganda, and the wall street conspiracy
McNary-Haugen Bill
farm relief bill in 1920's to keep agricultural prices high by letting the government buy surpluses and sell them abroad
Teapot Dome Scandal
affair involving illegal lease of priceless naval oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk Hills, Cal.
Immigration Act (1924)
established quotas for immigration to the US. immigrants from southern and eastern Europe were sharply curtailed, while immigrants from Asia were denied all together
Harlem Renaissance
African Americans in new york came together and came out with jazz and new literature
Scopes-Monkey Trial
trail in Tennessee which denied the teaching of theory that man came from ape
Dawes Plan
rescheduled German reparation payments. Stabilized German currency and opened path for more loans from America to Germany
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928
triumph peace movement in 1920's. 62 Nations joined this for the outlawry of war.
Causes of the Great Crash
buying on margin, overproduction and under consumption, selling too many items on credit
Black Tuesday, 1929
the day when over 16,000,000 shares of stock were sold on wall street, it helped bring on the great depression
Buying on Margin
when borrowing money from a stock broker for a stock. You have to pay it back with interest
Installment buying
buying and selling items on credit, which was one of the leading factors of the great depression
Dust Bowl
massive dust storm which swept through the great plains. many farmers migrated west from this.
Role of advertising in the 1920’s
it let people know what is out and people bought much more items from this and it helped stimulate the economy
Hawley-Smoot Tariff, 1930
highest protective tariff in peacetime history of US. it passed only because of good old horse trading
Bonus Army
20,000 war veterans marched on Washington demanding they get their payment bonuses immediately earned in WW1
Election of 1932
took place as the effects of the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression were being felt intensely across the country. President Herbert Hoover's popularity was falling as voters felt he was unable to reverse the economic collapse, or deal with prohibition.
FDR’s Hundred Days
3 Rs: relief, recovery and reform. Put out many laws and acts to stimulate the economy and get America back on track
Emergency Banking Relief Act, 1933
where banks were shut down for 4 days and investigated to be corrupt and fixed
Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, 1933
created the federal deposit insurance cooperation, it insured individual bank deposits
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
insured individual bank deposits
National Recovery Administration, "The Blue Eagle"
NRA was early new deal program designed to assist industry, labor, and unemployed
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA
new deal program to raise agricultural prices by paying farmers not to grow crops
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).
program by congress to hire young unemployed men to improve rural, out of doors enviorment with work as planting trees, fire fighting, draining swamps, and more
Federal emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
FERA provided state assistance for the unemployed and their families. From when it began in May 1933 until it closed its operations in December 1935, it gave states and localities $3.1 billion to operate local work projects and transient programs. FERA provided work for over 20 million people and developed facilities on public lands across the country
Public Works Administration (PWA)
The PWA spent over $6 billion, and helped to push industry back toward pre-Depression levels. It lowered unemployment and created an infrastructure that generated local pride in the 1930s and remains vital seven decades later
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
$7 billion employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
holds primary responsibility for enforcing the federal securities laws and regulating the securities industry, the nation's stock and options exchanges, and other electronic securities markets
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
brought cheap electronic power, full employment, low cost housing, and environment improvements in Tennessee valley
Fair Labor Standards Act
regulated minimum wages and maximum work hours in a week. Also outlaws children under 16 to work
Social Security Act
this law provided for old age and unemployment insurance financed by a payroll tax on employees
economic theory based on thoughts of British economist Maynard Keynes that holding central banks should adjust interest rates and governments should use deficit spending to increase purchasing power
20th Amendment
establishes the beginning and ending of the terms of the elected federal offices
21st Amendment
repealed prohibition