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43 Cards in this Set

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What is biology?

the study of life

What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

there's nucleus and membrane bound organelles in eukaryotes

What do plants release to the atmosphere?


What do plants convert to form chemical energy?


What converts light energy to chemical energy?

plants in photosynthesis

What is the maintenance of a stable internal environment?


What is hypothesis?

a testable statement

What bonds are broken in water when it evaporates?


What is surface tension?

hydrogen bonds upon the surface of water

How does water move in plants, against gravity?

cohesion, adhesion - both of which use hydrogen bonds

What are hydrogen bonds?

attraction of a partial negative to a partial positive

Why are some covalent bonds polar?

differing electronegatives

What is the importance of a control group?

basis for knowing if the results are due to the variables tested

Experiments test what?


At what temperature is water most dense?

4 degrees C

Why does ice float?

hydrogen bonds in ice are farther apart than in liquid water

What is the pH of a solution with a hydroxide concentration of 10^-4?


What types of bonds are formed by carbon?


What function do carbohydrates serve in animals?

energy storage

Name two polysaccharides

glycogen and starch

What level of protein folding creates the 3 dimensional shape?


What bond is formed when two amino acids bond together?


Where are phospholipids most commonly found?

cell membrane

What are the components of chloroplasts?

stroma, grana, thylakoids

What are the major structural components of the cell membrane?

phospholipids, proteins

What is diffusion?

molecules moving from high concentration to low concentration

What is active transport?

molecules move against the concentration gradient with energy

What is oxygen's role in cellular respiration?

accepting electrons in ETC

What is the function of the Krebs cycle?

produces ATP, NADH, FADH2, release CO2

Where does most of the energy come from in cellular respiration?


What donates electrons to the ETC?


What is the role of anaerobic respiration?

convert pyruvate to lactate and regenerate NAD+

What is the end result of mitosis?

2 identical nuclei

How many chromosomes are in the ovum of an organism that has 48 chromosomes?


How many unique gametes could be formed from AABbCCddEe?


What is the probability of having a son?


What does a 3:1 ratio in a monohybrid cross suggest?

heterozygous parents

What does a 9:3:3:1 ratio suggest?

heterozygous parents

In flowers with incomplete dominance determine the percent of offspring that have pink flowers when the parents had red and white flowers?


What is polygenic inheritance?

more than one gene for a trait - range of phenotypes (skin color)

What did Griffith observe in mice during his transformation experiments?

conversion of bacteria to pathogenic form

What type of bond is between the bases of DNA?


If gene codes for 12,000 nucleotides, but only 200 are used for the protein, what could explain this phenomenon?

introns (parts of the mRNA is edited out) and exons (expressed sequences)