Jdt1 Task 2

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Day 1:
Teacher will provide printed, fill in the blank Cornell notes, which include the warm up. For students needing accommodations they may staple the worksheet to their journal page to write on. Students who do not need accommodations may draw lines in their journal to make two columns needed to replicate the Cornell notes.
Warm up: Write some of your physical traits. Example: Eye color.
Teacher will review the warm up with the students. The teacher will choose a few students to share their personal traits. The teacher will guide students to define traits. The teacher will state that traits are inherited from parents.
The teacher will review the objectives with the students for the next two days:
-Students will, in their individual notebook,
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Teacher will teach about independence assortment, incomplete dominance, and dominance, using a Punnett grid.
Teacher will have students pull out laptops and play the interactive Punnett grid game while the teacher roams the room conducting a formative assessment to see who is struggling with the game.
Teacher will have students pair up for the lab. Each student will receive a penny. Teacher will explain the rules of the Punnett grid portrait contest.
Teacher will roam the room assisting students and conducting a formative assessment on understanding of creating Punnett squares. Teacher will hand out a graphic organizer to those students who need accommodations.
Teacher will facilitate students sharing their portraits and class will vote on favorites. Winners will win a prize.
Teacher will ask students to reflect on the lab, which traits were dominant in the class drawings and which were recessive. How many of the portraits had the recessive traits? They will discuss genetics and generations in families. The class will discuss how there can be many different traits in one family.
Teacher will assess and score reflections and lab worksheets for evidence and

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