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61 Cards in this Set

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What is a drug
any substance other than food that affects our bodies or minds
What is a common term used in place of the word drug
What are some temporary effects of drugs
intoxication and halloucinations
What are some long term problems with drugs
substance abuse and addiction
Define substance abuse
an excessive reliance on a drug that messes up personal relationship and the user
Define substance dependance
addiction, people not only abuse drugs but center their lives around it
What is tolerance
need a higher amount to produce the same effect
What is withdrawl
unplesant symptoms that occur when a person stops taking a drug
What are the catagories of drugs
depressants slow the central nervous system , stimulants speed up the central nervous system, hallucinogens, and cannibis substances make a mixture of the other three
What are some depressants
alcohol and sedative- hypnotic drugs
What is binge drinking
five or more drinks on one occasion
What is the property in alcoholic beverages that alters the mind
ethynol alchol
What does GABA
carries a stop firing message
Do wemon become more intoxicated than men on an equal dose
yes because of alchol dehydrogenace
What makes a person sober
time and a metabolism
What ethnicity has the highest alchol problem
native americans
What ethnicity has the lowest alchol problem
Chinese because of a problem with alchol dehydrogenace
What is delirium tremens
it is a very strong reaction to withdrawl causing hallucinations
How do alcholics become mal-nourished
they drink alot and this fills them up but gives them no nutritional content
What is Korsakoff's syndrome
alchol related memory loss
Describe what schizophrena
A psychotic disorder in which personal social and occupational functioning deteriorate as a result of strange perceptions disturbed thought processes unusual emotions and motor abnormalities
What is the loss of contact with reality
What did bleuler mean with the name schitzophreania
a fragmentation of thought processes, a split between thoughts and emotions, withdrawl from reality
What is the downward drift theory
when a psychological disorder leads people down in economic status
Are african americans more prone to schitzo
What are the catagories of symptoms of schitzophreania
positive( excess of thought, emotion, or behavion), negative( deficits in thought, emotion, or behavior), and psychomotor symptoms
What gender of schitzo is more likely to display negative symptoms
What are some examples of positive symptoms
delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, hightened perceptions and hallucinations
What is a delusion
an idea that a psychotic believes wholeheartedly but has no basis in fact
What is a very paranoid set of dilusions
Delusions of persecution
What is a delusional act in which a person attaches special meaning to the actions of others or to various objects or events
delusions of reference
What is a delusion of grandure
you believe that you are a famous or better person
What is a delusional thought in which a person believes their emotions among other things are being controlled by another person
Delusion of control
what is a formal thought disorder
when a schizo is not able to think logically and speak in peculiar ways
What is a loose association or derailment
a common thinking disturbance in schizophrenia characterized by rapid shifts from one topic of conversation to another
What are neologisms
they are made up words
What is perseveration
where people repete their thoughts and words multiple time s
What is the use of clange
What is sa hallucination
experiencing perceptions in the absence of external stimuli
What is an inappropriate affect
a display of emotions that are unsuited to the situation a symptom of schizophrenia
Give and example of an inappropiate affect
smiling at a feuneral
What are th negative symptoms
poverty of speech blunted and flat affect loss of volition and social withdrawal
What is alogia or poverty of speech
a decrease in speech
What is the blunted and flat affect
A lack of expressed emotions
What is avolition or loss of volition
a symptom of schizophrenia markedd by apathy and an inability to start or complete a course of action
What is the problem with social withdrawl of schizo's
it distances them further from society helping to make thier dilusions more powerful
What are psychomotor symptoms
awkward movements or repeted odd gestures
What is the psychomotor disorder where people do not move for long periods of time
What are the three phases of schizophrenia
prodromal( this is the beginning of the deterioration) active (Triggered by stress in the persons life people display symptoms) and residual( people return to the prodromal phase except they have light symptoms and more negative ones)
When is there a good chance for recovery from schitzo
when the people had normal functioning before the disorder or developed during middle age
When can someone truly be called schizophrenic
after six months and after showing a deterioration
What are the types of schizo's
hebephrenic( disorganized), catatonic, and paranoid, as well as undifferentiated, and residual
Is schizo more common among relative
What to people believe is the cause of schizophrenia
to much dopamine
What is the type of drug that is used to get rid of schizophrenia
antipsychotic drugs or the phenothiazines
What is a challenge to the dopamine hypothesis
atypical antipsychotics because they slow not only dopamine but also seritonin
What is another cause of schizo besides dopamine and viral problems
abnormal brain structure( smaller brain and longer ventricles
What are some of the principles of the viral theory
that a virus in the woumb causes schizo
What is the process in the development of schizo in the psychodynamic approach
the regression to a pre ego stage and the effotrs to reestabligh ego control
What is the cause of schizo in the psychodynamic approach
cold or unnutering parents
Is the schizophrenic mother plausable