Biological views are based off the genetic and biological investigations of abnormality. Studies have uncovered key roles of inheritance and brain activity in the formulation of this disorder and have found paths to important chances in the treatment. A study based on genetic factors found the closer one is to another relative who has schizophrenia, the stronger the likelihood of developing this disorder they have. Together, the biochemical brain structure, and viral findings have exposed mysteries of schizophrenia. Proposed psychological views come from the psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive explanations. These ideas involve an individual 's upbringing in terms of their interactions with others. A few examples are exprience trauma, inadequate reinforcement of social cues, and a rational path to madness. Sociocultural view relay on multicultural factors, social labeling, and family dysfunctioning. There appears to be an unbalance in statics among races in this disorder. Roughly two percent of African Americans and one and a half percent of white Americans have been diagnosed with this disorder. Social labeling can also be a contributor to schizophrenia in the event of one being called “crazy” in result becomes a self-fulling prophecy of the disorder. Family dynamics also can play a role if there are stress happening or contradicting communications between parents to children. It has been known for the poverty or lower-classes to have a stronger likelihood of developing schizophrenia. Two theories historically account for association. The social drift theory focuses on the idea of not having the ability to work therefore leading to lower economic levels. The environmental stress hypothesis is based on the idea of high levels of stress linked to poverty, that without, they usually would not develop the disorder. There are positive …show more content…
Emotions can take up too much energy for someone with schizophrenia to portray. Their faces may not have any expression on them. Their ability to make eye-contact decreases . Their voice starts to lack a variety of pitches resulting in more of a monotone. At times they lack the ability to enjoy things in life. Though they lack the ability to express emotion, they report feeling just as much positive and negative emotions to others in society.
Social withdrawal occurs with the breakdown of normalcy from schizophrenia symptoms. They tend to be more preoccupied with their own ideas and fantasies. The symptoms discussed thus far play a role in straying away from society. Not being able to interact with others by speaking or showing emotions, and hallucinations or delusions along with other symptoms encourages social withdrawal. Psychomotor symptoms are those who experience awkward movements, repeated grimaces and odd gestures. They may do strange movements that seem unnatural. Sometimes they will hold a certain position for period of time. Other times they may have inappropriate gestures such as waving the arms and legs