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122 Cards in this Set

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What does Salva's father do in the village?
He's the village's judge
What do Salva and his brothers make for fun when watching the cows?
Clay cows
Why were the rebel fighters of Southern Sudan fighting the government?
For religious freedom
What village was Salva from?
How did Nya carry the water container back home?
On her head
Why had the Dinka and Nuer tribes been fighting each other for hundreds of years?
For the best land (richest in water)
What tribe does Salva belong to?
What did the Dinka woman give Salva the morning he awoke in the barn?
How could Salva tell that people were from his Dinka tribe?
(V-shaped) scars on their foreheads
How many trips to the pond does Nya make each day?
After days of walking, what did Salva's group find to feast on?
What tribe does Nya belong to?
How would Nya get water out of the dried-up lake?
By digging a hole
What did Nya's mom fear most at the lake camp?
The men being killed by Dinka
What kind of animal did Salva's uncle kill for their feast?
What took Marial while he slept?
Where was Salva's group walking to?
What did Salva's group use to make canoes?
What river was Salva's group crossing?
The Nile
What did the nurse tell Nya's mother to do to the drinking water?
Boil it
Because a bag of mangoes was awkward to carry, where would Salva's father put them?
In his bicycle's spokes
What attacked Salva's group the night they slept on the fishermen's island in the Nile?
What dangerous place did Salva's group have to cross on the last part of their journey to Ethiopia?
the Akobo desert
What does Salva's uncle give him to eat when he begins crying in the desert?
Who in Salva's group did the looters murder?
Salva's Uncle
Everyone could be killed, but why were the boys and young men in the most danger from the war?
They could be forced to be soldiers
What did Salva's mom always wear that made him think she had arrived at the refugee camp?
an orange headscarf
What danger was waiting for the fleeing refugees in the Gilo river?
What did the men come to Nya's village and meet with the chief about?
Drilling for water
Where did Salva decide to walk after he was forced out of the Ethiopian refugee camp?
How long did it take the group of boys to reach Kenya?
A year and a half
Besides learning to read English, what did Salva learn from Michael at the refugee camp?
How to play volleyball
What did Salva drink on the flight to America?
Where was Salva's final destination in America?
Rochester, NY
What did Salva study in college?
What was Nya's dad helping to build now that they would have a well in the village?
A school
What makes Salva return to Africa?
His father
What is the Dinka way of blessing someone who is lost and is found again?
Sprinkling water on their head
What were the orphaned boys of Sudan called?
The Lost Boys
What is Salva Dut's nonprofit organization called?
Water for Sudan
How many different ways could Nya carry the container when it was filled only with air on her way to get water?
four different ways
Salva spoke what language at home?
the language of his Dinka Tribe
How old is Nya at the beginning of the book?
How old is Salva at the beginning of the story?
Where does Nya live?
Southern Sudan
Where does Salva live?
Southern Sudan
The book begins with Nya in Southern Sudan in what year?
At the beginning of the book, what year is it when Salva is sitting cross-legged on the bench in school in Southern Sudan?
What was Salva's father's position ?
the village's judge, an honored and respected position
How many brothers did Salva have?
How many sisters did Salva have?
Salva's brothers were sent off to school when they reached what age?
ten years old
Did girls go to school in Salva's village?
What did the girls in Salva's village do instead of going to school?
They stayed home and learned from their mother how to keep house
What part of the year did Salva go to school?
During the rainy season
What were Salva's sisters" names?
Akit and Agnath
Salva and his brothers herded what?
The number of cows each boy was in charge of depended on what?
his age
What color was the headscarf that Salva's mother wore?
The rebels in Southern Sudan had been fighting for how many years when Salva runs out of the school because of the gunfire?
The government in Northern Sudan wanted all of the country to be Muslim and be a place where what was followed?
The beliefs of Islam
What broke off in Nya's heel when she was carrying the container for water?
a thorn
What was the name of Salva's village?
Salva's village was named after which one of his relatives?
his grandfather
What was Salva's full name?
Salva Mawien Dut Ariik
What did Nya place on her head before putting the water-filled container there?
padded cloth doughnut
The Dinka had been fighting with what tribe for hundreds of years?
the Nuer
The woman whose barn Salva had spent the night gave him two handfuls of what?
raw peanuts
What was Nya's little sister's name?
How old was Nya's little sister?
5 years old
After the old woman told Salva that he could stay with her no longer, what did she give him before he left her?
a bag of peanuts and a gourd for drinking water
When everyone was weak from hunger, the young man named Buska found what?
a beehive
Salva had heard that the Jur-chol could follow the call of the bird called what?
the honey guide
What was a 3 days' walk from Nya's village?
a big lake
Where did Nya's family move every year when the rains stopped and the pond dried up?
to a camp near the big lake
How many months each year did Nya's family live near the big lake?
five months
What caused Salva's swollen eye, Buska's lumpy and raw forearms, and Buska's friend's fat lip?
bee stings
One man wasn't able to eat any of the honey from the beehive? Why?
His tongue had been stung by the bees and was swollen so much he couldn't close his mouth
Whose hand did Salva accidentally step on?
Who was the young man who was the same age and height as Salva and his stride was the same length as Salva's when they walked side by side?
What country did Marial tell Salva was east of Sudan?
In the Dinka language, the Atuot were called what?
the people of the lion
What was Nya's older brother's name?
About a month after Salva had run from school into the bush, Salva was walking in the land of what people?
the Atuot people
What family member did Salva find in the land of the Atuot people?
his uncle
What was Salva's uncle's name?
Uncle Jewiir
Why hadn't Salva seen Uncle Jewiir for the last two years?
he had been in the army
What did Uncle Jewiir carry on a strap over one shoulder?
a rifle
What kind of young antelope did Uncle Jewiir shoot?
a topi
What was Nya's uncle's position?
the chief of the village
What happened to Marial?
a lion had taken him away during the night
What is the longest river in the world?
the Nile River
What did Uncle tell Salva was on the other side of the Nile River, which they were going to be crossing?
the desert
What did the nurse say caused Akeer's sickness?
the dirty water
How long did the nurse say the water should be boiled before drinking it?
for a count of 200
What type of meat did the fishermen on the islands in the Nile River eat?
fish, crocodile, and hippo
What crops did the fishermen on the islands in the Nile River grow?
cassava, sugar cane, yams
What did Uncle give Salva to soothe the sharpest edge of his hunger while the fish were cooking?
sugar cane
What did the better-off families in Salva's village mostly eat?
What ingredients were in the porridge that the better-off families in Salva's village ate?
sorghum and milk
What type of food did Salva's father get from the village and bring home on his bicycle every so often?
bags of beans and rice
What did Salva's father sometimes bring home as a special treat?
What did fishermen on the islands in the Nile use to protect themselves from the mosquitoes at night?
white mosquito netting
How many days did Uncle tell Salva that it would take to cross the Akobo?
three days
On the 3rd day of walking through the desert, the group found what kind of bird lying dead by the shallow muddy pond?
a stork
When the men finished looting Salva's group in the desert, what did they do to Salva's uncle?
they shot him
The men that killed Salva's uncle were from what tribe?
the Nuer tribe
After walking through the desert, Salva finally arrived where?
the refugee camp at Itang
How long did Salva live in the refugee camp at Itang?
six years
When Salva had been living in refugee camps in Northern Kenya for 5 years, how old was he?
22 years old
What were the names of the two refugee camps in northern Kenya that Salva lived in?
Kakuma and Ifo
What was the name of the aid worker from Ireland who taught Salva some English?
What 2 things did Salva learn from Michael, the aid worker?
how to read and how to play volley ball
Salva's name was on a list to go to what state in America?
New York
What did Salva have to drink on the plane that was taking him from Nairobi to Frankfurt?
How many planes were required for Salva's journey from Kenya to America?
What city in New York did Salva go to?
How many days had it taken Salva to travel from the Ifo refugee camp to his new home in New York?
four days
How many children were in Salva's new American family?
What did Nya's father tell her that they were going to build, now that there would be a well there?
a school
When Salva finally saw his father in the recovery room of the makeshift hospital, how long had it been since they had seen each other?
almost nineteen years
Did Salva's mother and sisters survive the war?