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49 Cards in this Set

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Body of roundworms is covered with ____

Tough multilayered cuticle

Identify the worm: body cavity filled with pseudocoelom and hydroskeleton is present

Roundworms (Nemathelminthes)

The digestive system is ____ in round worms. The excretory system is of ____ type

Complete, protonephridia

The nervous system contains of nerve ring and nerve trunks in ____ worms


Ascaris lumbricoides is an agent of ____ disease


The worm is of cream/pink color and it has 1 dorsal and 2 ventral lips. Name the worm.

Ascaris lumbricoides

The eggs of ____ worm has a thick multilayered shell.

Ascaris lumbricoides

In Ascaris, the external coat of the agg is ____, the middle is ____ and inner is ____

Albuminous, proteinous, lipoid (fibrous)

In ascaris, the fertilized eggs is of ___ shape and unfertilized eggs is of ___ shape.

Oval, Elliptical

For Ascaris, Location of adult worm is _____ and location of larvae is ____

Small intestine, lungs

Man gets ascariasis through ingestion of ____

Eggs (containing mature larvae)

Mechanical vectors of ascaris lumbricoides is _____

Flies and cockroaches

Symptoms: toxic and mechanical injury and allergy. Chest pain, cough, urticarial rush.

Vomiting, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, intestinal obstruction and perforation, mechanical jaundice

Ascariasis (larval and adult stage)

Migration of adult ascaris worms in respiratory tract can cause ____


Diagnosis of Ascariasis is _____

Larvoscopy in phlegm (for larval stage)

Ovoscopy in faeces (for intestinal stage)

Thrichocephalus trichiurus is an agent of disease ____

Thrichocephaliasis (Trichuriasis)


The anterior end of thrichocephalus trichiurus is embedded in ____ of host.

Intestinal mucosa

This worm is an hemathophage and consumes blood & lipid liquid.

Thrichocephalus trichiurus

Eggs of thrichocephalus trichiurus is ____ shaped with ____ plugs at each pole.

Lemon (barrel), mucous

Ascaris lumbricoides is biohelminth or geohelminth?


Thrichocephalus trichiurus is biohelminth or geohelminth?


Location of thrichocephalus trichiurus (whipworm) in man is ____

Large intestine (caecum and appendix)

When eggs of thrichocephalus trichiurus are ingested, the larvae migrate to ____

Small intestine villi

_____ are mechanical carriers of Thrichocephalus trichiurus ( whipworm).


Symptoms: mechanical injury of intestinal mucosa, toxic-allergic reactions, appendicitis, anemia (in severe cases). Name the disease.


Thrichocephalus trichiurus

Enterobius vermicularis is an agent of disease _____



Enterobius vermicularis is an agent of disease _____



Colour of enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) is ____


Identify the worm: anterior end has bladder like expansion called vesicle, mouth is bordered by 3 lips, bulbus esophagus can be seen.

Enterobius vermicularis


Eggs of enterobus vermicularis is covered with ____ and has ____ shape.

Thin smooth double contoured shell, asymmetric (planeconvex).

Location of enterobius vermicularis in human.

Small intestine (lower part)

Large intestine (upper part)

Location of enterobius vermicularis in human.

Small intestine (lower part)

Large intestine (upper part)

Is Enterobus vermicularis (pinworm) a geohelminth or biohelminth?


In this species, after fertilization the male dies.

Enterobius vermicularis

These helminths keep themselves attached to the mucous membrane of the intestine by sucking action of the bulbus.

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

Females creep out the anus at night and lay eggs on skin (perineal region) in _____

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

The eggs do not develop in outer environment. They cause severe itching in man and has high possibility of self infection (autoreinfection) in _______

Enterobius vermicularis (enterobiasis)

Way of infection of enterobiasis is _____

Fecal oral transmission

Symptoms: mechanical and toxic allergy, itching and skin inflammation in perineal region, inflammation of intestinal mucosa, abdominal pain and appendicitis.

Name the disease


Diagnosis of enterobius vermicularis is ______

Demonstrating of pinworms in stool, eggs in perineal scraping, Graham's test (adhesive skin test)

Ancylostoma duodenale causes disease ______


Hookworm disease

Worms of Ancylostoma duodenale is ____ in color.

Grayish white or reddish

Identify the worm: buccal capsule has 4 hook like teeth (ventrally) and 2 knob like teeth (dorsally). Digestive glands secrete anticoagulant substance.

Ancylostoma duodenale

The adult worm of Enterobius vermicularis lives in _____

Small intestine (jejunum)

The larvae of this worm has large esophagus: anterior bulbus, medial and posterior bulbus. It's also an haematophage

Ancylostoma duodenale

Initial larva stage is _____ and the larvae moults twice to form infective _____ larvae

Rhabditiform, fliariform

In what ways can filariform larvae of ancylostoma duodenale enter human body.

1) By penetration of skin

2) Accidental ingestion of larvae

Symptoms: Damage to mucous membrane of intestine, toxic allergic and mechanical damage, rash and intensive pruritius of skin.

Name the disease.


Diagnosis of Ancylostomiasis is ____

Ovoscopy of faeces, larvoscopy, Harada-mori filter paper technique.