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14 Cards in this Set

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spinach (noun):

a dark green leafy vegetable

- Some kids don't like the taste of spinach.

whip up (phrasal verb):

prepare or cook food quickly

- We don't have much time for dinner, so I'll whip up something right away.

originally (adverb):

in the beginning

- I originally wanted to study computer science, but I switched to engineering.

graduate (verb):

finish or complete

- My sister is going to graduate in December, and I want to graduate in the spring.

exotic (adjective):

unusual and interesting often used when talking about different places and countries

- Some students are from very exotic cultures.

carry (verb):

have something for sale

- Excuse me. Do you carry iPads or iPhones?

hobby (noun):

an activity people like to do for fun or pleasure in their free time

- His favorite hobby is playing tennis, but he isn't very good at it.

strange (adjective):

unusual or different

- That man is a little strange, but he is very kind.

allowance (noun):

a small amount of money often given to children

- How much allowance did your parents give you when you were little?

pile up (verb phrase):

to add up over time

- You haven't done your chores for a week, and they are piling up.

jar (noun):

a glass container, often with a wide open and lid

- This is some delicious grape juice in a jar in the refrigerator.

rest (noun):

the part left over; extra

- So, how are you going to spend the rest of your vacation?

platform (noun):

the place next to the railroad tracks where you wait for a train

- Please meet me on the platform 15 minutes before the train is scheduled to leave.

get something (verb):

understand something

- Most of the time, she doesn't get what the teacher says.