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12 Cards in this Set

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What is characterized as conditioned reinforcement function, supporter of operant that produces it, an enduring reinforcing stimulus
clicking sound followed by food
What involves teaching the final component or link first
backward chaining
On a chain schedule of reinforcement, what is an SD less effective as when there is a long delay between the SD and unconditioned reinforcement

conditioned reinforcer

What refers to stimuli correlated with positive or negative reinforcemnt that maintains an observing response
good news, bad news
What is the behavior analysis of booking a flight on Delta Airlines
concurrent chain schedules and delay reduction
What is produced by paring a conditioned reinforcer with more than one unconditioned reinforcer
generalized conditioned reinforcer
Why is attention from others reinforcing for children
preceded a variety of reinforcement
Why do victims become emotionally attached to people who mistreat them
negative reinforcement of affectionate behavior
When studying chimpanzees what is similar to food in maintaining behavior
token reinforcement
What has been used to improve the behavior of psychiatric patients, juvenile delinquents, normal children and medical patients
token reinforcement
What can bridge the interval between earning and spending
token reinforcement
What can maintain and train performance on discrimination tasks
token reinforcement