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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the three protective methods?

  • time
  • distance
  • block

What are the three ways workers are monitored?

  • age
  • checkups
  • tags

The ____ the exposure time, the greater the dose.


The ____ should be as large as possible and the ____ should be as small as possible to reduce the exposure time.

מוקד אמיתי

מוקד מעשי

How does a short exposure time improve חדות?

By reducing movement (improves

חדות תנועתית)

Time exposure +

Radiation ?

Time exposure +Radiation +

יחס ישר

What device can shorten exposure time?

ישור מתח

Distance × 2 = Radiation × ?


Distance × 1/2 = Radiation × ?


Distance +

Radiation ?

Distance +Radiation -

What is the

חוק הריבועים?

Strength of radiation changes in opposite proportion to the square of the distance:

Radiation strength =

1 / distance sqared

What are the two types of distance?

FFD - focus film distance

OFD - object film distance

What is FFD?

FFD is focus film distance, or the distance between the tube and the film.

What is OFD?

OFD - object film distance, the distance between the body part and the film.

What happens with a large OFD?

Shade and magnification

If we double the FFD, the radiation has ___ the power. If we triple it?

1/4, 1/9

When do we raise the OFD?

When we want magnification such as in mammogram.

To reduce radiation, distance should be as ___ as possible.


How else can we use distance to reduce radiation?

Not have any assistants in the room

How can we block radiation?

Shielding with a lead apron or lead wall (thin lead = thick concrete)

When are thyroid shields mostly used?

On surgeons who can not leave their patients

What size walls shield radiation?

Concrete 15 mm or brick 25 mm

How thick are lead aprons?

.25 mm but double to .5

What is HVL?

Half value layer--the thickness required to reduce radiation by 1/2.

What thickness should lead be to block all radiation?

.5 mm

What are some types of shields and tags?

Leaded glasses

Thyroid collar

Lead apron

Over apron badge (eye tag)

Under apron badge (whole body)

Finger ring dosimeter

How often should a radiographer be checked?

Once a year by dr + blood, urine

Lenses every 3 yrs

How many vacation days does a radiographer get?


How does a radiation tag work?

Wear on chest, measures whole body radiation

What enables נטור אישי?

Whole body tag plus tag for exposed organs

How often do we switch tags?

Once a month (each month different color)

How does the tag detect radiation?

Tag is based on TLD, thermoluminescent dosimeter. Has 3 lithium fluoride גבישים, which behave like tissue. More exposure more e- movement. Not affected by temperature.

How is the tag checked?

Heated to 300°c, lights up with more radiation. get a report each month. 5 REM a year allowed.

Which side of the tag goes our?

Side with bumps

What are the rules of the tag?

Chest tag under apron, others over. Don't leave in sun. Don't lend.

What is listed in the report?

0 exposure if less than .1 msv (10 miliram). Added to yearly amount. Eye tags recorded separately.

What is considered a radiation incident?

Exposure over 125 militant (1.25 msv) will be investigated.