The growth of youth gangs around the United States is well documented. Between the early 1970’s and present day, youth gangs have been sited in all fifty states. As crime related to gangs continue to be a problem within communities, people are beginning to hold a strong belief that youth gangs are a serious problem because areas with more gang activity are reporting higher rates of violent crimes committed by these gangs. It is important to understand why juveniles are becoming members of these particular gangs. According to Sobel and Osoba (2009) the failure of government to protect the rights of individuals from violence has led to the formation of gangs in which they serve as “protective agencies.” Many believe that the government’s failure to deter crimes is what is causing the increase of gangs. People are now turning to gangs as protection because they do not feel any protection from the government they feel that they are endangered and need to find security elsewhere. “By failing to punish offenders when they violate the rights of other individuals, the current government legal system has created an environment where there is a significant demand for these private protective agencies” (Sobel & Osoba 2009, p. 997). The problem lies between the governmental protection and the distrust between the community and the government. As many people feel that offenders are not being punished for the crimes they commit, it is as if they believe they have no other option but to take matters into their own hands. Gangs are not only affecting communities through violence and crime but through control. Communities that lack both social opportunities and social organization are more likely to have high gang rates. Social opportunities are important within communities because it gives individuals different chances to succeed based on their social networks and the overall environment they live in. Gangs are taking over society and have control over what goes on in many areas. Although not all gangs are equally powerful through communities, they still hold power through the fear of citizens. Juveniles today may see this as a power struggle and feel as if joining a gang is the only way to become successful or hold some type of power in their lives. It is important to understand the bigger issues of violence when dealing with street gangs. …show more content…
Juveniles and young adults do not just commit a disproportionate number of offenses; they also have an impact on overall trends in crime (Blumstein & Wallman, 2000). It is important to understand the amount of influence our communities have on juveniles. Today, it seems that guns and drugs are easier to access than it may have been in the past and juveniles are involving themselves in more frequent crime. According to Mares (2010), youth gang members are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors than those who are not involved in gangs.
Research has shown gang issues are involved more in urban areas. Social disorganization is a prime example of this research. Although not all members of gangs are involved in serious violence crimes, violence does outline a major problem in urban communities. Juveniles turn to gang membership in these particular areas for protection. They feel that no one is there for them and they need to go out looking for safety. Many of these juveniles come from broken homes with no guidance. They do not know any better and the members of these gangs feed off of the vulnerability of these troubled juveniles. They take advantage of them and influence them to commit certain crimes to continue to …show more content…
Importantly, it is imperative to understand that youth involvement in gangs can introduce a form of adolescent adaptation. For example, it may create peer bonds; provide safety and a remedy for boredom. Adolescence with anti-social behavior are prone to engaging in juvenile delinquency, they are influenced by their peers, and at times engage for a higher social status. Juveniles may feel the pressure to join certain gangs because their friends are already involved in