For the individual, the community health profile also stated that, “People who are incarcerated have higher rates of mental illness, drug and alcohol addiction and other conditions” (p.7). Individuals who go to jail for crimes like murder and gun possession have a higher possibility of becoming mentally ill, drug and alcohol users etc. Activity in gun violence leads to higher risk of death for a person. In terms of Microsystems it affects families and friends creating fear and limiting relationships among neighbors. Organization like local business are driven out, schools are in unsafe environments for learning, community coalitions are established to address the issue of gun violence and reducing youth delinquency . Localities like this neighborhood are categorized and individuals are more likely to becoming victims of violence. The Macrosystem is the largest level, and is affected by creating policies like stop and frisk and background checks to prevent gun crime. As well as, establishing age criteria to limit access to young …show more content…
The textbook would identify them as “structural forces”. The socioeconomic status of families in Brownsville are 40.4% below poverty level according to the community health profile. Which stated that “Brownsville residents live in the poorest neighborhood in Brooklyn and the seventh-poorest neighborhood in NYC” (2015, p.6). Gangs are predominant within the Brownsville community. Gangs are not limited to certain ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, gender, and geographic characteristics. In an article review by Brien et al. states that, “Given the close association between gang participation and violence, there is significant overlap between risk factors and developmental trajectories for involvement in violent and gang delinquency”. They create fear and violence within neighborhoods, transport in drugs, destroy property, involve youth in criminal acts, and drive out businesses. Gangs can attract teens away from school and home into a life of violence. One of the dangerous aspects of gang violence is its often unselective and