What is my worldview?
What I try to do is view the world through what scripture says. And by what I mean by that, is that when ever there’s a social issue or dilemma, I try to answer and respond by how the scripture would. Of course I don’t do this one-hundred percent of the time, because if I did, that means I would never sin. One can’t sin if they view and respond by what scripture says, specifically what Jesus said. So what my worldview is that I try to look through the eyes of Christ, and how he would respond. Because if I try to view it from my sinful and corrupt eyes, then I would get an inaccurate representation of the world. …show more content…
A worldview is only good if its accurate. And the only way we could get an accurate representation of the world is if we use the bible as a guide book. If we use the bible as a guide, then and only then, is when we get the clearest picture of the word. Its important to have an accurate worldview, because we respond to others by the way we view the world. If someone thinks the world is filled with no good people, then he’s going to walk around bitter, because he perceives the world in a negative