Why We Should School Start Later Essay

Superior Essays
Once upon a time, there was school. Wait what? Whether you know it as a cliché for once in the past or the basic formula for beginning fairy tales, this indium is easily recognizable by many. Oftentimes it is followed by character histories full of leisure and seemingly missing any aspect of violence. Consequently, the ensuing conflict seems a better comparison for such a diabolical topic as school. Millions of students have had to groan themselves awake on a Monday, realizing that they would soon be in school. These early morning starts are inconceivably monotonous and difficult to maintain. In hopes of a preventative method to quell such unpleasant daybreak confrontations, the school board has contemplated traversing the school day to 9:30 …show more content…
After that, however, glaring flaws question a want for such a "luxury." For all of the ensuing reasons, I am strongly against any modification to the existing time system. Firstly, half an hour added to the school day consumed work and leisure time. Furthermore, costs for the school would be increased and overall enjoyment of students and staff would drastically decrease. Next, various sporting schedules inside and out of school would be disrupted. Practices in school would extend far into the night, while club and AAU players would find themselves absent at games and practices. Finally, sleep patterns would be disrupted for years to come. Explained here is the fact that workplaces in the future will not be so courteous as to extend the start time due to the need for sleep. Students, in turn, would not be as well prepared for adult life, nor would they possess time enough to complete all necessary actions prior to a reasonable curfew. Discussions with pertinence to the majority of the week prove to be dull, however. Weekends, on the other hand, are a superb time for relaxation; perfect opportunities to do as you please with little care or concern. Particularly, fairy tales are an exceptionally pleasant way of passing time. As the cover is opened, those familiar words await; bringing smiles wherever they travel: "Once upon a

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