Why The Reckless Survive Analysis

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The risks underestimated are those that contribute to our recklessness as a society. Thousands of lives are lost to reckless decision making, yet incidents keep occurring at higher rates every year. Whether that be smoking, not wearing a seatbelt, or simply stepping into a car, these daily tasks are not considered a threat. Thousands of campaigns have rallied in showing that these risks are in fact a danger, but the campaigns are ignored. At an evolutionary standpoint, our brains were wired for survival. Logically the assumption would be that survival would be dependent on decisions that would favor safety, but this is not the case in our current day world. Neither are our minds designed to calculate the risk of every situation made, while …show more content…
He explains in detail the recklessness of modern day individuals. By describing how people don’t think in a rational manner when risk is involved. He also states that we underestimate the risks that are most likely, while overestimating the risks that are unlikely. He finishes his essay by wrapping up and stating why the reckless will always be thriving and surviving within …show more content…
(944). Pathological gamblers are destroying their lives, and have the same reckless health habits. My great grandfather on my mother 's side of the family was both a gambler and the combination of being a smoker and drinker. Every morning my great grandfather would wake up, poor himself whiskey, and then proceed to smoke a cigar. He repeated this task until the day he died. His never ending choice to not only waste money on gambling, but also on cigars and whiskey that were bound to kill him, was his downfall. The same reckless health behaviors lept down to my grandfather, effectively killing him, and then to my uncle who ended the chain by making the decision to not have children. This relates to what Konner stated in the quote that: Heavy gambling tends to be synonymous with mediocre health decisions because both are a matter of taking risks. Those who are already pathological gamblers are far more inclined to act upon other unhealthy habit choices such as smoking or drinking. We have the exact mindset as a gambler, or the mindset that every gamble is going to be a win. Whether that be winning in the practical sense of winning money, such as using a lottery ticket, or raffle. Or when smoking cigarettes, and expecting not losing your life to cancer. As

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