Teenagers Should Be Tried As Adults Essay

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The idea that teens should or should not be tried as adults, if they commit a felony has “stirred much opposition and controversy” over the years (Estudillo 3). A couple years ago, a 15 year old girl from Plymouth, Michigan was convicted because she and her boyfriend had plotted to kill her family so she could run away with her 23 year old, at the time, boyfriend. Roksana Sikorski, slit her brother’s throat and he woke their parents and their younger sister up with his screams. Michael Riveria was sitting outside their home, texting Roksana instructions. Although this example is extremely violent, this is a felony. Teenagers should be tried as adults if they commit a felony. One reason why teens should be tried as adults is that a felony is …show more content…
In order for the teenager to be put back into the community the right way, they must get psychological help. Unfortunately, getting the proper help that is needed, is expensive. It is extremely hard on the families of the teens who have been tried as adults, both physically, emotionally, and financially. Adding the extra burden of getting psychological help is exhausting. If a young individual does not get the right help, if any at all, then it is a horrible cycle. A cycle of a person getting into trouble again and again, just so they can have food in their bellies and a roof over their head, because they have nowhere else to go. As for Roksana Sikorski, her mother “made a final plea for a judge to grant her daughter mercy when he sentenced her for her role in a plot to kill their family” (Herrera 1). Teenagers should be tried as adults if they commit a felony because a felony is a felony no matter what age a person is and because teens know what is right and what isn’t. This is an endless topic of controversy. Roksana Sikorski will be paying her 10-20 years in prison, and until she turns 18, she will be at a juvenile

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