Just Mercy Joe Sullivan Case Analysis

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An estimated 250,000 youth are tried, sentenced, or incarcerated every year across the United States (campaign for youth justice). There is large controversy regarding whether or not children and young adults should be required to be sentenced as adults, regardless of their age and circumstance. This is believed to be the most logical way of approaching this matter because every case should undergo the same consequences despite the criminal’s circumstances. An opposing view would argue that it is necessary to take into consideration the situation of each criminal case before deciding on the punishment. They would also claim that children specifically, should be given another chance due to their lack of maturity. Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy …show more content…
In 1989, Joe was a mentally disabled thirteen-year-old child living in a home where he was regularly subjected to physical and sexual abuse. On May 17, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an historic ruling in Graham v. Florida that holds life without parole sentences for juveniles convicted of non-homicide offenses unconstitutional. The decision entitled Terrance Graham, sentenced to life without parole at 17, and dozens of other juveniles sentenced to life without parole to relief, including Joe Sullivan, whose case also was argued on this issue. In his majority opinion, Justice Kennedy explained a categorical rule barring life imprisonment without parole sentences "gives all juvenile non homicide offenders a chance to demonstrate maturity and reform. The juvenile should not be deprived of the opportunity to achieve maturity of judgment and self-recognition of human worth and potential."(eji.org). “The Court recognized that it is cruel to pass a final judgment on children, who have an enormous capacity for change and rehabilitation compared to adults,” said Bryan Stevenson. This ruling was crucial because it shed light on the importance of rehabilitation for children who have the capacity to grow and learn from their mistakes.

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