Imagine hearing the words, “Mom, the doctor said I am positive for HIV/AIDS” leave your child’s mouth. HIV/AIDS and countless other STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) will be widespread across the world if sexual education is not permitted in all schools. PubMed, a branch of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, specifically …show more content…
Students who are hidden away from necessary sexual education are most likely to become pregnant at a young age, especially if their environmental status is unfavorable. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) explains, “Less favorable socioeconomic conditions, such as low education and low income levels of a teen 's family, may contribute to high teen birth rates.” The aforementioned CDC statement simply means that those who are not exposed to education about prevention, protection, and awareness on teen pregnancy, are most likely to boom this overpopulated earth. In addition, according to the UN (the United Nations), the deprivation of authentic sexual curriculum will not merely affect the proliferation of teenage pregnancy but will also affect issues such as the spread of diseases, reproductive health, safe motherhood, and human rights Therefore, reproductive criteria can lower the rates of teenage pregnancy in the United States by properly informing the people on how to take precautions before engaging in sexual …show more content…
During the heart-pounding time of sexual interaction with their partners, teenagers that have already reached puberty will make unwise decisions about sexual acts; such as having sex without a condom. The organization Future of Sex Education states that the only solution for this sexual ignorance is accurate sexual education that teaches pubescents about reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), abstinence, condoms, sexual violence prevention, and sexual orientation. Parents should feel more worried about the lack of necessary, sexual information that their children may not know about. For instance, the Caribbean has already established a sexual education program in their region that has resulted in a positive outcome. The Wayne State University conducted a study on the Caribbean’s sexual education program, and found that,”… parents exposed to Caribbean Informed Parents and Children Together showed higher knowledge of condom use skills, perceptions of improved condom use competence on the part of their youth, and perceived improved parent-child communication about sex-related information.” The “Caribbean Informed Parents and Children Together” program also helped parents communicate more effectively with their child on proper sexual information, even though the youth were the targeted audience. Programs like the “Caribbean Informed Parents and Children