Why Kids Should Not Have Homework

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Your friend calls you and asks if you want to come over, you really want to! But… you have way too much homework! I believe that kids in school should not have homework. Although some people think that homework helps teach responsibility, homework actually causes health problems, and homework can take time away from important activities.

My first reason about why I don’t think that kids should receive homework is because it causes health problems. According to article #2, “giving too much homework to kids can cause stress, and too much stress can cause illness.” Kids can get sick from too much homework! Article #2 also states, “High school students and middle school students are up all night doing homework.” Kids with a lot of homework are not able to sleep at night. Furthermore, According to Webmd, sleep loss can cause car accidents, it can
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According to MetroParent, “high schoolers have on average 3 hours of homework each night.” That is a lot of time to spend on homework! Also, homework is not only stressful on students but it is also stressful on the parents. Because the parents are not able to spend time with their kids, metroparent says. Homework doesn’t only affect sports, but homework can affect family and family is the most important. New York Times states, “Homework takes away from everything the kids used to do.” With all of the homework that the kids get they don’t get to do what they love! New York Times states, “Homework can dominate over evenings”

I believe that schools should not give students homework because homework takes time away from important activities, and can cause stress and other health problems. Some people believe that homework teaches discipline. What do you think? Do you like being stressed out about homework? Do you like missing activities because of too much

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