There are few traditions as weaved into the fabric of American youth as much as summer vacation. The origin of the 3-month leave of school goes back to the 1800s. Originally, it was based on the Agrarian calendar when children were needed as farm hands during harvest seasons. It is obvious that we live in a different era than the 1800s, most people see summer as a time to unravel from the school year and enjoy a little bit of leisure, but today this idea is fading. This generation is unique to those before it, because of the forces of globalization and technology academic competition is increasing at rates never before seen.…
Activities like making Vines, shooting hoops, and reading can be extremely enriching” (28). Students and teachers accumulate a great deal of stress throughout the school year. This summer break helps them wind down and become stress free for the summer. It also lets teachers have enough time to get material and supplies ready for the next school year, which is not easy within a year-round schedule. Multiple teens depend on summer jobs to help pay for family expenses and to fuel their vehicles to hang out with friends.…
51 N. Grandview Ave Dubuque, Iowa 52003 9/22/15 Stan Rheingans 2300 Chaney Road Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Dear Mr. Stan Rheingans: Summer break is great in all, but year-round school will allow students to still get a break every once and a while and they won’t forget as much as they would have over the summer. My name is Adam Kramer; a student at Washington Middle School. I am writing this letter to try and persuade you into thinking why our school district should change our regular school days into year-round school.…
Instead of a ten-week summer vacation, in which information is difficult to retain, we would instead have a four to six-week vacation period, creating frequent and smooth rolling breaks throughout the year. Lessening the need for longer review periods within the beginning of the school year. Allowing for a more regularized, stress reducing break system for not only for student, but for staff as well (Yeager, "Year-Round Education Program Guide."). Stress can often put a damper on our productivity and have detrimental health effects if not…
It's important for students of America to have a summer break because it will increase their academic performance. If students had to go to school year-round, they would become less dedicated to their school work, and would lose intrest in school. If we want our students to like school,…
The weather is great for doing many activities together. Parents won't have to worry about planning to do stuff since the break would be so long. The longer break would cause for a lot less stress for…
Introduction Sleep is a state of leisure accompanied of altered level of recognition and relative state of being inactive, and belief to environment is diminished. And sleep is important on account that it's the Key to our well-being, performance, security and fine of lifestyles, as critical because the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat to operate and reside at our fine and as essential aspect as just right nutrition and pastime to choicest wellness (Owens JA. 2003). . summary What is sleep?…
My best day of spring break was when we were driving home from Ohio and we saw a huge car meet. We had to stop by because there were so many cars to see. Before we walked into the meet, we stopped by Starbucks to get coffee. From there we walked to the meet. It was a pretty exciting walk because you could hear cars, music, and lots of talking.…
No one wants to give up their summer break for anything, especially school. Children enjoy their summer, it is the time they can do whatever with no interruption, like run outside all day, swim, or hang out with friends. Many teenagers have summer responsibilities, bailing hay, for example, is an all-day activity and is easier to start in the morning so it is not too hot and teenagers cannot bail hay for their parents or some old man who needs help if they have to be at school. With no teenagers making hay, for old men who need help, who is going to do it? Summer is also a time for families to visit other family members out of state or go on family vacations together, they cannot go on vacation with school taking up that time.…
I think a good Spring Break is when you have a lot of fun and go on an dream vacation that's mine but yours may be different may be different. Would be usually be just go to grandmas or dads but not this time. I would want to go to silver dollar city but I would want a pizza place there to make teacher pizza. With tamed dragons you could ride and keep them I would want a night feuary and I would name it toothless just like an how to train your dragon.…
Ok so I think Spring break along with any other break is awesome because you miss SCHOOL! One thing that could make it better is 2 more weeks of no school. And don't forget no little brother! If I that little TURD was gone for 3 weeks it would be the best 3 weeks of my life! So it doesn't really get better than that.…
Spring break this year definitely wasn’t my favorite! It wasn’t terrible because I didn’t have to go to school or practice, but that didn’t really help the situation my family was in. It was mostly just a really boring break! Over spring break my whole family came down with a nasty virus!…
Summary Let’s Sleep On It by Lea Winerman (2006) discussed that if you had more hours of sleep then you would have more brain activity which could lead to better learning and a more extensive memory. Robert Stickgold, PhD from Harvard “believed that sleep allows us to process, consolidate and retain new memories and skills”. Stickgold also investigated sleep effect’s on students who would learn a new tasks and would deprive them of a one night’s sleep to see how well they remembered the new skill the next day. The outcome of this experiment was that the student would need to recover 2 nights of sleep, instead of one (Winerman, 2006). Using this technique would make him see the students who didn’t have the new skill very memorized versus the…
Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation Sleep can be defined as an obligatory period of physical and mental relaxation, where consciousness, thought, and voluntary movements stop and sporadic dreaming occurs. No one knows why or how humans and other animals sleep, but it is certain that the type of sleep influences quality, quantity, and the effectiveness of wakeful mental and physical activities (Thompson 1). Daytime languor, due to sleep deprivation is a major complication for fifty percent of college students as compared to thirty six percent of adults. An expansive, sixty percent of students have reported being sleepy, dragging, and tired at a minimum of three days per week (Hershner 3). Inadequate sleep hygiene is the most common cause…
A unhealthy habit that I do consistently, is not getting the recommended amount of sleep. On a constant basis, I am often sleep deprived. This is due to the fact that I am trying to balance, school, work and internship all at once. The problem becomes so problematic that I have to schedule naps during the day consistently. Not getting adequate amount of sleep affects my wellness.…