Fifty-six hours into NASA’s third attempt to land on the moon, Houston radioed the spacecraft with a seemingly-innocent request. Following NASA’s instructions, the astronauts turned on the hydrogen and oxygen stirring fans in order to obtain more accurate readings. Two minutes later, an oxygen tank exploded. Electrical power and the altimeter readings began to fluctuate wildly. Communications were briefly lost.…
"Why We Should Increase NASA 's budget" Ever since the moon landing, our urge to explore the Heavens has overwhelmed us. As a Result we 've sent many probes to Mars, Jupitar, Venus, out side our solar system, and Even to our sun. But as time progressed it seems the hope we have had in nasa has deplemished as well. Like A Jewish Barber said "... We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in.…
Jobs give us the money we need to support our families. Pay bills. Keep your house. Pay taxes. Space explorations have been also a big part of our society.…
Imagine living among the stars and other planets. The view of stars and planets would be amazing civilians should travel in space because we could find way more about other planets, stars, and galaxies than from down Here on Earth looking through satellites. NASA has said that we know that there is other life out there we just don't know where. We have found that there is a lot of planets out there with water, that means there could be plankton, which means there could be fish and other aquatic animals and in other other systems the temperature is different from Earth so that means if there is life that it would look and react differently.…
I am nowhere near done, I’m gonna work on it all this weekend. I apologize. Space Race "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." John F. Kennedy After World War II, tensions were high between the United States and the Soviet Union (USSR) due to disagreements between either territory. When the two rivals announced the launch of their own space satellite within three days of each other, a competition, although not announced publicly, was clearly underway.…
NASA has a 19.1 billion dollar budget, which goes towards space exploration. Furthermore, 98% of those rockets are successful. Overall, the 98% of rockets go towards exploring and learning about Space. Space exploration enhances national security and protects us from danger.…
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, says Neil Armstrong. I think that we a letting other countries get further ahead medically and technically. One journey makes us our most famous quote but if we keep exploring we will have plenty of those quotes. That is why he United States of America should be involved with major exploration of space and deep sea ocean.…
Space Exploration Humans always had a nature of curiosity. That’s what drove Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano to circumnavigate the globe. They discovered new lands and crossed new oceans. If they weren’t allowed to go on the voyage, then our history would be too recent. Humans would still be exploring and naming lands in later centuries, if such an event were to happen.…
From Apollo 11 to the Mars Pathfinder, space exploration has been a big event in the United States, as well as across the globe. Some would say that space companies have too much money given to them, which they believe is an issue. I believe the opposite. If space companies were given more financial aid, we would be much further than Mars right now. This has been an obstacle along with the issue of the competition here on earth between countries, and the hazardness of contamination.…
Throughout time, scientists have researched whether intelligent life exists on planets other than Earth. Scientists have sent many different telescopes and devices into space to try and capture life on other planets. They have been trying to find life on Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. Scientists think Mars has the best chance of sustaining life. Scientists have done research as to if each planet in the Milky Way Galaxy can sustain life.…
The leaps we have taken to learn what is found in space is quite remarkable, we started out just looking with our naked eye wondering what we were even looking at, to now-a-days where we are trying to answer the question of should we live in space. Scientist, Head NASA officials, and so many more have expressed their personal opinions on what is going to happen next, and one bit of common ground that they can all come to is that money is going to be a main issue. With the International Space Station costing around one hundred and fifty billion dollars to just build, it brings up the question, is it worth going back to space? The answer is no, but what we do need to do is begin to do research on making it possible to go to space without sending our nation into more and more debt, How do you expect to build and upkeep a moon base, that may cost billions and billions of dollars, when the country is already 18.15 trillion in debt?…
I agree with Sagan. Humans need to ally with other organisms either living among us or galaxies apart, in order to protect the planet and to become…
Without space exploration there will not be enough people left to fight any wars, or find ways to stop the terrorist acts. This is a huge problem, yet people will not think…
With the emergence of a new space race in recent years, the topic of space exploration has come under fierce scrutiny. Combustible claims are being thrown into the forges of debate from both the opposing side and those that fervently follow the exploits of the various space agencies. While both sides of this debate have various logical points, they both tend to follow the same well-traveled track. The opposing side of this argument tends to charge forth asking, why should we spend money on such an expensive endeavor when we have problems to solve right here on earth? Whereas the side in defiant favor of space exploration routinely counters with an argument that space exploration is an undertaking of rich discovery that benefits all of humanity in the long-run.…
Should Money be spent on Space Exploration? It would be advisable that more money should be invested into NASA for space exploration purposes. The reason why this would be a good idea is because with NASA focusing on Space exploration they would have to find ways to make stronger and faster rockets and more filling meals for long space flights. In this essay, I will examine what NASA has done for humanity as well as what their primary goal is, additionally I will examine why NASA should get more funding as well as the risks involved, risks that can be fix with more study and funding.…